

<p>"So, when does your flight leave?"<br/><br/>"Six tonight."<br/><br/>"I know you won't have much time before school starts, but I think it's great that you're trying to get away to the beach. Remember, have fun, show some skin, and get laid." Reyes laughs heartily and I throw one of my bed pillows at her.<br/><br/>She's been trying to hook me up with some young hunky male for the past three years, but I don't feel ready. I'd rather be far away in a frozen distant land than to talk about my lack of getting laid,<br/><br/>"Seriously Michelle, enjoy yourself. Anyone you meet you won't ever see them again, so take a chance. What did that lovely piece of ass Knox say about this trip?"<br/><br/>I shake my head and roll my eyes. I think on what she says and what she asked. I continue to pack and think about my therapy session with Dr. Knox. "I can tell by you're dazed look you're thinking too hard on this."<br/><br/>I shake myself out of my mind,<br/><br/>"Knox agrees it will be good for me, but he didn't say anything about getting laid." She wants to take me to the airport, but I let her know I have an uber coming around five. She pulls me down to the bed next to her, <br/><br/>"Hey, you need this and it's ok to enjoy yourself. I only wish I could go." I know she's thinking of the kids and her semester at the college before our school year begins.<br/><br/>"I know. I only want to relax before the chaos ensues and I'm not trying to get laid." She ignores my toddler pouting moment and changes the subject.<br/><br/>"Well, I have to go pick up the kids. Think about what I said. If you don't have a good time, I'm taking you to the bar and we're going to get shit-faced drunk and hit on every guy in the place." She gives me a long tight best friend hug and I walk her to the door.<br/><br/>##########<br/><br/>Beaches and books. Is there any other perfect combination to live by in this forsaken world? Sand between my toes, salty sweetness on my lips, and crashing waves harmoniously remind us all of how small we are, nobodies, just peons. I could lay on Maddie's comfy blanket, read, and listen to the waves speak to me for the next forty years. There's a perfect breeze as the sun shines down on me to say good afternoon Michelle. I continue to read, Jane Eyre, for the twentieth time. Bronte is one of my best friends, she helps me escape to a place of peace. Just as Mr. Rochester falls from his horse a dark cloud ominously waves away my perfect morning sun that I was basking in, "Fuck!"I believe I'm saying to myself, but it was aloud. Then I hear a deep raspy voice,<br/><br/>"A woman as beautiful as you shouldn't say words like that." Who the hell is this shadow talking to? As I raise my hand to my forehead to block the glare of the sun, I notice a tall, shirtless, hunk of a man hovering over me. How is it possible this amazing body can make me forget how to speak or why I'm lying on a beach? His eyes are an amazing hue of sapphire blue with a hint of gray, they hypnotize me. He's so close to my lounge chair, his eyes are penetrating, I have this intense feeling run through me, it's difficult to break away from those eyes, but I do. I hear an immense pounding in my chest and ignore the tingles down below. I calmly reply,<br/><br/>"Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion." He looks surprised by my response and my tone. He smiles a wicked smile, picks up his frisbee, and stands in my sun to toss it to an incredibly tall, sexy blonde. He turns back to me with a wicked smile.<br/><br/>"Hope to see you around," he says and winks. I doubt we'll see each other again so I don't respond. He runs toward his cute blonde girlfriend and it's hard for me to break away from his muscled, tanned body. Yes, frisbee boy, go play far far away. As I'm trying to get back into my relaxing beach mood, I can't get those mesmerizing eyes out of my head, so much for reading.</p>