
Love Circle: The great Onyxian Ivan

Isabel_Ngadi · Urban
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4 Chs

~ Speculations ~

" Have you made any research on the latest internet sensation " Jimmy's rude tone rang in Amber's ear jolting her from her thoughts. She turned to look at Jimmy, who strode to her cubicle and slammed a file on her overloaded working table. Jimmy was aggitated as he was always the last to get information on what was trending because of this incompetent young lady who looked at him with confused eyes. He was sure she had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yes I have." Amber king replied with a smug smile. "I made some research and trust me I found a lot of dirt on Jenny Anderson." she declared proudly.

Jimmy sighed and with much self restraint he was able to stop himself from lashing out for the 100th time that week because of this unqualified reporter, Amber King.

"Good morning Jimmy." Another voice was heard alongside the sound of heels hitting the tiled floor in slow steps. Jimmy's face suddenly change and a slight smile could be seen on his lips. Amber turned to the direction of the voice and as usual Sofia was looking as stunning as ever. Amber was a hundred and one percent sure that no woman could look better in black and purple. which woman wore a suit and it brought out her curves so well. Amber couldn't help but look at her self from head to toe wondering when her nerdish life would take a turn for the better.

"Good morning darling Sofia" Jimmy imposing tone turned into a bootlicking one. Disgusting everyone who was unfortunate to be present at that moment.

Sofia blushed lightly as she took a file from her bag and handed it over to Jimmy with a smile that was mixed with the feeling of accomplishment.

"Here is a file with complete documents on 'the black god'." After handing it to him she winked at Amber with a smirk evident on her lips. Amber was sure that her coming in at that moment was not a coincidence. Sofia was just waiting for the right time to make her look incompetent. However her curiosity got the best of her and she asked "Who is the 'black god'?" The moment she asked was the same moment she regretted it because of how Sofia looked at her.

"What kind of reporter are you? You can't be more ignorant can you?" Sofia's disgust for Amber's nonchalant attitude was evident in the way she spoke. "If you want to know I might as well tell you, because I know it will take about a week's time before you figure it out yourself." Sofia mocked her and Jimmy chuckled at her words

"Please darling Sofia tell her about 'the black god' we don't want someones entire week to be spent on something like this."

Amber was used to such ridicule that it didn't get to her anymore.

Sofia laughed at Jimmy's word's then turned to Amber "the 'black God' is the real president of precious stones corp. and the other one we all know was a phony, But then of course that's not what makes him the most searched on the tabloids. He has been named as the most handsome bachelor in the whole city complemented by the billions to his name. Moreover no one has ever seen him appear in a color apart from black"

'so that's where the name 'black God' originated from' Amber thought. she couldn't help but criticize the thinking faculty of whoever came up with such nickname

He wasn't the first rich, handsome business tycoon with a crazy fashion sense neither would he be the last, so what was the fuss all about.

After speaking Sofia just snickered at Amber and walked away and Jimmy followed her wagging his tail. A sight not new to everyone who noticed it

Amber rolled her eyes as she made herself comfortable on her chair once more before opening her phone to check what she had missed.

After scanning through her phone she couldn't help but lament how the tabloids never remained loyal to one story and in an hour a million new things could overtake the most searched story. How was she expected to keep up with it

Everything she saw was exactly as Sofia had just said nothing more, so why was this 'black God' so popular. There was nothing special about him for crying out loud.

She turned to the next cubicle "Max what do you know about this 'black god'?"

"Good morning Amber" Max replied without answering her question

"Good morning Max" she laughed uncomfortably knowing her fault "forgive my manners."

"No problem, I understand, it is not easy to be put between those two. Quite overbearing.

Anyway I don't really know anything about the tycoon apart from the general knowledge you just received."