

"Okay then it's fixed. Wei and Yuan will be in charge of this class. You two will work together," Liu Ye said.

"Me and Yuan will work together?? Ahhh is it true?" Wei's mind started to explode in sudden announcement. It's like luck is on her way. She started to smile brightly.

Suddenly Yuan stood up and said, "I object. She can't be the monitor."

Wei looked at Yuan in anger.

"I disagree too," Zhi Rou said standing up.

"This bi**tch," Kaci said with anger.

"Why can't she?" Liu Ye asked.

"She didn't obey the rules here. She ate snacks in class and also did violence with others. If she becomes a monitor then this class won't be in control," Zhi Rou said.

"Who said you can't eat snacks in class?" Liu Ye asked.

"It is you who set up this rule, master," Kris replied with a grin.

"Then I will change the rule. You can have snacks here in your free time," Liu Ye said.

That really made all of the students happy. But because of fear they didn't show it outside. Yuan and Zhi Rou surprised by his action.

"I disagree. You can't change the rules like that," Yuan said.

Liu Ye smirked looking at Yuan and said, "Who said I can't? If I made the rule then I have the right to change it."

Yuan sat after hearing the reply.

"I agree with your decision brother," Suddenly Kaci said, standing up with a smile. She tried to get attention from Liu Ye.

"Did I ask you? Who allows you to call me brother? Go run two laps on the ground," Liu Ye said with a harsh tone.

"Stupid, what wrong with you? You asked for it," Fang said.

"Who will allow you to talk while I'm here?" Liu Ye suddenly asked Fang.

Fang stood up and said sorry.

"You too run two laps," Liu Ye said.

"I disagree, What with this rule? You can't punish without specific reason," Yun said.

"Hey, you. How dare you question your master?" Kris asked.

"I dare to question him. You can't give punishment without any specific reason," Dong stood up. Of course she will not sit calm when someone is bullying her child.

"Okay you four new joined one dare to question me. Then I will teach you how to be obedient. Yuan, what punishment will be given if students are not obedient?" Liu Ye asked.

"Fifty laps while hanging five kg of sand on the shoulder," Yuan said.

Liu Ye looked at four of them with a weird, wide grin on his face. That moment he seems to have become a villain.

"I disagree. You can't punish them like that. I disagree," Wei stood up and said.

"You will get the same punishment," Kris said.

Liu Ye looked back at Kris in anger. Of course Liu Ye doesn't want to punish Wei.

Liu Ye was about to say no need to punish her but the two standing behind Liu Ye said to him it will be weird if you do not punish her.

Liu Ye nodded.

"Let's give some consideration. It's their first time," the seniors said.

"Okay, then do one thing, five of you run fifty laps, no need to carry sand. Only for this time I'm giving consideration. Don't be obedient next time. Yuan, you will monitor them, and inform me when they finish their punishment," Liu Ye said as he walked outside.

"I can't believe this. This ugly Wei made my brother change the rules. He never did this for anyone. What is wrong with my brother? " Li Hua said.

Li Hua and Liu Ye are real sisters and brothers. But both of them are not well with each other. They become strangers in the university. Liu Ye is not very friendly with anyone. Li Hua only finds him if she wants money other than that they won't talk much to each other nor in university nor at home either.

"He is never soft like that with me. How come he treats her differently? This girl is my enemy from now on. I hate her. You wait Ugly Wei, you wait for what I'm going to do with you," Li Hua said.

"She is not ordinary," Zhi Rou said, looking at Wei.

Wei and the other four went to the ground to do the punishment. They stood there in astonishment after seeing the ground. It's like their eyes don't get the sight. The ground was so long. It will take a long time to finish one lap and they need to complete fifty laps.

"We were supposed to take revenge on Yuan. It's like it's happening opposite," Dong said.

"Do we really need to do it?" Yun asked.

"Someone here to watch us. We definitely need to do it," Dong said looking at Yuan.

"It's all your fault, stupid Kaci. You tried to become a star and we ended up like this," Fang said.

"Sorry, I didn't expect he became this evil," Kaci said.

"I told you before, don't believe everything shown in drama. It's all fake," Yun said.

"How dare he say that I can't be monitored? I will show him what I can do," Wei said looking at Yuan.

Fang strongly kicked on Wei's head and said, "Stupid, first give solution for it."

"Let's run. That is the great solution," Wei said and she ran.

"You devil stupid, I hate you," Fang said.

"Stop nagging. Let's finish quickly," Dong said and she accompanied Wei. Yun joined them.

"You want to finish me? Ahhhh god why are you playing with me. What wrong did I do,' Fang said.

"Stop complaining now. Let's go, they already finished one lap," Kaci said, grabbing Fang's hand.

Fifty laps in that long looking track wasn't an easy task. Will the Ugly gang finish it?