
Love Don't Live Here Anymore

R-18 Elise's story is filled with unexpected twists and turns, but she is a resilient young woman who faces challenges with courage and determination. When Elise discovers the truth about her boyfriend's betrayal with her half-sister, it is a painful blow to her already complicated life. The upcoming confrontation at the twins' birthday party adds even more tension to the situation. Elise must decide whether to seek revenge or take the high road and move on from the hurtful betrayal. As she approaches her 18th birthday, the mystery of the information her mother left for her and her father deepens. It could be anything from a hidden inheritance, a family secret, a message of love and guidance, or even a revelation that could change her life forever. With the support of her loyal best friends, Deonne and Christian, and the strength she inherited from her late mother, Elise has the power to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger than ever. The choices she makes in the face of betrayal and the secrets revealed will shape her future and lead her toward fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. ********** Author's Note: Please follow me, comment, and vote. It lets me know how I'm doing with the story. Thanks in advance!

MRC_Johnson · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs



Anais stands in the corner of the vibrant classroom, her wide eyes nervously scanning the room. The air is filled with laughter and excitement as children engage in various activities. Anais hesitates, feeling overwhelmed by the chaos around her. Suddenly, a bright and confident little girl, Alaine, skips over to her.


Hey there! I'm Alaine. What's your name?

Anais hesitates for a moment, her shyness evident in her demeanor.


I'm Anais.


Nice to meet you, Anais! Do you want to play with me?

Anais looks up at Alaine, her face reflecting a mix of uncertainty and longing for connection. Slowly, she nods, a timid smile forming on her lips.


Sure, I'd like that.

The two girls immediately bond over building colorful block towers, their laughter filling the classroom. Anais's initial trepidation melts away as she finds comfort in Alaine's warm and inviting presence.

The teacher approaches, observing the newfound friendship with a soft smile.


Look at you two getting along so well! It's wonderful to see.

Anais and Alaine exchange shy but delighted glances, their friendship promising to blossom into something truly special.


Anais, you can be the mommy, and I'll be the big sister!

Anais hesitates for a moment, but seeing Alaine's excitement, she plays along.


Okay, I'll be the mommy. Let's make a cake for the family while they're at work and school.

They start gathering pretend ingredients and mixing them in a plastic bowl. Their laughter fills the room as they take turns pretending to pour and stir the colorful concoction. Ms. Jackson watches from a distance, her eyes filled with pride as she sees Anais coming out of her shell and engaging with Alaine.


(whispering to herself)

They're going to be the best of friends.

The two girls continue to play, their imaginations carrying them to a make-believe world where anything is possible. As they act out their roles, a beautiful bond begins to form, one that promises years of shared adventures, laughter, and unwavering support.

The school bell rings, signaling the end of playtime. Anais and Alaine exchange a happy look before gathering their pretend cake creation and placing it on the play kitchen table.



That was so fun, Anais! We should play together again tomorrow!


(nodding with a smile)

Yeah, I'd like that.

The teacher, Ms. Jackson, approaches them with a warm smile, clearly delighted by the positive change she witnessed in Anais during the playtime.


You both did such an amazing job! I'm so glad to see you getting along, Anais. I hope you'll be friends for a long time.

Anais nods, her reservations about making friends at school slowly fading away in the warmth of her budding friendship with Alaine.

The girls gather their belongings and join the rest of the class as they head off to the next activity.

As they walk, Anais feels a sense of belonging that she hadn't experienced before, knowing that she has found a true friend in Alaine.


This scene highlights the early stages of Anais and Alaine's friendship, reflecting the beginning of a bond that would shape both of their lives in significant ways.


Anais reached for another frame, a wide smile adorning her lips as she hung up a photo of her and Alaine as young girls, their laughter frozen in time. "It feels like just yesterday," she remarked, gazing at the image.

Alaine nodded, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia. "Time flies, doesn't it? Look at us now, ready to conquer the world."

