

A continuation story of Doted by the Alpha and My Husband is a Mafia Book following Mo Tian Zi's journey to Love.

lesson101 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

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"Y-You fucking asshole!" Fire mumbled as his body quivered, glaring at Tian Zi. It's been more than 6 months since his last attack so the backlash was a little stronger, he could already feel himself soil his underwear for the person he didn't even like. This was what he hated about his body, it's too vulnerable to emotional and physical traumas. Just a little bit of scolding and his body reacted like this, how is he going to live normally?? He can't even explain himself properly.

"L-Let me go! Let me go!" Fyre tried to yell but his voice only came out as begging with his useless struggles when suddenly Tian Zi lifted him from the couch and dragged him towards the corner. He was confused why because there was nothing there but his heart began to pound in fear thinking he would end up being molested so he fought with his might but in the end, he was held helpless. There had been so many times when he was almost taken advantage of but he was able to survive until now, but now, him alone with a dominant Alpha in a locked room, all his alarm bells rang.

He imagined himself being taken advantage of and his body shivered in horror. No matter how handsome and wealthy Mo Tian Zi was, the Alpha was still an arrogant bastard who had been making him feel incompetent all this time. He didn't want his first time to be a person like that.

"I-I don't want to... Let me go!" Fyre shrieked and struggled again. This time his tears began to drop until he was suddenly being pushed against the bookshelves with his hand still being held tightly. Of course with his struggles and screams, Tian Zi's grip only became tighter and tighter before he finally snapped growling at the Omega. He's holding onto the last pieces of his rationality and Fyre was doing his best to make him lose it.

The only reason why the Omega was still able to stand and struggle was that he had been preventing his pheromones from leaking out until now with great effort. Because he knew, the moment he also released his pheromones, he was afraid Fyre Long would instead start to jump on him. It happened before and he didn't want that to happen again.

"Don't fucking move if you don't want me to do something bad to you," Tian Zi growled using his Alpha tone that immediately halted Fyre from his struggles, especially when he could feel the Alpha's bulging erection pressing on him. His eyes went wide in shock, even though it was just pressing on him, he could feel the warmth from it adding fuel to his heated body. He did not like Mo Tian Zi but his body was reacting.

Furthermore, looking at the size of the bulge pressing on him, he immediately knew the Alpha would be thicker than the toys he used. He definitely can't have that inside him despite his body's desire. Being that it's his first time with a person, he'll definitely break.

"..." Still pressing on Fyre to relieve himself, Tian Zi managed to snap himself out of his madness when he realized Fyre's pheromones suddenly went stronger. He glared at the Omega tightening his grip slightly pulling away while repeating to himself what should be done as soon as possible because the more he's close to Fyre Long, the more chances of him being taken over by his Alpha instinct and he might do something he would forever regret.

Meanwhile, with Tian Zi's grip tightening, even more, Fyre moaned in pain. He felt like his wrist was going to snap but he couldn't complain or struggle away.

Once again his body shivered in fear but he chewed his lips trying to suppress his cries. He may look tough but he hates pain. He tried training his body so he could better escape in situations like this but physical training where he had to exert too much bodily effort is definitely not for him especially with his recessive condition. If this was running, however, it was possible he could escape Mo Tian Zi but right now, the Alpha's clutches were so tight, there was no way for him to run away.

Only one thing ran into his mind, he needed to explain himself before things escalated. He hated being cornered and being forced to explain himself but if it was going to ease the Alpha's anger somehow, he might be able to escape this situation. It was his wishful thinking but it was worth trying to eat his pride to save himself.

"I-I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to accept that job!" Fyre suddenly shouted, his eyes were sharp glaring at Tian Zi with resentment despite tears constantly streaming down even though he tried to stop them. He was indeed the person who erased Veronica Chime's identity and replaced a new one but that was something he did against his will. Yes, at first he accepted the job because it was a lot of money, but he later declined, learning it was Veronica he was dealing with. His older sister is working under the actress, and knowing that Veronica was doing something illegal, he didn't want to be part of it. He didn't want any danger coming to Remi.

