
We Meet Again

T City, 1993.

His sharp eyes looking at her. This girl look so small. Didn't they said that they are same age. He walk closer to her, hold her chin to look at him.

"What is your name?."

She look at him without blinking her eyes.

"Who are you?. Who do you think you are?."

'Huhhh. This small girl dare to ask who am I?. Seriously?.' He let her chin go but pinch her chubby cheeks. Oh it feel so nice.

"You. I .." Her cheeks turn red. She wanna scold him but when he smile, his dimple on his left cheek, make him look adorable.

"Ming, XinYi. Come inside. Its late now."

Both of them turn to the lady standing near the pool. Ming Qiang nodded, glance at XinYi before walk inside the house. XinYi follow him from behind.

"Aunt Ling, where is my mum?. Why did this lil girl here?." XinYi rolled her eyes when she heard him call her as lil girl. Ming Qiang smirk looking at her funny reaction.

"What?." She said before sit on the couch. This time, Ming Qiang follow her and sit next to her.

"You have bad temper. " Ming Qiang tease her again. He like to see her sullen face.

"Both of your mother will home soon for dinner. Ming, stop teasing her. Be good to her. XinYi, play with Ming. Aunt Ling will prepare the dinner." She smile warmly to them, the young master always avoid people to get closer to him. Surprisingly, he take initiative to know XinYi.

"What are you looking at?." XinYi poke his cheek. Why did this boy sit so close to her and keep looking at her?.

"Why are you here in my house?."

"Should I go outside?."

Ming Qiang laugh. This lil girl so interesting.

"XinYi. " He call her name. XinYi look at him, waiting for him to say something but he didn't.

"What?. Why did you call my name?."

"Nothing. Lil girl, wait here. Im going to take shower. "

'Weird boy. Why did he call his name without any reason. And who give him the right to call her lil girl?. She not lil girl anymore. She already 6 years old.

The simple conversation between two kids, who know that in future, their life wont be simple anymore.

B City, 1999.

"Who is that girl?. The one with red backpack."

All of them looking at the one with red backpack. Why JiaHao suddenly asking about her.

"Ohh, I know her. XinYi. I heard she is one of top student. Don't you dare to dream about her. With her result, im sure she will choose top school." Said by Aaron.

"XinYi?. She younger than us by a year?. Who is the girl next to her?. She prettier than XinYi. " Justin looking at them. XinYi just an average girl, she only famous because of her smart brain.

"Shu Wen. Her name is Shu Wen. She pretty, but play hard to get. Why did we paid attention to them?. Its not like they going to our school next year. "

JiaHao looking at Aaron with 'how did you know their name' smirk. Aaron avoiding his stare, pretend like he not aware.

"Fishy. "

"Of course I know her them. I know XinYi's elder brother. He is one of the famous gang leader. Plus who don't know Shu Wen. Do you remember the girl that gave you love letter?. She is her cousin."

"Which love letter?." JiaHao tear his gaze from XinYi who look cute when she laugh. He look at Aaron, asking for explanation.

"Ron's younger sister. Your family and his family are distance relative right. Then, maybe you also related to Shu Wen. Cuz Shu Wen and Ron also related."

"Dont you think you know so much about Shu Wen?." Justin teased Aaron.

"XinYi have boyfriend?."

JiaHao's question make them speechless. Don't tell them that he interested with her. They definitely not her type.

"Are you crazy?. She only 12. Plus who dare to get close to her. Don't you know her brother?."

JiaHao shook his head. "Who the hell is her brother?."

"JianHong. "

That name sound familiar to him. Wait, don't tell him that her brother is the rude JianHong. They dont look similar at all.

"Are you sure they are sibling?. "

Aaron nodded. JiaHao look at XinYi again. No matter how long he look at her, he cant believe that JianHong have younger sister like XinYi.

XinYi, good girl with smart brain while JianHong is the opposite.

Black sedan car stop in front of the girls. A tall young boy, come out from the car. XinYi look so happy when she saw him. Make JiaHao wonder, who is the guy that can make her smile like that.

Her smile so attractive, so beautiful but not for him. To think that there is another boy that make her happy, his heart burning in jealousy. He can't see his face, only his back.

Aaron and Justin see his face getting darker, so both of them make themselves busy with their phone. They can feel the sudden cold when XinYi enter the boy's car.

JiaHao stare at Aaron, looking for an answer. Didn't he said she dont have bf.

Aaron scratching his non itchy head. He have no clue about it.

B City, 2000

Registration day, St J Secondary School.

XinYi sit next to Shu Wen. She feel uncomfortable when the students keep looking at them. They must be attracted to Shu Wen.

"Im hungry. " XinYi whisper to Shu Wen.

"Let's go to canteen. We still have 30 minutes. " Shu Wen hold her hand, pull XinYi to follow her.

"Where are you going?." Both Erica and Nelly ask the same question. They follow them from behind like puppy follow their master.

"XinYi feel hungry. Come let's go together to canteen." Shu Wen always being the guardian angel. She not only pretty but have a warm personality. Make people easily like her. Who doesn't like pretty face?.

