
Where It All Began

[Chen Yang to perform on the world's largest stage!]

[World-renowned Chen Yang to have her first concert!]

[Queen of Songs, Chen Yang receives her first award!]

Everything shown on every newspage in every sites would be all about Chen Yang, a singer and actress whose talent surpasses most people in the same industry.

"Congratulations! You really are the best there ever is." a voice could be heard from the other side of a phone call.

"You flatter me. It's really all due to 'Truth'." Chen Yang smiled as she responded in excitement.

Truth is the stage name of a male singer whose face is always hidden. His voice was one which no singer could ever surpass. He is Chen Yang's inspiration. It'd not be an exaggeration to say he has the greatest voice in the world.

"You know, based on his voice, I can tell that he's very handsome."

"You bet he is! But Xiao Ling, let's talk later okay? I have to prepare something. Bye bye!" said Chen Yang as she hung up the call. A few minutes later she received a text message.

[Chen Yang, I have to tell you something. Let's meet up at the usual place.]

It was from Lao Dong, her boyfriend. Seeing this, she excitedly put on her black hoodie and a mask to conceal her identity. She took her car keys and headed to red car.

After 20 minutes of driving, she stopped by a run-down restaurant. She went inside and scanned the area until her eyes stopped at the man who was sitting near a window and staring at an empty space. She walked towards him with a smile.

"Hey. Are you really that excited to get our marriage certificate that you can't wait to see me?" Chen Yang cheerfully joked and sat down the chair across Lao Dong.

"Let's stop this. Let's break up. I've fallen out of love with you." Lao Dong didn't wait for a second to say what was running through his mind.

Chen Yang's smile faded and what was once a cheerful person turned into a gloomy one in just a matter of seconds. She couldn't say anything. Every piece of herself crumbled.

"But don't worry, I'm always here if you need me, okay? You can really call me anytime." With the last sentence, Lao Dong stood up and left. He left behind a shocked Chen Yang, who was still processing what just happened. As soon as she regained a little of herself, Chen Yang immediately ran down outside the restaurant with tears falling down her cheeks. She drove until night fell and arrived at a mountain point where the entire city can be seen. She cried her heart out while punching the steering wheel. After a few minutes of crying, her emotions stabilized a little bit. She then remover her mask, got out of the car, and walked towards the area of the mountain point where you can clearly see the city. As she was closing in, she saw a back of a man. It was someone who was ready to jump off. Chen Yang panicked and ran as fast as she could and grabbed the jacket of the man.

"Not everything can be solved by death! Sometimes, you just have to pull yourself together and try your hardest to destroy all your problems. If you need help, I'll be right here!" She blurted out every comforting words she wanted to hear to coax the man standing on the edge.

Without looking back, the man answered in a weeping tone. "I've no other options. This is the only way."

As soon as Chen Yang heard this, she knew that the man already decided to end his life and cannot be convinced with words so she hugged him from behind and gambled.

"If you jump, you'll take me with you! Do you want to kill someone because of your decision?"

The man froze. His will was shaken because of what Chen Yang said. He couldn't bear to jump. He suddenly moved away from the edge and when he knew they were safe, he turned around.

Chen Yang looked up to see the face of the man. It was Xu Guanjie, the CEO of the most powerful company, Xu Group.

She had mixed emotions. Xu Guanjie was portrayed to be a cold and powerful, yet fair person by the media. Yet seeing him weep, it was like he was just a child whose toy had broke down. What kind of problem would a handsome and powerful man have for him to take his own life?

"Xu Guanjie, you can talk to me about it. I'll be like your lawyer or something since they have a client-privacy thing-a-majig." She smiled at him.

Guanjie was not surprised when Chen Yang knew him. He was very famous, after all. He just had second thoughts of whether he should tell her or not. After a deliberation in his mind, he chose to tell Chen Yang.

"My grandfather's bed-ridden. He's very weak and anytime he would probably leave me. He made me promise to find someone I can marry. Someone who does not care about the wealth I have nor the title of Mrs. Xu."

Chen Yang was just nodding and listening attentively.

"But you know, because I adore him too much and it is my promise to him, I can't really bring anyone to pretend. Knowing him, he'd probably ask for the marriage certificate, which is something I can't forge. Because of the guilt that I probably cannot fulfill my promise, I wanted to go with him."

Hearing his whole story, Chen Yang felt that the person in front of him was a different Xu Guanjie. He was filled with emotions, unlike the one in televisions and news reports.

"The civil office is still open at this time, right?" Chen Yang asked.

"I know someone there. Do you need help with something? I'll repay you for saving me." Guanjie answered.

"Yes. Help me get married to you!"