Turning back to the box of memories, Anais added, "We've come a long way from building block towers in Ms. Jackson's classroom."

The sound of Alaine's voice was like a warm embrace, reassuring and familiar. "Definitely. And we're just getting started."

As they secured the last photo, Alaine's gaze shifted to the window. "Hey, isn't that Cassandra?" She pointed outside.

Anais followed her gaze and caught sight of Cassandra, a tentative smile playing on her lips as she walked past their condo. "It is. Should we say hi?"

"I suppose it's time for a fresh start," Alaine mused, her posture brimming with resolve.

Claire, their cheery neighbor from across the hall, sauntered into their living room, her bright eyes bouncing between the friends. "Decorating the new place, I see?" she chimed in, her voice perky and full of curiosity.

Anais and Alaine exchanged knowing glances before Anais replied, "Yes, we're trying to make it feel like home."

"Mind if I lend a hand?" Claire asked, her enthusiasm mirroring the vibrant decor around them.

Alaine grinned. "We'd love the help. Besides, we could use some fresh perspectives."

With newfound determination, they delved into transforming their living space with Claire's added creativity. The room buzzed with chatter and laughter as they worked together, the clink of decorating necessities providing a rhythmic backdrop.

Outside their window, Cassandra paused, her gaze lingering on the vibrant tableau of friendship and aspirations, a wistful expression flitting across her features. Her fingers hovered over her phone, contemplating whether to reach out. After a moment's hesitation, she continued on her way, a subtle spark of hope igniting within her.


The vibrant campus cafeteria buzzed with animated conversations and the clatter of cutlery, creating a lively backdrop for the encounter about to unfold. Cassandra approached Alaine and Anais, a tentative smile gracing her lips as she held out a bouquet, the delicate blooms a symbol of peace and reconciliation.

"Hey, Alaine, Anais," Cassandra said, her tone carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I hope we can put the past behind us. I... I brought these as a peace offering."

Alaine and Anais exchanged a meaningful look, their expressions reflective of their shared history and the complexities of their current dynamic. After a brief pause, they both nodded in unison, accepting the flowers and extending an olive branch of their own. "We'd like that," Anais responded, her voice warm and conciliatory.

The trio settled at a nearby table, their conversation punctuated by moments of laughter and tentative reconnection. As the afternoon unfolded, Cassandra's presence gradually integrated into their friend group, her once-tentative smile blossoming into genuine camaraderie.

However, beneath the surface of camaraderie, subtle jabs-tinged Cassandra's interactions with Alaine. The glint in her eyes held a hint of mischief, and her comments, though ostensibly innocuous, carried an undercurrent of rivalry.

Alaine maintained her composure, gracefully navigating the verbal sparring with a blend of diplomacy and restrained assertiveness, her eyes betraying the subtle flicker of annoyance. Anais observed the interactions, her perceptive gaze capturing the nuances of the unfolding dynamics.

Despite the undercurrent of tension, the atmosphere around the table remained veiled in an amiable facade, the air thick with unspoken sentiments and the potential for conflict. As the cafeteria bustled with activity, the trio's complex dynamics simmered beneath the surface, setting the stage for an evolving narrative of friendship, rivalry, and concealed motives.


The hospital room was filled with a sense of heavy silence, as Anais lay on the bed, her once vibrant eyes now masked with a shadow of pain and exhaustion. The sounds of various medical machines filled the room, creating a surreal backdrop to the grim reality that had befallen the Wilson family.

Timothy sat beside her, his usually composed demeanor shattered by the devastating news. "How could this happen, Anais? You've always been so strong," he murmured, his voice laced with a tinge of desperation.

Anais managed a faint smile, her pallid features betraying the vibrant woman she had once been. "Sometimes even the strongest of us have to face our vulnerabilities, Timothy," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I should have paid more attention to the signs. I should have sought help sooner."

