
Love Don't Live Here Anymore

R-18 Elise's story is filled with unexpected twists and turns, but she is a resilient young woman who faces challenges with courage and determination. When Elise discovers the truth about her boyfriend's betrayal with her half-sister, it is a painful blow to her already complicated life. The upcoming confrontation at the twins' birthday party adds even more tension to the situation. Elise must decide whether to seek revenge or take the high road and move on from the hurtful betrayal. As she approaches her 18th birthday, the mystery of the information her mother left for her and her father deepens. It could be anything from a hidden inheritance, a family secret, a message of love and guidance, or even a revelation that could change her life forever. With the support of her loyal best friends, Deonne and Christian, and the strength she inherited from her late mother, Elise has the power to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger than ever. The choices she makes in the face of betrayal and the secrets revealed will shape her future and lead her toward fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. ********** Author's Note: Please follow me, comment, and vote. It lets me know how I'm doing with the story. Thanks in advance!

MRC_Johnson · Urban
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15 Chs


As I strolled through the halls of Saxon High, my aura screamed opulence and arrogance. The click-clack of my designer heels echoed with every step, emphasizing my overbearing presence. My long ash blond locks flowed like a cascading waterfall, adding to my regal air. After all, I was Delphine Wilson, a name synonymous with entitlement and unbridled ambition. Flashback to the pivotal moments of my upbringing, where the spotlight was perpetually fixed on me. Born to the illustrious pairing of Timothy and Cassandra Wilson, my existence seemingly revolved around lavish extravagance and insatiable desires. Spoiled to the core, I wielded my every whim like a queen overseeing her indomitable domain. I, in every essence of the word, was the embodification of high maintenance, manipulation, and unapologetic self-indulgence.

A year my senior, my sister Elise's existence was an incessant thorn in my side. The apple of our father's eye, she effortlessly commanded his unwavering adoration, leaving me to fume in a tempest of envy. While I craved his affection, it appeared reserved solely for Elise, exacerbating my seething resentment. Conversely, my mother Cassandra fed my penchant for indulgence, perpetuating my brazen ways in an unintentional dance of parental preference. Elise's companionship with Louis and Deonne McNeal emanated a vexing camaraderie that irked me to no end. Louis, with his unattainable allure, was an object of my fervent affections since the tender age of eight. However, his preoccupation with Elise propelled me to the precipice of a maddening love. My relentless pursuit of Louis was unyielding, a sentiment wholly one-sided and fueled by an insatiable yearning for reciprocation.

The cacophony of emotions coursing through me was reminiscent of a turbulent tempest, manifesting in my impassioned determination to lay claim to Louis. As a freshman, the chasm between their accomplishments and mine was a glaring testament to my unyielding quest to seize the attention I so fervently craved. My failure to captivate Louis sparked an insidious desire to sabotage Elise's relationship, my futile attempts serving as kindling to the fires of my unrequited affection.

In a clandestine liaison, I ensnared Louis into a web of trysts, our rendezvous cloaked in secrecy. However, my fervor waned beneath the oppressive weight of Louis' insurmountable silence, a torment that gnawed at my courage with each fleeting moment. My existence was a symphony of unrelenting anguish, consumed with the brutal truth that I may never be enough for him. As the tapestry of their senior year unfurled, I found myself increasingly sidelined, my bid for Louis' affection eclipsed by Elise's radiant effervescence. The impending graduation loomed as an omen of my imminent doom; an existential nemesis poised to sunder me from Louis' destined embrace.

A clandestine retreat to a secluded classroom during the rapturous chaos of graduation was my final gambit, an inconspicuous locale free from prying eyes and discordant distractions. Louis held vigil before me, a testament to the throes of my vexations, his presence serving as a beacon of iridescent allure I fervently lusted after. In a tempest of emotions, Louis' admission tainted my fervent ecstasy with the cruel revelation of Elise's standing. The gossamer strands of my dreams were rent asunder, the harsh reality staked a claim that sundered my fathomless yearning. Nevertheless, Louis' vow served as a beacon of hope, promising the culmination of our clandestine ardor in a resplendent unveiling bereft of shadows - a public culmination.

Elise's incipient swoon was a serendipitous spectacle, a harbinger of discord that fomented a tumult of guilt and elation within me. A tempest raged within; a maelstrom of emotions churned in my unwavering determination for Louis' declaration. As I observed the scene unfolding before me, a tempestuous tumult writhed within, manifesting in my foolish girdle. A voyeur to the chaos, I silently exulted in Elise's profound distress, a sordid silhouette of my lack of contrition.

