
Love between the thorns of roses

Aurora Claramay. She was called ‘ The Villainess Rose ‘.The only daughter of a grand duke, well-protected by her three brothers. Some say that she’s the villainess in this story and some don’t. Her cold and distant-like personality attracted many suitors while her elegance, gracefulness, and perfection are ladies' idols. Many say that she’s unattainable and beyond one’s reach. On the other hand, rumor has it she’s cold-hearted, merciless to those who betrayed her and non never received her trust. Aidan Wyatt. He was called by many ‘ The Light ‘ who shone as bright as the sun and beamed as the dazzling moon. Just as his reputation had known by all, he is a well-respected person, justice for the wronged, people called him a monster on the battlefield and a hero who brought peace to the empire. The second prince of the empire ruled both the south and the east under the order of His Majesty the Emperor. Countless offers came before him, marriages, alliances, partnerships, etc. However, being the first knight in command on the battlefield and a great strategist, was not a groundless rumor. Being quick-witted and sly as a fox, he manages them effectively. Fate brought them together one night, where the full moon shines brightly, where all the trees and flowers danced together with the wind and where fireflies and even fairies decorated the starry night. However, many agreed that they both like chalk and cheese and sometimes fight like cats and dogs and maybe, just maybe some butterflies in their stomach. Will love be born between these two or will thorns be piercing both hearts? ' I want you. ' ' As a sparring partner, I accept. ' ' As my life partner. ' ' ............. I beg your pardon, Your Grace, I must have heard it wrong. Life partner? I'm sure there are countless young ladies out there who are eager to receive a marriage proposal from Your Grace. ' ' You didn't and yes, you're right. My attendant informed me about it. However, I do not seek any of those ladies as, how do you say it, not my preference. ' ' And what kind of lady would bewitch you, Your Grace? ' ' You. ' (swords clashing with one another ) ' I decline. As I do not seek marriages. ' ' I figured as much. I know the real reason for your rejection in this. My lady, you believed that love is just self-destruction. ' ( Aurora gritted her teeth while her hand gripped tightly on her sword ) ' I'm sure you heard the rumors that I'm a fox and for that, you can run, fight, defend or even attack but I'll still going to catch you, tame you, melt that icy heart of yours, cut down the roses vines around you and make you mine. '

Dawn_Frost · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Love Ties The Bond

After the incident between the butlers, meanwhile the Claramays...

Since Aurora was in front of the door, she began calling out to her parents. 'Father, mother, you called for us?'

Her mother responded quickly as soon as she heard her daughter's voice. 'Ahh, my precious daughter. You're finally here. It felt eternity waiting for you to come back home. If you were a second late, I'd have gotten my sword and fetched you as I was worried some dirty scumbag would kidnap you but I was stopped by that old man.'

( she was referring to Butler Wayn ) .

While her father, the Grand Duke... 'MY BABY PRINCESS IS FINALLY HERE!!!! Were you hurt?! Are you in pain?! Did anyone carelessly touch you at the ball?! Were there any rats asking for a dance with my princess?!'

'Aiii umm.... before that, mother, father, could you not hug me so tight. I feel like I'm about to pass out due to lack of oxygen.'

'W-what?! Our affection towards my daughter was too much.' ( fainted to point of faking death )

'That's not it, I just couldn't see my parents' faces clearly since I've missed them so much.'


( continue to hug their daughter a little longer and a bit tighter )


While the grand duke and grand duchess were busy expressing their love to their daughter, they had forgotten about their sons who were wondering if their presence was needed or not.

Cullen, who was standing right behind Aurora, spoke...

'Umm… we're also here too, in case mother and father were pondering.'

The Grand Duchess was constantly in dreamland while hugging her daughter.

'Why, of course, we didn't forget about the older ones.' ( you dare to interrupt my bonding time with my little baby you little brat )

'Crap.' ( I'm done for )

After the whole love expression ended, the situation came back to normal. The Grand duchess had ordered some tea to be served, different ones to be exact as each and every one of them has different tastes. For the Grand Duke, it will always be Herbal Tea. As he tends to get older, the grand duke constantly keeps getting unwell and since the Grand Duke has to watch his diet, herbal tea is perfect as it contains caffeine-free. Among all the herbal teas, the Grand Duke fancied Chamomile with Dried Fruits Herbal Tea.

For the Grand Duchess, it is none other than White Tea. Without using any technology for its process, its leaves are left to wilt and dry by itself which will produce a delicate, fruity, and floral scent. White Peony or known as Bai Mudan will naturally be served for Her Excellency.

Black Tea is chosen to be young master Antoine's favorite. Just as the flavor described, Black Tea is malty, strong as well as full-bodied, or commonly known for those who are determined to achieve their goals. In the category of Black Tea, Earl Grey Black Tea would be preferred by young master Antoine.

For the young master Keane, Oolong Tea would perfectly relate to him as both characteristics are the same. The process for this type of tea is different from any others. Its oxidation process will be affected as its leaves will be bruised by being tossed or shaken. Other than that, different heat temperatures will also create various flavors. That being said, Oolong Tea is well-suited with refined people as well as being able to fully enjoy its texture.