Timothy's hand reached out to gently grasp hers, a futile attempt to alleviate her pain. "You couldn't have known, love. You've always been so resilient, so full of life. This... this isn't fair," he choked out, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

A distant look flickered across Anais' eyes as she gazed at Timothy. "Life has a way of reminding us of its fragility, Timothy. We can't always control the hand we're dealt, but we can choose how we face it," she whispered, her words laden with wisdom and acceptance.

A tear escaped Timothy's eye as he struggled to come to terms with the impending loss. "I don't know how to do this without you, Anais. You've always been my rock, my guiding light," he confessed, his voice laden with the weight of impending grief.

Anais mustered a weak smile, her eyes reflecting a profound love for her husband. "You've always been stronger than you believe, Timothy. You'll find a way, for our daughters, for yourself," she reassured him, her voice filled with unwavering faith in him.

As the weight of the poignant moment settled around them, the family came together, united in their love and in the face of impending loss. Anais' presence, although fading, remained a profound reminder of the enduring strength of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

Anais turned her attention to her dear friend Alaine, who stood by her bedside, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Alaine, my dear friend," Anais began, her voice fragile yet filled with determination.

Alaine clasped Anais's hand, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "Anais, please don't speak as if...," she trailed off, unable to voice the impending reality.

Anais gently squeezed Alaine's hand, her gaze unwavering. "I need to talk to you. I don't have much time left, and there are things that I need to entrust to you," she said, her words carrying a weight of finality.

Alaine nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Anything, Anais. I will do anything for you," she promised, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Anais's eyes conveyed a profound sense of urgency as she spoke, "Bellamy Conglomerates, my company, it's... it's my legacy, Alaine. I need you to promise me that you'll watch over it, that you'll ensure my vision for the company continues to thrive," she implored, her voice wavering with emotion.

Tears glistened in Alaine's eyes as she nodded, her commitment unwavering. "I promise, Anais. I will honor your legacy, and I'll ensure that Bellamy Conglomerates continues to embody your vision and values," she vowed, her voice thick with emotion.

Anais's gaze softened as she looked at her friend. "You've always been a pillar of strength, Alaine. I have complete faith in you," she expressed, her voice filled with gratitude and unwavering trust.

Alaine's promise hung in the air, a solemn commitment made in the face of impending loss. Anais found solace in knowing that her legacy would live on through her dearest friend, and that Wilson Tech would continue to flourish under Alaine's stewardship.

As the weight of the emotional conversation settled over them, Anais and Alaine held onto the unbreakable bond that had weathered the trials of life and would continue to endure, even in the wake of impending tragedy.

With unwavering determination, Anais sought to secure the future of Bellamy Conglomerates, her life's work, even in the throes of her declining health. Her gaze shifted to Daniel Grimes, who stood by her side, his unwavering dedication evident in his steady presence.

"Daniel, I need your assurance," Anais began, her voice filled with resolve despite the fragility of her condition.

Daniel looked at her with deep understanding, his commitment unwavering. "I'm here for you, Anais. Whatever you need," he assured her, his voice filled with unwavering support.

Anais nodded, a sense of urgency driving her words. "I'm entrusting you with the responsibility of ensuring my will is carried out. I need to know that my wishes for Bellamy Conglomerates will be fulfilled," she expressed, her voice carrying the weight of her unwavering determination.

Daniel's eyes reflected his unwavering loyalty. "You have my word, Anais. I will see to it that your legacy is protected, and your wishes are honored," he pledged, his demeanor resonating with a deep sense of commitment.

Anais felt a sense of relief wash over her as she placed her trust in Daniel, knowing that he would ensure her vision for Bellamy Conglomerates endured beyond her time. With the weight of her legacy hanging in the balance, she found solace in the unwavering commitment of those she had chosen to entrust with its preservation.

The room was filled with a profound sense of enduring friendship and unwavering dedication as Anais, surrounded by her loved ones, forged a path to secure the future of her life's work, imbuing it with the essence of her indomitable spirit and unyielding determination.

That night, Anais passed away.