"I was threatened and Remi... Remi will get hurt. I needed to do it..." Fyre continued to explain and this time bawled in both pain and frustration. Why does he have to go through this!? He only did what he needed to do to survive but why does he have to be in this mess right now? About to be defiled by the person he barely even knows. It wasn't Mo Tian Zi's fault that his body was defective but still, he blames him for doing this to him.

"Waahh," Out of this world with his wild imagination, Fyre suddenly yelped in surprise when he was pushed inside a room that wasn't originally there and then falling into the floor with his butt. He groaned in pain at the violent throw but as he was about to glare at Mo Tian Zi who did this to him, his eyes went wide in surprise. He was flabbergasted looking at the shutting door in front of him.

"I get it," Tian Zi said, sounding as if out of breath. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes looked frantic, it looked almost animalistic. A predator setting his eyes on his prey ready to jump any moment he had a chance. Fyre could see how much his pheromones were affecting but the Alpha was doing his best to control himself. Fyre was stunned, frozen as he stared at Tian Zi. This was the first time an Alpha, a dominant at that, managed to control himself after being exposed by his random attack.

"Lock this door and don't let anyone come in until I call Remi Long," Tian Zi instructed before the door shut in front of Fyre. Fyre was still surprised, sitting on the floor staring at the shutting door until he couldn't see Tian Zi anymore.

Meanwhile, the moment the door shut close, Tian Zi leaned against it sighing in relief that Fyre wasn't close to him anymore but soon his eyes landed on his pants and he knew he needed to relieve himself. Without much of a second thought, Tian Zi hastily unbuckled his pants and soon fished out his bulging erection.

"Fuck!" He cursed, grasping its girth with his rough dominant hand. He slightly put pressure on the head using his thumb and he silently gasped as he started jerking the length. He already had precum leaking at the tip but he was still far from coming. He continued to jerk himself vigorously with effort until finally, minutes passed by, his load exploded on his palm. Unfortunately, with the lingering pheromones in the room, his rod refused to calm down.

"Shit," Tian Zi cursed again. This is why he avoided Omegas. On heat or not, they mess with his mind and body without warning and before he knew it he would want to fuck the daylight out of someone he didn't even know the full background.

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"Happened? Why did you suddenly have an attack?" Remi asked Fyre, taking the glass of water after making sure Fyre drank his suppressant.

Earlier, after Tian Zi asked Fyre to lock himself in the secret room at the library, Remi soon came to help her younger brother and now they are in the guest room where he was currently staying.

"It just suddenly happened," Fyre said, disclosing the part where Tian Zi confronted him about Veronica Chime and eventually caused that attack.

"Anyway, where's that arrogant bastard?" Fyre added curiously. He had already slightly calmed down a little, but earlier when he got out of the secret room, a dominant Alpha pheromone lingered in the library. It didn't have to take a genius to know because Fyre knew that was from Mo Tian Zi.

He also knew it was not good for him to see the Alpha at this moment but he wanted to know where the Alpha was. Earlier despite the Alpha almost taking advantage of him, he realized the reason why his heat didn't make his body do some weird shits was that Mo Tian Zo prevented his pheromones from leaking out. That is extremely difficult even for a dominant Alpha but Tian Zi managed to do it. He hated to admit but he was thankful because just a few whiffs of that lingering Alpha pheromones and his leg went soft, he fell unto the floor quivering.

"After he told me what happened to you, I quickly rushed for help but I heard from the maids he also rushed out dragging Jonathan with him," Remi replied. Earlier when he saw the Young Alpha disoriented, she was worried he might have done something to his little brother but now she was glad Fyre was fine. She should thank him later for all the help he had done to them so far.

"Oh," Fyre only said and nodded. He couldn't help but remember Tian Zi's face earlier and as much as he hated to admit it, he was really thankful that Mo Tian Zi has morals after all. If the Alpha ended up taking advantage of him, he didn't know what he might do afterward. It was terrifying because if he was exposed to Alpha pheromones, he would have given in and indulged his desires.

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To be Continued...