Not to forget young master Cullen, being the most childish one in the family, too, had a favorite tea. Rooibos Tea to be precise. Known among the family that young master Cullen was born with a weak body, in order to protect his body, he would always want Rooibos Tea to be served. Not only this kind of tea is a protective tea that is able to prevent diabetes, any potential cancer, and heart diseases but it also comes with a sweet, smooth, and earthly aroma.

And lastly, Green Tea for the young lady of the house, Aurora. As said, Aurora would like to avoid as much caffeine as possible but at the same time would like to boost her energy and would not get tired often. However, there are many types of shades for green tea. Truthfully, Aurora would prefer a brighter one in which the leaves will be steamed according to the Japanese way instead of pan-fired leaves which result in duller green shade leaves. Being the active swordswoman she is, she won't be worried about her eating too much and gaining weight as her sword practice takes place every day and Green Tea is a weight-loss achiever.


'Your mother and I called all of you here to discuss your debut celebration, Aurora.'

( cough ) ( cough ) ( cough ) 'WAIT!!! ARE YOU STILL GOING ON ABOUT THAT?! Do we have to do it? Lots of money will be spent on it. I don't want our family's wealth to be spent on a futile activity.'

Both her parents and her brothers were quite surprised and understanding of Aurora, being the humble person she is, they understood her more than anyone. However, for them, Aurora's debut was once a lifetime. It's an event called for.


Antoine is as calm as he usually is in front of Aurora...

'You needlessly worry about money Aurora, as our family's wealth never runs out.

Keane reassured her by telling her about their family's wealth. 'That's because we've invested in various things from little to big. I'm sure you've noticed how our fortune never runs dry.

While Cullen comforted his sister childishly. 'Don't worry sis, we won't go into ruin 'cause our pockets are already torn apart from carrying too much money.

As each and every one of her family stated solid reasons for celebrating her debut, Aurora admitted defeat and accepted how things are going to be. She couldn't handle it if she keeps on refusing as her family will come up with countless ideas on forcing Aurora to accept her debut celebration.

Letting her family decides everything on her debut celebration and quietly enjoying her tea, Aurora remembered something that must be told by her family.

'Oh, I forgot to mention that the young master Coleman will be arriving tomorrow with a carriage as the duchess invited me to have a cup of tea.'

Cullen, who was very excited about planning his sister's banquet, spilled his tea. 'WHAT?!! YOU'LL BE RIDING THE SAME CARRIAGE WITH THAT BAS- DIRTY LITTLE RAT?!!! THEN I'M GOING TOO.'

Aurora's mother, Grand Duchess Adele. Known for her nobility and her ladylikeness was elegantly perfect was on the verge of holding back her anger.

'Why, of course, you can go as I recall she herself told me a few times how she misses you and wants to see you as soon as possible. Quite persistent I dare say. And you Cullen, won't be accompanying her no matter how much you wanted.

( do you think I wanted to allow her to meet my baby )

Antoine was speechless. But her father, Grand Duke Earvein, tried to restrain his irritation.

'Of course, you can visit the Coleman household, my daughter. Will you be bringing anything?'

Aurora can't think of anything to bring for the duchess but one thing came to her mind.

'I was planning on bringing--'

Keane who was silent until now spoke up. 'I'm sure that the duchess wouldn't even mind if you didn't even bring anything. Your presence alone makes her tears of joy come out.'

Her mother wanted to hide her displeasure agreed with her son and hoped that Aurora wouldn't be paying any mind to the Duchess.

'Well, that's settled then. Now, off to bed all of you. We've got a big, new day tomorrow.

Aurora, stood up just as she finishes her tea, wanting to return to her room as soon as possible after a tiring day. All she could think about are her bed, a serene bath, and a night of soundless sleep. 'Have a good rest then everyone, goodnight....…?? Why aren't brothers getting up? I thought that you three would be racing to your own bedrooms.'

All three of her brothers explained that the soothing and pleasant smell of the tea makes them want to drink a little more.

'Why we haven't finished our tea yet, we'll be hugging our pillows right after this.'

'I believe that Cullen's trying to enjoy the joy of tea.'

'I finally understand what you mean sis.' ( you know I've never once understood it. The taste itself is delicious, isn't it that's why everyone's favorite become it??? And why would you pick on me, Antoine?! )

Aurora was puzzled for a moment but she doesn't notice anything weird in her third brother's behavior who dislike enjoying tea for a long period of time. Instead, she was glad that Cullen finally came to realize how amazing tea actually is.

'??? Very well then, I'll go first. See you tomorrow.'

Before Aurora makes an exit to the door, her family smiled sweetly that could hide anything and with luck, Aurora wouldn't detect anything suspicious. 'Goodnight Aurora, sleep tight.'

(clack )

As Aurora closes the door behind her, butlers and maids that served her and her brothers were waiting right outside.