
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

Wonderhub · Urban
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10 Chs

The trouble maker

Nazli stepped out of the cab in the bustling city square. The driver, a gruff man with a scruffy beard, turned to her and demanded more money than they had agreed upon.

"I don't give you more money," Nazli asserted, her voice firm. "You want more money from me? I will complain about you at the police station."

The driver sneered, unperturbed. "Okay, call the police," he said, pulling out his phone to call a friend.

Nazli fumbled in her bag and realized with a jolt that she had forgotten her phone at home. "You talk too much," the driver taunted. "Come on, call the police. Don't you want my license number?"

Trying to maintain her composure, Nazli retorted, "Do you think I am alone?" She glanced around desperately, hoping for some intervention. Spotting a familiar figure standing with his back to them, she saw her chance.

"Who is with you? We really want to know," the driver challenged, a mocking edge to his voice.

Nazli pointed to the man. "Do you see that man? He is with me."

The driver squinted in the direction she indicated. "That one?"

"Yes, he is with me, and he is very dangerous. Fight with him if you have the courage."

The driver laughed and turned to his friends. "Let's go and trash him. Then we'll deal with her. Let's go, let's deal with him."

As they approached, the man turned around, revealing his face. It was Emir, the same man who had saved Nazli from some troublemakers in a café not long ago. He recognized Nazli immediately and muttered under his breath, "She is the same girl. My family is in trouble because of her. Had I not saved her from the goons, Kerem wouldn't have..."

Despite his frustration, Emir stepped forward. "Yes, I know her," he admitted.

The driver's friends advanced on Emir, and a scuffle ensued. "Why are you trashing me? Are you out of your mind?" Emir shouted as he tried to defend himself.

The driver turned back to Nazli. "Hey girl! If you don't give me the money, we won't spare him."

Panicked, Nazli took off running. Emir, caught in the fray, called after her, "Are you a dangerous man? This girl always lands me into trouble."

Hakam sat across from Fatma, his expression troubled as he spoke softly, "I promised her that I would help her find her parents' killer, but convincing her to pursue this is very risky. So, please, let's forget about it and go back to the USA. But she doesn't understand."

Fatma sighed, her brow furrowing with concern. "I know you made that promise, but you also have a responsibility to keep her safe. Going after her parents' killer could put her in danger, and we can't risk that."

Hakam nodded, his gaze distant as he considered their options. "I know, but Nazli is determined. She won't rest until she finds out the truth. How do we convince her to let go of this idea without hurting her?"

Fatma reached out and gently squeezed Hakam's hand. "We need to make her understand the risks involved. We'll appeal to her sense of reason and logic. Remind her of the life she has here with us, the family that loves her and wants to keep her safe."

Hakam nodded, a sense of determination settling over him. "You're right. We'll talk to her together and make her see that her safety and well-being are our top priorities."

Fatma smiled softly, grateful for her husband's strength and resolve. Together, they would find a way to protect Nazli from the dangers lurking in the past, even if it meant letting go of her quest for justice.

Fatma, feeling the weight of responsibility for her sister-in-law Nazli's safety, decided to reach out to her aunt Ayse for help. With a heavy heart, she dialed Ayse's number, hoping for a solution to their dilemma.

"Hello, Aunt Ayse? It's Fatma," she greeted, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Fatma, dear, how are you?" Ayse's warm voice came through the phone.

Fatma took a deep breath before plunging into the reason for her call. "Aunt Ayse, my husband and I have a situation. Nazli, his sister, is determined to stay in Istanbul to find her parents' killer. We're worried about her safety, but we have to return to the USA for work. Is there any way Nazli could stay with you? We would be forever grateful for your help."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Ayse responded, her tone filled with compassion, "Of course, Fatma. Nazli is like a daughter to me. She's more than welcome to stay at my home. Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of her."

Fatma's heart swelled with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Aunt Ayse. You don't know how much this means to us."

Ayse chuckled softly. "It's no trouble at all, dear. Family looks out for each other. Nazli will be safe and well taken care of here. You can count on that."

Relief flooded Fatma as she hung up the phone. With Nazli in Ayse's capable hands, she and Hakam could return to the USA knowing that Nazli would be looked after like one of their own. They were immensely grateful for Ayse's kindness and support during this difficult time.