
Love beyond time

A young woman born with an extraordinary gift of second sight who comes from the present time. She is hurled back into ancient Greece and must learn to adapt and protect herself in the past. For there are those who would use her gift of second sight for their own dark purpose. The mortals who serve the gods and Titian's will do anything for power, and a mortal born with a gift from the gods is seen to be blessed or some say cursed. Yet, this young woman finds herself in the protection of a warrior king. Among the people who would use her gift to their own dark purpose of being more powerful than they are now. The young woman finds herself falling love with the warrior, but she knows she mustn't because it could alter history itself. She knows must give her up possibly her one true love and find her way back to her time...

Samantha_Maffei · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 9

Actaea couldn't believe what she was hearing. That her own sister claims she has been searching for her this whole time. And that she can possibly have this cursed lifted. But it still didn't erase the fact that her beloved son was murdered by his half brother from using a dagger that was forged on mount Olympus. Otto was given the blade by a either a god or goddess who wanted Aeolus out of the way and to hurt his father Poseidon. It didn't change anything. "How can you say that, telling me that this awful curse would be lifted. It doesn't change the fact that Aeolus is gone Amphitrite. That there is someone out there that gave Otto the blade, and plotted to be rid of Posiden's demigod son. The son who was born with great powers for being half human. Otto was born mortal and whoever planned this wanted to rid those born with powers out of the way. Have you found any information about who is behind all this?" Amphitrite had a sad look on her face, for she didn't have answer.

"I know this had nothing to do with you dear sister. Poseidon believes that it's his brother Hades who had plotted Aeolus's death. He was so blinded by grief that he turned it on you. If I can just talk to him, make him understand that you did everything that you could to save Aeolus."

"He still blames me though Amphitrite. I made a promise, an oath to protect and care for him. I failed at that, and now he's gone. And my dear Maera and her son will have to be without him. I couldn't have stayed there. She would look at me knowing I couldn't save him. And would know it was part of my fault for not being there on time."

"She wouldn't think that Actaea. You are her family. If what she claims is the truth of her being a decadent of you. Then she will forgive and understand that you did everything that you could. Drakon has been asking about you. He does miss you. I miss you, our parents and sisters miss you Actaea."

"I will not come back. I can't sister. I've been cursed by another god. You know how what that means for us creatures. You know the rules, we are cast aside no matter what happens. That is why I came here to start over. I've made a life here , and found someone who can accept me as me."

"You mean a mortal? You've fallen in a love with a moral sister?"

"Yes, I have. He accepts me for me. Even though I'm cursed and yes time is different for a mortal, he still wishes to be with me. I'm making a life here Amphitrite. I gave everything up back on Naxos, and now this is my new home." Her sister looked so forlorn. Amphitrite went over to her and placed her arms around her. "Please sister come back home. Maera is broken from Aeolus's death. Drakon hasn't been himself. He knows that his father is gone, but he seems despondent. Everyone has been giving their support to him and his mother. It's just doesn't seem enough though."

"I can't come back sister, she would take one look at me and know I couldn't save him. She wouldn't be able to stand having me there."

"She wouldn't resent you sister. She will come to understand that you did everything you could."

Actaea shook her head because she knew that she could never go back. "I've made my decision sister, please just let me go in peace. Forget that you found me here. I'm not meant to return with you or my home on Naxos with the others." Her sister shook her head. "I had to try to come in finding you and telling you that it wasn't your fault. Otto was corrupted by the blade that killed Aeolus. No one saw what was coming. I know it was another god that used Otto for their own malicious plan, which is to bring down the other gods and goddesses. Whoever is behind it wants to eliminate us on Mount Olympus. I had to find you to tell you that you are needed back, but also to warn you that one of the main gods is out there that want to be rid of us lesser immortal beings."

"I will be cautious sister, and you must stay safe as well. No will look for a cursed immortal here on this small island. I will will be alright, and I will come find you if I ever need you. You're the only one and a few others I trust out of our family." Actaea stepped towards her sister and put her arms around her. She gave her a huge hug, knowing she might not see her for a long time. Amphitrite hugged her back and they stayed that why for a short time saying their goodbyes.

Amphitrite finally stepped away from her, "I will come back when I can to see you. If you ever need me sister you know where to find me."

"It's to dangerous right now, but when it's safe come see me."

"We will see each other again sister." Amphitrite hugged her tight one last time. Then she turned away and started to walk back towards the sea. She stepped into the water and began to descend into it, becoming part of it. Then she was suddenly gone just as she appeared from the sea.

Actaea took a deep breath and stared out into the sea. How part of her wished she could go back. It was apart of her, the sea, the island Naxos and the people she left behind. Yet, she made her decision to let it all go. She had to move on for it was the only way. Lysander would be waiting for her, to start a life with each other even though time was short for mortals he wanted to be with her. Actaea turned away then from the sea and slowly headed back to her hut and towards the life she has chosen. As she walked back up the trail to her home she saw Lysander waiting for her, he was smiling and he was carrying wild flower for her. This was gonna be her life now, with him.