
Love bud

Love bud is a story of a small village named ivy hill where individuals become eligible for pairing with their life partner at the age of 21,of which the partners are basically chosen by the elders. They would then be tested after 3 years of living together with their partner,anyone who fails would have to stay single forever. Seraphine a young maiden who has a secret crush on her best friend Clark for years hope they would end up getting paired together but that didn’t happen. Unfortunately she was paired up with Damien,her high school bully. They both loathe each other,he hates her for her innocence and weakness. She hates him for being a bully and making her stay in community high hell.. Things get hot in the house after Seraphine got to know that being paired up with Damien was all a plan to prolong her suffering. Due to the conspiracy,her partner which was actually Clark was changed to Damien,but then Damien had started having feelings for her. It’s goes on as a rollercoaster of emotions as Damien tries to win Seraphine’s heart and at the same time correct his past mistakes.

opeyemi_oyeladun · Urban
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83 Chs

Plan B

Chapter 23

Mia's Pov

I knew I wouldn't get Damien so easily so I created a plan B and it's time to put plan B into action. I left the restaurant minutes after Damien left,I wasn't feeling sad but a bit excited to see how my plan goes.

Damien must have rejected me tonight but it was nice hugging him after so long but I must say everything about him has changed, he is more or less a gentleman now especially when he is around Seraphine. He is more thoughtful than he used to be not forgetting that he looks more handsome than he looked years ago.

No wonder why my heart still skips a bit and my tummy evaded with butterflies whenever I see him. He looks like the hero in action movies.

I got to my room, took my bath and lay on the bed thinking about how much drama I will create the next day.

Damien's POV

What audacity! Why would dad stop me from sending her away,I know he brought her here to destroy my relationship with Seraphine. He couldn't live with the fact that I'm in love with her.

All along the journey i couldn't concentrate as I kept on thinking of what of what to do with Mia.

"Hello!" Seraphine said as she entered the room. She has a way of melting worries away with her smile, I don't want anything other than protecting that smile.

"Hi,where have you been. I came home and couldn't find you so I became worried". I replied

"Oh I was bored at home so I decided to go to the stall to see mother" She said as she kept on trying to pull her shoe.

"Why do stubborn" she said grumbling like a kid.

"Let me help you with that" I said unable to hold my laughter.

She sat on the bed as I bend to pull the sneakers off her.

"Size 7?" I asked

"Yes how did you...."

"I can tell by looking at it" I replied.

"Dinner?" She asked.

"Hmm... how about we eat out?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Nah, I'm exhausted I will ask the maids to get me something. I would request for yours as well" She replied.

My hopes were shattered,I couldn't even imagine that I dressed so well only to go there and find that bitch.

"Seraphine did you write any lett.....er" I wanted to ask only to find her asleep on the bed.

"Good night" I said as I covered her with the blanket and kissed her forehead.


The next morning I woke up to see Saraphines hand on my chest with her leg placed on mine as well. This was the first time we would both sleep on the same bed ever since we have been together.

I was deprived of sleep throughout the night because she kept hugging me from behind as she slept. Whenever I tried slipping her hands off she would hug me even tighter.

'I wonder what you would say if I told you all this when you wake up' I said giggling.

I then turned towards her.

"Seraphine" I called out gently. " I have to go to work you see" I said again this time a little louder and she opened her eyes.

Our eyes facing each other, then all of a sudden sprang out of the bed.

"Why am I on the bed and why was I...." She couldn't finish her sentence as she stood embarrassed as she kept pulling her cloth on her chest.

" You fell asleep on the bed yesterday because you were tired and I wouldn't want to carry you to the couch lest you accuse me of being a pervert " I said jokingly.

"You could have woken me up" she protested.

"Did you think I didn't? You didn't respond also you were busy hugging me all over, I'm sure I have dark circles right not just because I couldn't sleep well" I replied trying to taunt her.

It felt good to fight like kids." Tch... seriously I can't even believe you right now" She said as she left the room in a hurry.

Seraphine's POV

I can't believe I slept on the bed with him. What was I thinking?. Still engrossed in my thoughts I accidentally bumped into Mia on the hall way spilling all the papers she carried.

"I'm so sorry " I said as I bent to pick them up.

"You shouldn't apologize,I should have been more careful as well ". I thought I didn't hear that well,since when does Mia acknowledge her mistakes?.

I noticed she was trying to prevent me from picking what I think were pictures. As she finished picking them,she smiled at me and left.

'That is strange' I said. I was about going out to the garden then I changed my mind because I remembered I promised mother I would be accompanying her to the stall later in the day. Here am I,I haven't even brushed my teeth.

I turned towards the opposite direction and I noticed I stepped on something. I picked up a picture and what I saw left me speechless!