At Every fibrous specter of dread, I indulged in my parents' contemptuous glances, a silent retort underscoring my lack of concern for Elise's plight. Louis, enshrouded within Elise's embrace, sparked a maelstrom of vexation and vitriol, an antithesis of the sulfatide pangs that rent my obstinate heart. Nonetheless, when the tempest had subsided, serenity cloaked me once more, an encompassing lull that sheathed my tumultuous yearning in its calm embrace. Ever the vapid siren, I exorcised all trace of discord, allowing the thicket of my desire to settle and lull against the tempest of my wounded heart.

In conclusion, my actions staked a claim, an obstinate proclamation in the tumult of my fervent adulation and steely resentment. Through it all, I remained a beacon of fortitude amidst the tempest of discord that raged within me, a paragon of ethereal passion emboldened by the tempestuous mirth of my unwavering desire. "All right, Delphine." I told myself, trying to calm the storm surging within me. The empty classroom had transformed into a sanctuary of chaos, unraveling the threads of my meticulously woven desire. I was determined that Louis would be mine, no matter the cost. But as I retreated back into the clamor of the graduation celebration, my mind relentlessly echoed his words. I meandered through the throngs of exuberant graduates, my façade of buoyancy concealing the tumultuous tempest roaring within.

As I navigated through the jubilant crowds, I sought the savory reassurance of my friends. Every laugh was a fragile veneer, every smile an irascible semblance masking the relentless tempest raging within. I was seething with resentment, grieving the shattered fragments of my grand illusion. Recollections of my obsession for Louis began to unravel, each strand a testament to my unwavering devotion. It was the tender age of eight when the seeds of my infatuation first germinated, nurturing the poignant desire that would relentlessly clutch at the fringes of my soul.

Louis, with his arresting charm and winsome allure, was the elusive beacon that held me steadfast in the undercurrents of my yearning. His impenetrable indifference served as the crucible that fueled the fires of my obsession, a conflagration that inexorably consumed me. As I waded through the tumultuous tempest of my emotions, each recollection bore testament to the depth of my yearning. The realization that Louis would never reciprocate my ardor eviscerated the very fabric of my being, leaving naught but the searing wounds of my unrequited affection. Deonne's overt disdain lingered as an ever-present specter, exacerbating the cauldron of my unyielding desires. Her incisive gaze pierced the very core of my tumult, a silent testament to the futility of my fervent yearning.

Each step was a lamentation, a cacophony of discord that reverberated through my very essence. I was adrift in the tempest of my obsession, ensnared by the relentless cadence of my unrequited yearning. Amidst the tumultuous cacophony of worried whispers and frantic footsteps that saturated the air, we finally made our way home after the abrupt interruption. Elise was cradled delicately in my father's muscular arms, her pallid complexion a stark contrast against his robust stature. The hushed urgency that enveloped us seemed to dampen the vigor of the night, casting an eerie pall over the usually jubilant atmosphere. As we entered the stately threshold of our opulent abode, the grandeur of the Wilson estate exuded an air of pristine refinement, an indomitable bastion against the pandemonium that had ensued. The ornate furnishings cast elongated, shadowy figures in the dimly lit foyer, a silent reminder of the tranquility that was now but a fleeting memory.

My mother, Cassandra, assumed an air of poised concern as she flitted effortlessly through the halls, her graceful figure a testament to her unyielding composure. However, beneath the veneer of her composed facade, a flicker of disquiet was discernible in the depths of her usually impassive gaze. Elise was tenderly ushered to her quarters, cradled in the warm embrace of her sumptuous canopy bed. The soft, whispered assurances from our father acted as a balm upon her distress, a soothing melody amid the dissonance that warbled within the confines of our opulent mansion.

As the commotion dissipated, a hollow vacuum seemed to echo throughout our residence, casting a desolate gloom upon the effervescent spirit that once thrived within these hallowed halls. My trepidation was scarcely quelled by the pallid moonbeams that filtered through our windows, casting a spectral luminescence upon the austere decorum of our home. While the remnants of our evening of jubilation continued to dissipate in the tendrils of the night, the tempest that thrashed within me refused to relent. The crescendo of emotions plundered the tranquility of my inner sanctum, casting a tumultuous specter of discord that defied all efforts at assuagement.

As I resign myself to the lonesome embrace of the night, the tempest within me enraged with the fervor of a marauding storm. Louis, his enigmatic allure a pervasive fixture in my seething thoughts, fanned the flames of my relentless obsession. Each echo of his name resounded within the hallowed recesses of my mind. As we stepped across the threshold and into the hushed confines of our stately abode, a solemn pall descended upon the residence, a stark juxtaposition to the jubilant atmosphere that once imbued these high grand halls.