
LOVE BEYOND MY REACH Author:Asekimeh Sharon

Mara is a simple girl that lives in the Ranch in a village very close to the town, she has always dream of working in the city. she went for an interview and met with Alexander the CEO of wings empire and that was the beginning of an obsession for her

DaoistX9ATni · Fantasy
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6 Chs



It was 8:30 am and I couldn't just believed I missed the first bus to town, and then the second bus too.

I just wish I could forward the hand of time so I it will be 9:00 already

Okay on the other hand is my mother who would not stop yelling my name and she knows how much I hate the farm

speaking of the farm, it rained yesterday and we were all in the farm as usual. I couldn't stand the cold feel of the wet ground and then my father that keeps asking me to farm more.

I am so happy to go look for a job in town, after my high school I made my father a promise that if I don't get a job in two months I would come work with him in his ranch

I never knew the time could fly so fast and that job hunting is not a game of shares

I just have two weeks to the end of two months

on the other hand is Celine, my immediate younger sister that won't stop reminding me of the time.

standing here and it's already 8:40 and it's just five minutes walk from my house to the bus stop.

I started outfit the bus stop and arrived at exactly 8:45 and then I could see everyone staring at me

yes in this part of the word you can hardly see someone dressed on a cooperate wear and this morning I did spend lots of time in front of the mirror.

The bus arrived at exactly 10:00 and we started on our journey to the city.

we are here at St Jude and the street is as busy as always and I tried find the book the address was written

oh, what a day I can't believe I left it at home, today is just not my lucky day. My star in my previous life must have been a bad one today

I tried to recall the place, because I was sure I went through it about five to six times last night.

Okay, if one door closes another door opens. Right in front of me is a sign that states "VACANCY FOR A NANNY". Okay I know I am not too good with kids but I know I need a job

I took me a bold step and walked it and then there is this man smiling in front of me to break the bad news.

Sure, I am glad and at the same time sad. I wanted a job that befits my status but I wouldn't mind a Nanny's job at all. it's better than working in the ranch

Told you today wasn't my good day at all, this man just bumped into me and all my files went flying in the air and the one covered his face.

I was about saying sorry, when I heard his arrogant but somewhat charming and seductive voice

Did he just asked who allowed me in, do I look like I was helpless to him?

Mr I am sorry you were the one that bumped into me, you should be saying sorry and not insulting me.

I was about to say something else when I raised my head from the floor where I was packing my files

oh my God, did an angel just escape heaven?

I don't know if I have ever seen an angel before, but today I can tell I have seen one.

I never knew how long I was staring, but his next words made me realize this angel wasn't from heaven but he'll

I ask again, who allowed such a careless person into my office?

I am sorry sir, my name is Mara. I was here for an interview for the position of a nanny, I was told it was taking.

I thought I saw something that looked like a smile, but it's wasn't a smile at all, it was his way of mocking me

You, a nanny? I heard him ask. I couldn't help but explain my self.

I am actually not a nanny sir, I came in search of a job of an accountant, but I missed the address and decided to give this a shot

I bowed my head in shame, I will leave first. I bow to take my leave and then he called me back and asked me to drop my details with the receptionist

And with those few words he left me and I was just dumb founded and was staring at his back view.

He was tall and has the dark hair color, from his structure one can tell he visits the gim. He is so hot

I know I shouldn't expect anything from Mr grumpy, but I had to try my luck.so I went to give my details and departs from the building.

I am home and mother wants to know about my day, the first thing I remembered about today is Mr grumpy and his nice features and off cus his nice lips that can make the sleeping beauty ask for a kiss

I couldn't help but imagine a night with him, I am untouched and innocent but for such man I would break the rules a thousand times.