
Love Boundless

When the all seeing eye from the African pantheon, the seer supreme had a vision in which she cried blood, the entire pantheon was in chaos. a prophecy had been given and when all hung in the balance a slave girl with the purest of heart became the god's only hope, their redemption, their consolation or their destruction.

phareeda_asheri · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The journey took 20 market days, but finally they had arrived at the palace, even the exhaustion could not dampen the amazement and awe in which OMA and her father took in the sovereign's palace. It was grand and breathtaking like a diamond in the rough, the palace seemed to meld with the Forrest and waters around it. To the west it was bordered by a beautiful but steep waterfall, To the north it was bordered by a vast ocean clear and blue, to the east a maze of orchads, rivers and streams and to the south, forests with tree trunks the size of 10 men put together. It was the Forrest that called to OMA as soon as she set her eyes on it, the orchard and streams felt like home but the Forrest called to her with the ferocity of clashing waves. A feeling that magnified the more she looked at it. This feeling pooled in between her legs, the intensity made her stagger, her father was beside her and caught her before she fell.

Are you okay her father asked her? yes papa I was just weak Oma lied.

She adjusted the hood of her cloak to cover her face better. she did not understand the feelings that were raging through her, she was sure that she had never been here before nor had her mother and father come from here so why did this place feel like coming home. why did she feel as if the the waterfall is an old friend welcoming her home, why did it feel as if the oceans was a long lost granny enfolding her in a much needed hug, why did the orchards, streams and rivers feel like a mother's embrace and kiss. Most confusing was the Forrest, the Forrest was a majestic and melded with the ocean. But the ocean felt like nothing she had ever felt, even looking at it brought heat pooling in between her legs something she had never experienced before. As soon as they were settled she would ask her father


Rivulets of sweat rolled down his brow and back, as he layed beside the passed out maiden, he had not cum as usual, that was both his blessing and his curse. His phallus was unnatural, from its size to the unnatural groves around it from base to tip. This made all the women crazy as soon as he penetrated them. And his curse, he had never been able to spill his seed in all his 28 Summers. It had been 13 agonising years of giving women pleasure but never getting the ultimate pleasure of releasing his seed. He had his pick of women, be they maiden, widows, spinsters. He had tasted them all, yet to no avail. Titilayo felt as if she was in the realm of the gods, the sensations she had felt as the prince's phallus was driven into her core, her last thought before she leapt off the cliff of Ecstasy " The prince is mine, I won't share him with anyone." Titilayo was a personal maid to the prince, she had worked hard and had done whatever was needed to get to exactly where she was, in the prince's bed. She wanted to become queen and she would become queen at all costs.

The prince sighed and disengaged himself from the passed out maiden and proceeded to clean himself up. When he heard a knock on his door, "who is it" he asked, "it is I my prince" Tonye his manservant answered and stepped into the room. "My Prince" tonye said in a scolding voice I thought we agreed that you would stop bedding every maiden you come across, what would people say if they were to pass by and hear one of the maidens screaming on top of their voices in deference to your skill in the bedroom. "Its good then that  i am the priest and my house is close to the entrance to the sacred grove and no one ventures near here" the prince answered in a bored tone, so why could you not wait for me to come out? This year's tributes have arrived and your presence is needed in the throne room as is customary as you have first pick from the maidens and men given as slaves. "I suggest you wash so that I can make you presentable as we do not want you to reek of sex while going into the throne room, your father would behead me for sure" retorted Tonye with a mischievous look in his eyes. "If you weren't my friend and I did not love you as a brother I would have beheaded you myself" the prince replied saucily.

So distracted were both the prince and his manservant that they did not notice the shadow of two in the room bearing witness to all that was said and done.

Tonye shook his head at his best friend and brother, though they were not brothers by blood but by the gods. Tonye loved the prince as If they were brothers. He felt the pain his bond brother felt because of his predicament, being the mouthpiece if the gods and one who communed with the cosmos hadn't done him much good when it came to his predicament. Being endowed with an abnormally large and odd phallus that could bring pleasure to any woman to the point of unconsciousness. Sacrifices had been made, enquires had been made yet the gods remained silent. As the prince's bond brother, he endured what he did, so in turn he Tonye had never known a woman though when his bond brother had his fun some of the sensations filtered to him. Tonye was brought out of his reverie when the prince slapped him on the back, let's go my bond brother and see what has been brought for us this year stop being melancholy, the cosmos always has a plan. The both of them left for the throne room, the two gods watched as they left, watching wearily as the darkness in the heart of the maiden called Titilayo grew even as she slept. they needed to get back to realm of the gods as the war had already started. The two gods left not really seeing the corner of the room that was unusually dark or the fact that the shadow was moving. The shadows coalesced into the silouhette of s woman who was both beautiful and dangerous, she smiled seeing the sliver of darkness that had embedded itself in the sleeping maiden's soul. IT HAS BEGUN.