The boys set their eyes on the girls the moment the set their step inside the canteen. JiaHao set his eyes on XinYi who look shy and timid stand next to Shu Wen.

"Didn't you said she not going to our school. Then why she here today?. " Justin whisper lowly at Aaron. Aaron shrugged his shoulder, busy looking at the girl with long hairs.

Shu Wen stole a glance at JiaHao who looking at their direction. 'Isn't he the famous naughty boy?.'

After buy some foods and drinks, they took a seat next to the boys table. XinYi who too immersed with her food didn't realize that there is someone been staring at her for a long time.

JiaHao observe her every move. Who said she not attractive?. She might lil short than the rest but she has the nice curve among them.

Of course if he compared her to Shu Wen, Shu Wen stand out more in term of beautiful face. Shu Wen, slim and tall with fair skin and beautiful smile. She has dimple on right cheek. Everytime she smile, her dimple make it more beautiful.

But XinYi, she hardly smile. When she smile, it makes people feel peaceful, calm. Even her voice is so soothing the hear. Feel good just to hear her voice.

"Isn't the boys next to us is the famous naughty boys. Make sure we didn't offend them, or else we might need to transfer to another school." Said by Nelly. Automatically the girls look at the boys. JiaHao who still looking at XinYi meet her eyes. XinYi quickly look away.

'Im not their next target right?. Why did he look at me with that scary gaze?.'. XinYi stole a quick glance at JiaHao. She stop chewing her food. Why did he still look at her???.

"You see that boy, the one sit at the left. His name is JiaHao. He is the leader. He so famous in our school. Lots of girls like him. "

Erica almost get choke when her eyes meet with the guy sit next to JiaHao. Why did he smile at her like that. So scary.

"He not that handsome. Just okay." Both Nelly and Erica sneered at her comment. Of course, for someone who as pretty as her will say that. Being the most beautiful girl among them, boys always attracted to her.

Shu Wen always the one who get the attention. She pretty but hard to get. Her standard too high.

Jimmy who just arrived, heard the comment. He stop in front of their table.

"Who?. Who is not handsome?." He ask in high voice make them startled. XinYi look up and meet his eyes.

"Its not your business." Shu Wen replied coldly. XinYi pull her sleeve, asking her not to mind him.

"Ahaa. The famous XinYi is here. Guys, she is the new student of our school. " Jimmy chuckle, observing her up and down. Not so pretty but she adorable.

"What do you want?. If you dare to do anything, I will report to teacher. " Shu Wen rolled her eyes in annoyance. Why must they meet this stupid boys.

"Shu Wen, your pretty face cant save you from your poisonous mouth. You are lucky that you are born with pretty face. But you not my taste. I prefer someone like XinYi. "

JiaHao slapped Jimmy's back head. Stupid. He only make XinYi feel scared. Look at her face now.

"What?." Why did JiaHao hit him?. He like Shu Wen?.

"You like Shu Wen?."

JiaHao hit him again. His eyes set again on XinYi but she didn't look back at him. It so obvious she was startled with Jimmy.

Then his eyes met Shu Wen for a second. Did he just saw her blushing?. Shu Wen blushing when their eyes met?.

"Don't disturb them. They not someone you can play with. " JiaHao warned Jimmy. More to tell her that he not going to make trouble and he going to protect her.

Aaron and Erica exchange secret glance. He like her. She like him. They don't even care with whats happening around them.

The school bell ring loudly, sign that the class will start soon. The boys the one who stand up first. Before they leave, Aaron put candy in front of Erica. A symbol to say I wanna know you more. It kinda the tradition in their school.

Surprisingly, JiaHao also put candy on the table. Maybe because he too nervous, he put the candy between Shu Wen and XinYi. He quickly leave the canteen.

Shu Wen take the candy, smiling while looking at his back. Easy to predict. Most famous boy will fall in love with most pretty girl.

"Shu Wen. Wahhhh. You so lucky. "

XinYi could only look at the candy. Don't know why, she feel slightly uncomfortable.

St J Secondary School, February 2000

Its been a month since she became secondary school student. She remember how angry Ming Qiang when he know she enter the school.

He said that the school have bad reputation. Not a good school. They should go to the science boarding school together. Because of her, Ming Qiang also rejected the offer from Science International school.

But she don't like science. Ming Qiang was angry for her almost a week. She feel disappointed. He always the one being so calm between them.

XinYi was busy looking outside her class when she see him with a girl. Another girl?. King of Playboy. The girl follow him like puppy. He look slightly angry.


Her heart fall to the stomach when their eyes met. Why did she look at him. XinYi quickly look away, pretend to read her book. Her heart beat so fast that she can feel that her poor heart just doing extra work.

"JiaHao. Here. " Aaron call him to come over to their class. XinYi really wanna smack his face hardly.

He been dating Erica since he gave her the love token. Weird thing is after that day, Shu Wen and XinYi become the target of JiaHao.

JiaHao look at XinYi with cold gaze. How dare she avoiding him. He pulled the girl to follow him. Once he enter the class, the first face he find is XinYi.

