
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

Wonderhub · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Intertwined past & present

**The Arrival of Toofan:**

The atmosphere in the house grows tense as Beren's father, Toofan, arrives. Known for his harsh demeanor and controlling nature, his presence casts a shadow over the family.

Toofan walks in with an air of authority, his sharp eyes scanning the room. "How is Kerem?" he demands.

Yusuf, trying to maintain his composure, responds, "He is fine."

Toofan's gaze narrows. "How did Emir get to know that Kerem was hospitalized? I know it was necessary for you to go there after getting the news, but the question is, who informed you about this?"

Yusuf hesitates for a moment before answering, "Emir did."

Toofan's voice rises, dripping with disdain. "How did Emir get to know about it?"

Yusuf explains, "He knew it because he was with Kerem."

Toofan's anger flares. "Emir, don't you know that we don't share any relation with that family and we have nothing to do with them? Why don't you say anything? Does it mean that you had gone to meet Kerem?"

Emir stands silently, unable to meet Toofan's furious gaze.

Toofan continues, his tone filled with contempt. "I feel sorry to see your son, Yusuf. He is so audacious. But it isn't his fault. He has become ill-mannered, and his upbringing is to be blamed for this. Yusuf, don't you remember, that leniency spoils the child? You are to be blamed for this, Yusuf."

Yusuf tries to defend his actions, his voice steady but strained. "he didn't go to meet Kerem. he had gone to visit the street side, and he saw all this and he couldn't stop himself."

Toofan's eyes blaze with anger. "he couldn't stop himself? What do you mean?"

Yusuf explains, "I mean he couldn't see Kerem in that state."

Toofan's anger does not abate. "I have to tolerate too many things because of you, Yusuf. Your inability to keep things in order is affecting all of us."

Beren, standing nearby, looks anxiously between her father and her husband. She steps in, hoping to diffuse the situation. "dad, please understand. Emir was only trying to help."

Toofan turns his sharp gaze to Beren. "Help? By going against our wishes and involving himself with that family? This is unacceptable."

Yusuf, feeling the weight of his actions, says firmly, "dad, you can say whatever you want about me, but don't blame Emir. He was just trying to help his brother."

Toofan shakes his head in disappointment. "This family has lost its way. You, Yusuf, need to remember where your loyalties lie. We've kept ourselves separate from that family for a reason. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment again."

Yusuf nods, feeling both shame and frustration. "I understand."

As Toofan storms out of the room, the tension lingers in the air. The family members exchange worried glances, knowing that the old wounds and unresolved conflicts are far from healing.

**Later That Evening:**

As the household tries to return to a semblance of normalcy, Beren approaches Yusuf. "I'm sorry, Yusuf. I know my father can be harsh, but he does care about our family."

Yusuf sighs, rubbing his temples. "I know, Beren. But it's hard to ignore the fact that Kerem is my son. I can't pretend he doesn't exist."

Beren nods, understanding his struggle. "We'll find a way to navigate this. Together."

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Emir sits quietly, reflecting on the day's events. He knows that his actions have caused a stir, but he couldn't bear to leave his brother alone in the hospital.

Zeynep and Ece, having overheard parts of the confrontation, talk softly among themselves.

Zeynep whispers, "I wonder how this will affect our family."

Ece nods. "It's complicated, Zeynep. But we need to stay strong and support each other."

As the night deepens, the family members each retreat to their thoughts, aware that the challenges ahead are many. But with determination and a bit of understanding, they hope to find a way to reconcile their past with their present and move forward as a united family.

### The Unveiling of the Past

**Toofan and Ceyda's Conversation:**

As the tension in the house simmers down, Toofan finds a quiet moment to speak with Ceyda. They retreat to a secluded corner of the garden, away from prying ears. Toofan's face is stern, his eyes reflecting the weight of past decisions.

Toofan starts, "Ceyda, you need to understand something. Yusuf's loyalty was tested a long time ago. I gave him a choice—marry my daughter Beren and secure a partnership in my business, or stay with his first family, Ayse and Kerem. He chose our business and married into it."

Ceyda listens intently, her expression a mix of surprise and understanding. "But Toofan, did he really have a choice? You put him in an impossible situation."

Toofan's face hardens. "Life is full of difficult choices, Ceyda. I needed to ensure that my daughter and my business were secure. Yusuf had the opportunity to build a future, but he had to make sacrifices."

Ceyda shakes her head, struggling to grasp the full extent of the situation. "But Ayse and Kerem... They were his family. How could he turn his back on them?"

Toofan's voice drops, filled with a hint of remorse. "It wasn't easy for him, or for any of us. But business and family are intertwined. Sometimes, personal feelings must be set aside for the greater good."

Ceyda, still trying to process the revelation, asks, "Do you think he regrets his decision?"

Toofan sighs deeply, his expression softening for a moment. "Regret is a complex emotion. Yusuf did what he thought was best for everyone involved. But the past has a way of catching up with us. The unresolved emotions, the buried resentments—they all come to the surface eventually."

Ceyda nods slowly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "And now, with Kerem back in the picture, all those old wounds are reopening."

Toofan agrees, "Yes. Kerem's presence complicates everything. Yusuf's decision from twenty years ago is coming back to haunt him. We need to be prepared for whatever comes next."

Ceyda, sensing the urgency in Toofan's words, asks, "What should we do?"

Toofan looks at her, his gaze firm. "We must support Yusuf and ensure that our family remains united. We cannot let the past destroy what we have built. But at the same time, we must be compassionate and try to understand the pain that Kerem and Ayse have endured."

Ceyda nods in agreement, "I understand, Toofan. I'll do whatever it takes to keep the family together and to support Yusuf."

Toofan places a reassuring hand on Ceyda's shoulder, "Good. We need to be strong and face this challenge head-on. The future of our family depends on it."

**Later That Night:**

As Toofan and Ceyda finish their conversation, the weight of the past hangs heavy in the air. The family gathers in the living room, their faces etched with concern and uncertainty.

Yusuf, still reeling from the confrontation with Toofan, sits silently, deep in thought. Beren tries to comfort him, but the emotional strain is evident in her eyes.

Emir, feeling the tension, approaches his father cautiously. "Dad, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just couldn't stand by and do nothing."

Yusuf looks at his son, a mixture of pride and sadness in his eyes. "I know, Emir. You did what you thought was right. But our family dynamics are complicated, and sometimes our actions have far-reaching consequences."

Beren, trying to lighten the mood, says softly, "We need to stay strong as a family. We will get through this together."

Yusuf nods, grateful for her support. "Yes, we will. But we need to be prepared for the challenges ahead."

As the night deepens, the family members each retreat to their rooms, the weight of their intertwined past and present heavy on their minds. The future remains uncertain, but with determination and a bit of understanding, they hope to find a way to reconcile their past decisions and move forward as a united family.