
Love Don't Live Here Anymore

R-18 Elise's story is filled with unexpected twists and turns, but she is a resilient young woman who faces challenges with courage and determination. When Elise discovers the truth about her boyfriend's betrayal with her half-sister, it is a painful blow to her already complicated life. The upcoming confrontation at the twins' birthday party adds even more tension to the situation. Elise must decide whether to seek revenge or take the high road and move on from the hurtful betrayal. As she approaches her 18th birthday, the mystery of the information her mother left for her and her father deepens. It could be anything from a hidden inheritance, a family secret, a message of love and guidance, or even a revelation that could change her life forever. With the support of her loyal best friends, Deonne and Christian, and the strength she inherited from her late mother, Elise has the power to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger than ever. The choices she makes in the face of betrayal and the secrets revealed will shape her future and lead her toward fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. ********** Author's Note: Please follow me, comment, and vote. It lets me know how I'm doing with the story. Thanks in advance!

MRC_Johnson · Urban
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15 Chs

Alaine I

As the daughter of a billionaire family, Anais Bellamy had always lived a life of privilege and lavishness. With generations of wealth behind her, she had never known anything less than the best that money could buy.

I first met Anais on the first day of preschool in September of 1980. Our parents had both moved into the same gated community in Scottsdale, AZ, and Anais was the new girl in town. She was a shy, reserved child with long auburn hair and striking grey eyes that seemed wise beyond her years.

Despite her shy nature, I was drawn to Anais and invited her to play with me during recess. From that day on, we became inseparable. As we made our way through elementary school, Anais and I excelled academically and got along well with our classmates. Anais had a special talent for singing while I discovered my love for playing the drums. Our shared interests and dependability strengthened our bond, and we both graduated from elementary school with honors, proud of each other's accomplishments.

Entering middle school, Anais and I faced new challenges. The dynamics between boys and girls became more complex, and Anais, with her striking looks and charm, attracted a lot of attention from the boys. This caused some tension, but she handled it with grace and decisiveness. Together, we navigated through the complexities of middle school without allowing any conflicts to come between us.

As we entered high school, our friendship only grew stronger. High school was meant to be tumultuous, filled with drama and teenage angst, but together, we remained each other's rock. We joined clubs and activities, always striving to be the best versions of ourselves. Anais remained humble and down-to-earth, navigating the pressures of growing up in a wealthy family while staying true to her roots.

We both decided to attend the University of California, Berkeley together, with Anais pursuing a business major and me focusing on political science. Moving into our off-campus condo in Berkeley, we settled in and made a pact to support each other through the challenges of college. Our first year was successful and drama-free, and we were determined to keep it that way.

However, as I excelled in my studies, I found myself caught up in an unexpected drama. It all started when I met an upperclassman named Cassandra Wilks. She was confident and charming, and I found myself drawn to her. Little did I know she was known for causing trouble. Despite her initially helpful nature, I soon realized her hidden agenda. She tried to manipulate me into compromising my values and beliefs, causing internal conflict.

Anais, my unwavering lifeline, recognized Cassandra's manipulative actions and never hesitated to call her out. Amid the drama and rumors, Anais remained steadfast, reminding me of my goals and values. Despite the challenges, we finished the year strong, with Anais achieving success in her business courses and landing an internship, and myself obtaining a prestigious internship at a senator's office.

As we celebrated our achievements, Anais surprised me with a trip to Paris to commemorate our success and strong friendship. Looking back on our journey together, from preschool to college, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Anais' unwavering support and encouragement. Our friendship, founded on trust, dependability, and shared ambitions, had endured, and flourished through the challenges we faced.

The anticipation of a memorable trip to Paris, graciously orchestrated by Anais, filled me with excitement and gratitude for the extraordinary friend she had been throughout our lives. I remember the day Anais surprised me with the trip to Paris. The sheer joy that lit up her face as she revealed our destination was infectious. We immediately began planning and imagining all the adventures that awaited us in the City of Light. Anais had always been the type to turn dreams into reality, and this trip was no exception.

As we strolled through the charming streets of Paris, Anais' eyes sparkled with excitement, mirroring the lights that adorned the city. Her infectious laughter filled the air, weaving through the cobblestone alleys and ancient architecture, enveloping us in an atmosphere of pure joy. It was as if the city had lifted the weight off our shoulders, allowing us to revel in its timeless elegance and youthful spirit.