When his eyes see her sitting next to a boy, he get so angry. The one thing he don't like about school rules is mix sitting system. A girl can't sit together with a girl. They will talk in class. So the teachers decided to arranged girl and boy sit together.

XinYi can feel his eyes was looking at her. She took a super quick glance. Damnnnn. He really looking at her. Why did he always aim her?. Why did he always look at her with that scary gaze?. What did she do that make him hate her so much?.

He walking toward XinYi and stop right in front of her. XinYi didnt dare to look up to see his face. JiaHao feel so helpless when he with her. He sighing heavily, pull the boy's collar to stand up.

"You. Go buy food for me. Im hungry and angry. I give you 5 minutes. Come back in five minutes. Understand?. " He intentionally said angry a bit louder. The boy could only listen to his order. He quickly leave the class to buy food.

He sit next to XinYi who look extremely scared. Why did this girl get so scared when he around. 'Do I look so scared to you?.'

The girl who folllow him, take another chair and sit next to him. She look at XinYi sharply.

"Why are you sitting so close to me?. Go away. " He pushed her hard make her almost fall from the chairs. She bit her lower lips, her teary eyes looking at him.

JiaHao turn his head to XinYi who pretend to reading her book. This girl, why did she so scared with him. Who read maths book?. Is there anything that she can read. It only number.

He snatch her book make XinYi slightly tremble. She try to snatch back her book but JiaHao catch her wrist. His warm palm wrapped around her wrist, make her blood running to the wrong way.

XinYi try to break his hold. The more she try, the more tighten his hold. Unexpectedly, XinYi use her other hand to smack his back.

"That's what you get for crossing the line. Don't touch me again." She stop him before he has the chance to grab her.

Ian, the boy that sit next to XinYi come back with two box of fried noodles and one bottle of orange juice. He put the stuff on his table, where JiaHao currently sit. Then he go somewhere, giving space to them.

"You. Have you eat?."

XinYi didnt expect that the question is for her, so she remain silent. JiaHao sigh heavily. Why did this girl so silly, didnt they said she is the top student in this class.

"Han XinYi. Have you eat?." XinYi turn to her right side. Did he just called her full name?. JiaHao open another noodle box and put in front her. He also put a pair of chopstick.

"I don't care if you already eat or no. Now eat with me. Or else, I feed you lips by lips. " Her eyes get wide.n when she heard his threat. Lips by lips?.

Left without any option, XinYi take the chopsticks, force herself to eat the noodle. Why must he tortured her?

Both eating in silence. Once a while, JiaHao take a look at her. His lips curl into a smile. Just eating next to her can make him feel happy.

Shu Wen who just enter their class look surprise when she saw them sit together. Her face seem calm

but inside her, there is strange wave keep hitting heart.

K City, 2018

"Ops, I'm sorry. "

XinYi stunned for a moment when she recognized the face. Its been a long time. Long, long, long time ago. He still look the same, the cold gaze that make her under his spell.

"How are you?."

His deep manly voice shake her heart again. She smile, saying that she doing fine. He nodded. Both look so awkward.

"Im in rush. See you again. " Before she can leave, he catch her wrist.

"Don't be so rude. Today is our school reunion. Why don't you come and join us."

School reunion?. Damn Nelly. Did she lied to her?. She invite her to dinner at Pearl Hotel. Could it be that the reunion also there?.

"Let me go first. I really can't go with you. I have dinner date today." Dinner date?. He tighten his fingers on her wrist. Without saying anything, he drag her along.

"Stop being a kid. Let me go." She raise her voice to him. She struggled to break free from him.

"JiaHao please. Let me go."

"I been hearing the same words since 14 years ago. Who do you think you are?. A hero?. An angel?. Are you happy now?. Tell me. " He yelled at her. People around them looking while whispering.

"I'm not happy. Im not happy without you. " He pulled her into his embrace. Hugging her again, having her again in his arms, he thought he can only feel it in his dream. They told her that she is gone. Missing without a trace.

"You know nothing. Im suffered. You left without saying anything. Stay. Don't leave again. "

Every words from his mouth like thousands needles piercing her heart. He cupped her face, lower his head to kiss her.

But then his eyes caught someone behind her, looking at them with deadly eyes. If eyes can kill, he might already dead. He looking back at that person with a smirk, closing his eyes and claim what belongs to him.

She taste the same. Her soft lips taste so sweet. He don't care with those eyes that looking at them. All he know is, she belong to him.

XinYi who still try to figure out what happen, try to avoid his lips. He secured his right palm on her back head, holding her tight, while his left hand on her waist pulling her closer to him.

Without any warning, strong hand pull her from behind. JiaHao quickly turn his body, push XinYi to his. left side. He catch her wrist to prevent her from fall

"Han XinYi. Did you left me to be with him?."

'Left him to be with me?. Isn't she left with him ?.'

"What do you mean?. XinYi, where did you go and with who?. I thought you left with him." JiaHao was so confused. Didn't she said she chose Ming Qiang.

XinYi didn't dare to look at them. How did both of them show up at same place, same time.

Ming Qiang was so shocked. She not with him?. Then what happened actually?.