
Love bond

When love overtake you Love attack those who can't believe in love Trailer: 1_Name Min ho Age: 23 A cold CEO 2_Lee Na Ra Age: 20 A famous actress and a sweet girl 3_Soo bin Age: 23 Min ho secretary and his childhood best friend 4_Kim DAE Age:22 A famous actor love Na Ra 5_Suzan Age: 21 Lee Na Ra best friend and very intelligent "I don't want to marry" "Who is she" Min ho is a famous business man of south Korea who can't believe in love Lee na Ra is a a girl belongs to a rich family of Korea There parents engaged them Min ho didn't look at her Lee na Ra fell in love with him She fell first but he fell harder

Affifa_Tae · Urban
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6 Chs


Na Ra is standing Infront of the mirror looking herself up to down she admires herself she is wearing a red shirt skirt with a white crop top she is wearing high heels she apply a little bit red lipstick to look more hot she carry her hand bag and start leaving her apartment she open her car and start driving.

Min ho is sitting on the table waiting for his fiancee to come he again and again see his watch "arghhh I am wasting my time" he cursed under his breath. He stands up and go towards exit.

Na Ra is entering the restaurant she open her fone to see the massage which pop up on her fone screen she is busy reading the massage and still walking inside she bump into someone but before she fell on ground a muscular arm wrap her waist preventing her to fell down.She open her eyes and look at the man who is looking at her, he help her stand properly "Thank you" Na Ra says while adjusting her skirt "No problem" saying that the man left.

Na Ra look at him then she saw that a old man is afraid from the road and he wants to cross the road then again she saw the man he went near the old man and help him to cross the road" I think I find him" she says and smile looking at the man, then her mind click that hus fiancee is waiting for her inside she immediately went inside and go near the table she say there is no one then her eyes fell on a letter she pic the letter and got confused.

"I am sorry but you are too late and I am a busy person hope we meet up again or may be not".

"Wow really he left without meeting me what a mother fucker" Na Ra cursed under her breath then her fone start ringing she huffed looking at the caller id (Mom❤️).

"yess mom what know" Na Ra picked the call.

"You meet him? is he nice you love him right" get mom ask with excitement.

"Are you serious mom he already left without meeting me and leave a letter saying he is not free" Na Ra says angrily.

"may be he is really busy" her mom says with confused look.

"Mom I didn't look at him once" Na Ra says while sitting on table.

"ok then I will send you his photo" her mom cuts the call.

Na Ra put the fone on table and sigh

"finally I found a man I love but when I am engaged wow what a life" Ma Ra says with a pout.

A massage pop up on the phone screen Na Ra open the massage and it's a photo send by her mother, she open the photo and stand up smiling like an idiot.

"He is the man" she says and hug the fone screen.

Min ho enter inside his house then his father stop him by saying" I got to know that you didn't meet her" his father says while sipping his coffee " so she tell you" Min ho says and sit on the sofa."brat now look at her photo we will arrange your date this week ok" his father show him his phone screen, Min ho look at the screen and frown " Ooo don't tell me that she is my fiancee" Min ho frown " why she is a famous actress" his father says.

"I see her today busy in her fone" Min ho says and leave.