
Love Beyond Compare ( Melting his Icy Heart)

Whitney Archer is just a first year Psychiatric doctor. She's poor, humble, crazy and a debtor. She has lived in debt all her life but everything changed for her when she met Rose Graham. Mother to Logan Graham, who is a rich handsome bachelor, he's the typical male crush and every girl's dream but he's someone who is suffering from Philophobia. His fear of love has hardened his heart which makes him cold and distant with the opposite s£x. Not wanting her son to be single for the rest of his life, Mrs. Graham decides to hire Whitney as his personal doctor. Whitney is meant to pretend to be his wife just so he wouldn't realize that she's a doctor trying to help him. But all that got bursted when Logan memories return and he realizes that apart from lying to be his wife, she's also a doctor whose goal is to make him fall in love. What do you think will happen to these two after that? Will Whitney be able to get out of it without making things worse for herself? Or will she stay trapped in his life for good ?

Salman_Abiodun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapters 17 & 18 ( HIS SMILE)

Due to the shock she felt, Whitney couldn't push away from Logan.

Taking her silence as compliance, Logan deepens the kiss. He didn't know what came over him but one thing he knows is that he wants to help her.

Desire surged through him and he pulled her closer to continue his kiss but Whitney pulled away from him.

She stood staring at him in silence while she lightly touched her lips.

It took him a while but he successfully controlled the urge in him and turning to Romeo who is still present at the scene, he began.

"Am sorry that you had to witness this but it's just that I can't stop myself from not wanting to touch her. You see, I am madly in love with her and I want her to be my girlfriend but she keeps on refusing. You must be a colleague of hers right?" Logan said to Romeo who kept staring instead of giving a reply.

"You must be," Logan concluded before continuing. " Can you help me talk to her then? I really want her to be my girl but she keeps refusing and..."

"I think you've said enough, Logan!" Whitney said as she took hold of his hand. " We've got to talk"

With that said, she pulled him towards his car.

"What are you doing?" Whitney asked.

"What do you think I am doing?" He asked in return.

"Don't tell me....don't tell me that you are really in love with me? I didn't agree to help you so you could fall in love with me" she said, having a stricken look on her face.

"Relax. Am not in love with you or anyone else, I just....I want to help you " Logan stated

"Help me?"

"I know we agreed not to meddle with each other lives but I....I can't watch this thing going on between you and that guy"

"Romeo doesn't love me," Whitney said, looking sad.

"That's where you are wrong. It's clear to me that he loves you, just take a look at him? He's obviously angry at me for kissing you and also for being here with you at this moment" Logan countered and Whitney couldn't help but to look at Romeo.

Though he didn't seem like it, he was definitely watching them and he looked angry too.

"He is angry? But he rejected me, so he doesn't have to be angry, "she said.

"He will since he feels something for you. I don't know what's stopping him from being with you but I think he needs a push" Logan suggested softly.

"What sort of push?"

"I think that if someone else shows an interest in you and proves to be a threat then Romeo will certainly come running to you?" He replied.

"And you will be the one who shows an interest in me?" She asked which got him nodding.

"Am the perfect man for the job. I already got him angry just by kissing you, he will be on edge when I keep on being around..."

"No. I don't think this will be a good idea" she said.

"I knew you would say that and that's why I'm going to give you the rest of today to think about it. Give me an answer in the evening" Logan told her before heading to his car.



As soon as Whitney got home, she went in search of Logan in his room but there was no sign of him.

Knowing he will be in his study, she went there and found him busy with work as usual.

"Your back" he murmured when she walked into the room.

"Since you said you will be picking me everyday after work, I waited an hour for you" she complained.

"Sorry. I was occupied with work and I wanted to give you some time alone to think about what I told you earlier" he replied which got her looking away.

"So, What's it going to be?" Logan asked.

"Well I....I accept only if you let me help you in return" she stated.

"Help me with what?"

"What do you think about Susan?" Whitney asked.

"My secretary?" He asked and she nodded. " I don't think much about her, why do you ask?"

