1 1. Just kill me

"if I where you I'll start telling the information we need to end your suffering ..."

in the center of a big hall with lots of rooms encircled above it kneeled a girl full of blood on her clothes and bruises all over her body being tormented and Interrogate for a long hours.

the girl laugh dryly with a smirk on her tin bloody lips...

"kill me now and don't waste your precious time on me... cause I won't tell you

anything... "


the women almost lost it's consciousness and fell on the wooden floor

"just kill me... "

it was almost a whisper yet full of confidence

the man pointed the gun to the woman's head and about to fire when a woman comes out from one of the room.

a beautiful lady without a doubt... full of positive aura but at the same time a killer vibes...

"stop it now Clyde ...from this day forward... that woman will be under my team. "

no one dare to speak nor disagree with Eden Ren, she was also called Lady Boss of the Golden Era for she was the only woman who stood strong among the under ground organization.

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