Anais and I savored every moment, from indulging in exquisite pastries at quaint cafes to gazing in wonder at the majestic Eiffel Tower. We found ourselves immersed in the rich tapestry of Parisian culture, its art, cuisine, and the rhythmic echoes of history that resonated through its grand boulevards and hidden passages.

During our visit to the Louvre, I watched Anais' eyes light up as she stood before the iconic Mona Lisa, her appreciation for art and beauty shining through her every expression. In that moment, amidst the masterpieces that adorned the museum's hallowed halls, I witnessed the depth of Anais' spirit, her capacity to recognize and cherish the extraordinary in the world around her.

Our evenings in Paris were like something out of a fairytale. Anais and I reveled in the enchanting ambiance of the city, wandering through the illuminated streets, the soft glow of the streetlamps casting a magical aura upon our shared memories. We laughed, we marveled, and we embraced the timeless elegance of Paris, knowing that this journey would forever hold a special place in our hearts.

As we paused to admire the twinkling lights of the Seine River, Anais turned to me with a radiant smile, her eyes alight with an unmistakable warmth. In that moment, amidst the splendor of Paris, I realized the profound impact she had on my life. Anais had been my constant companion, a source of strength and unwavering support, and our shared experiences in Paris only deepened the connection between us.

Throughout our time in Paris, Anais' genuine spirit, her unyielding determination, and her inspiring resilience had truly come to the forefront. Our trip became a living testament to the enduring bond we shared, a testament to the incredible depth of her character and the enduring beauty of our friendship.

Leaving Paris, I found myself filled with an indescribable gratitude for the journey we had experienced together. Anais had crafted a lifetime of memories in the course of a single trip, memories that would live on in my heart, forever intertwined with the radiant spirit of my dearest friend. The warmth of a familiar embrace and the scent of home greeted us as we returned from our unforgettable trip to Paris. Anais and I stepped into the grand foyer of the Bellamy family estate, our laughter echoing through the opulent halls. It was a welcoming sight, adorned with tasteful elegance and a palpable sense of history.

As we made our way through the expansive mansion, Anais' vibrant energy seemed to blend effortlessly with the timeless grandeur of the estate. The air carried the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals, a testament to the loving care that permeated every corner of the house.

The melodious sound of her mother's laughter floated from the kitchen, infusing the atmosphere with an undeniable warmth. Catherine Bellamy, a woman of grace and charm, welcomed us with open arms, her eyes alight with boundless affection. Anais and I savored the precious moments of togetherness as we recounted our adventures in Paris, her eyes sparkling with the same joy that had illuminated the City of Light.

The Bellamy estate exuded a sense of timeless luxury, a reflection of the family's enduring legacy. As we settled into the familiarity of home, Anais and I found ourselves enveloped in an embrace of comfort and belonging. Despite the allure of our travels, the embrace of family was an irreplaceable treasure, a sanctuary that spoke to the enduring strength of our roots.

True to her spirited nature, Anais effortlessly brought life and laughter to every corner of the estate, her presence a vivacious symphony that resonated through our familial abode. Together, we relished in the joy of reuniting with our loved ones, basking in the embrace of familial love and cherished memories.

The journey to Berkeley for our third semester loomed on the horizon, a testament to the promising future that awaited us. Anais and I were poised to embark on the next chapter of our academic pursuits, our shared dreams and aspirations propelling us forward.

As the days passed amidst the familiar embrace of our family, the air was filled with the gentle hum of conversations that echoed with the shared history and enduring love that defined the Bellamy legacy. Together, we reveled in the shared moments of laughter and cherished stories, weaving a tapestry of togetherness that bridged the past with the promise of the future.

Anais and I eagerly prepared for the upcoming semester, our shared ambitions and unwavering determination serving as the guiding stars in our journey of academic excellence. United in our dreams and aspirations, we found solace in the unbreakable bond that had weathered the tests of time and distance.

As the vibrant landscape of the Bellamy estate bore witness to our shared laughter and cherished memories, Anais and I found ourselves imbued with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Our familial abode became the cradle that nurtured our aspirations, a testament to the unwavering support and enduring love that defined our shared journey.

Amidst the timeless elegance of the Bellamy estate, Anais and I readied ourselves for the adventures that awaited us in the academic sphere, our hearts brimming with the profound gratitude for the gift of familial love and cherished traditions that had shaped our lives.

In the comforting embrace of our family, we found the unwavering pillars of support that had fortified us in our pursuit of academic excellence. The bustling energy of our preparations for the upcoming semester reverberated through the halls of the Bellamy estate, a testament to the shared determination and unyielding spirit that bound us together.