"She's in love with you" Whitney said which got him feeling surprised by the revelation.

"But that's impossible "

"It is possible. At first I wondered why she was rude to me but when you fainted at the cinema and you were taken to the hospital, I realized then that everything she did is because she loves you" Whitney replied.

"So you want to help me fall for her?" Logan asked.

"Yup. She's a perfect catch and she suits you, why not give her a go? Try going out with her and you..."

"I don't think it's going to work " Logan cut in abruptly.

"This isn't the time to think, if you must overcome your phobia then we must try all means and one of it is this. There's no harm in going out with her, you might find her charming and your heart might just open up to her" Whitney suggested.

"Fine then. I will try it because I want to get cured and nothing else" he said firmly.

"Perfect! I help that quirky heart of yours open up while you help me with Romeo. But there's a problem, " she said as the smile on her face vanished.

"What?" Logan asked.

"If we are going to pretend to be a couple then we should do that where Romeo can see us but you are working in your company while I am working in the hospital and...."

"Don't worry about that. Ben and his crew are filming a hospital romance and your hospital was chosen. Since I am the biggest investor, I have been invited to watch the shoot, so I can use that as an excuse to come to the hospital every day" he replied.

"Wow! You've got everything thought of. I really admire you" she said and out of excitement she walked around the table and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Logan, who wasn't expecting that, stopped what he was doing to stare at her.

"Thanks for helping. I really appreciate" she said, sending a smile before leaving the study.



Looking like the terrific actor he is, Ben walked into the hospital.

In a few days, he will be acting as a doctor and the best part is that, he will be the lead actor.

His phone began to ring and he answered.

While talking on the phone he couldn't help but to notice that some female nurses who were walking by were staring at him.

Choosing to ignore them like the star he is, he continued his discussion and also noticed another set of female doctors staring at him.

"Tch! Am I that divine?" He thought from within and when the call finally ended.

He turned to stare at the nurses who were at the counter and pulling off his dark shade, he gave the three females there a wink.

"Am I so handsome that they can't stop staring at me?" He muttered to himself.

"They aren't staring because you are handsome, they are staring due to the hole in your jeans on the buttocks side" Someone said behind him and he turned to see a female doctor there.

"What do you mean by a hole?" Ben asked nervously as he searched for the hole with his hands and when he felt it, he closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"Do you have a handkerchief?" The female doctor asked and he shook his head.

"Then you should always carry one," she said as she walked towards him.

Pulling out her handkerchief, she made it into a thin fold and put it in his back pocket making sure it covered up the torn place.

"My grandmother always makes me go out with a pair of handkerchiefs. If I don't use it for myself then it will surely help someone out which it did today" she told him and when she turned to leave, Ben said.

"How do I return it to you?"

"You don't have to, have got fifty more of it" she admitted and this time Ben could only watch her go and slowly a smile escaped his lips.



"Set another appointment for Jack and I" Logan said as he gave instructions to Susan who was jotting it down in her note book.

"Anything else?" She asked sweetly, drinking in the sight of him.

"Nothing" He answered crisply with his focus on his laptop.

"Okay sir" Susan replied and turned to leave only for him to stop her.

"Buy a bouquet of roses and send it to Brigham hospital " he ordered.

"If it's for your mom then she's not admitted in that hospital but..."

"The flower isn't for my mom. It's for Whitney" he replied truthfully and Susan hand tightened on the book and pen she was holding onto.

"If I may ask, why are you sending the flower to her?" Susan asked.

Logan was about to tell her to mind her business when he remembered what Whitney told him about Susan having a thing for him.

"It's a thank you gift to her. Does that answer your question?" He asked and Susan nodded before leaving his office.

The flowers are far from being a thank you gift. The real reason for sending her the flower is to stir up Romeo feelings which he is certain will be stirred.



"Do you still want to push through with this?" Romeo asked Mary who sat on his desk staring at her painted fingers.

"I want to" she replied, blowing on the gum she was chewing on.

"But you know that I don't want to get married to you! You know I don't feel a thing for you and yet you insist on marrying me" Romeo yelled at her and that got her staring his way.

"Stop fretting. If it wasn't for me then my dad would have stopped your treatment and would have kicked you out of the hospital " Mary said harshly.

"And it's precisely why I tolerate you. It's the reason why I choose....to date you when I don't want to"

"I know you are doing all this to stop me from marrying you but I will marry you unless you want to quit and get treatment somewhere else!" Mary put it crudely to him and that got him sighing out in frustration.

"I am sick Mary and even with this treatment, I am not sure if I will live long. If you marry me and I happen to die then..."

"Then I will be a proud widow. After all I got the most handsome guy working in Brigham hospital" Mary concluded with a smile on her face.

"So that's it. It's all a game to you, a game which you must win?" He asked softly.

"Yes. I am the director's daughter and whatever I want, I get. You agreed that you will marry me while my dad paid for your treatment and also with that he gave you a respectable position in the hospital and bought a luxury apartment for you. So why the hell are you complaining now? If you don't want to lose everything you've acquired,I suggest you play along or my daddy will make you pay" she said, blowing a kiss his way before leaving his office.

"Arrgh!" Romeo exclaimed as he hit his desk in anger and his close friend, another doctor in the hospital, chose that particular moment to show up.

"Easy dude. Did your fiance make you angry?" Louis asked.

"She's a freaking spoiled brat!" Romeo let out gruffly.

"Which you chose to marry" Louis replied.

"You know I have no choice, it's either I marry her or I lose the chance of getting cured since I don't have the money for my treatment " Romeo said softly.

"That's the price you have to pay though Whitney will have to suffer along. Have you spoken to her?" Louis asked.

"I did and you have no idea how hard it was for me to tell her to bury her feelings. I love her too but we can't be together and it's due to the stupid deal I made with Mary's father " Romeo let out in anger once again.

"Just take it easy. I believe that with time everything will get solve" Louis said.

"I thought so too but there's this guy hanging around her. He told me that he is interested in her and would want her to date him" Romeo informed him.

"That's bad. With a rival in the scene, it would be hard for you to get Whitney back when all of this is over"

"It will. I feel so lost right now" Romeo said putting his hand over his face due to the frustration he felt.

"The best remedy for a guy in love is to see the girl he is in love with . So why not go out in search of Whitney" Louis suggested and after thinking about it, he left his office with Louis.

They were almost at the cafeteria when he saw Whitney leaving with her friend Elizabeth.

"I think I have a stain on my cheek . Give me your handkerchief" Whitney said to Elizabeth.

"I don't have it" Elizabeth replied.

"That's new. You never go out without your handkerchief, what has gotten into you today?" Whitney asked.

"I happened to come across someone who needed it and I gave it to him," Elizabeth replied.

"So you were playing the good Samaritan" Whitney teased a smile on her face but when she saw Romeo standing a distance away watching her, the smile disappeared.

"Can we talk?" Romeo asks as he walks towards her.

"I think it's best that I leave you two alone," Elizabeth said, excusing herself.

"About yesterday. I didn't...."

"Love!" Someone called and they both turned to see Logan approaching them.

"Have been searching for you" Logan said as he pulled her into his arms before acknowledging Romeo's presence.

"Hello colleague. Am sorry but I don't know your name yet" Logan said even though he knew.

"Am Romeo," Romeo replied.

"And I am Logan. If you are done talking then I will be taking her away with me" Logan said as he began to pull her off with him.

"Don't look at him. Right now you should focus on me alone, it will get him unedge" Logan muttered to her when she wanted to stare at Romeo.

"But he...."

Stopping in his tracks, he turned her to face him.

"If you really want to make Romeo yours then let your attention be solely on me. Make him feel jealous by giving me all of your attention" he said as he put his hand on both her cheeks.

"Your cheek feels warm. Are you perhaps blushing because of me?" He asked as a smile escaped his lips.

As soon as he smiled, every one of Whitney's thoughts flew out through the window.

It's the first time she will see him smile and she couldn't help but think him more attractive.