
Love & Betrayal

Crystal Hycinth is a 25 years old introvert. She works as a Managing Director in M&L Company. Lives alone in New York. Jane and Amy are her best friends. Her mom is adamant to get her married as soon as possible. She fell in love with Ken Brownson, the CEO of a Miles Group. Ken Brownson, 27 years old and the CEO of Miles group, a group in partnership with M&L company where Crystal works. Ken is known to be a notorious player that likes women. He met Crystal and got attracted to her at first sight, His best friend James who also works in M&L Company told him he can’t get Crystal everyone knows her as the Ice Queen. Ken's feelings were hurt and they decided to play a game to show his friend he can get any girl. What started off as a game soon turned to a dangerous game. What happens when he falls in love with Crystal? What will Crystal do when she finds out it’s all a game? Follow their journey will they find love? Or will it end right before it even starts?

chinelo_princess · Urban
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"Good morning, it's 6:30 AM, you need to wake up and get dressed for work." Alexa said.

"Ughhhh" !! I groaned and turned to the other side of the bed, Not now Alexa I need to sleep more I am so tired

"Today is Tuesday 21st of March, remember today is the day you get promoted as the New managing director of the company."

My eyes opened, and I jumped up omg! how can I have forgotten,

"Thanks Alexa" I said as I quickly pulled off my nightwear and ran to the bathroom, I picked up my toothbrush and put some close up on it. I started brushing my teeth in a hurry

Alexa play me something for the mood.

"Okay. Ma'am.Playing Permission to dance by BTS"

I chuckled, Alexa thank you I said. Alexa knows I am a big fan of BTS they have a song for every mood and of course this is the best one for my mood.

"We don't need permission to dance, na na na na na na…"

I danced while brushing my teeth and thinking of what to wear to work today. I worked so hard to be here today, and I can't believe my hardwork paid off finally I will be the new president of my company.

I finished bathing and dressed up in my Andrea Iyamah Jumpsuit with my Christian Louboutin heels and sprayed my Penhaligon's Hafelti and Poison by Dior perfume. I smell so nice

Then Alexa switched to Dynamite by BTS

Alexa, you are killing it, I screamed.

As I quickly made myself breakfast. It was already 7:45, when I finished taking my tea and some toast bread. I hurriedly grabbed my keys and bag and rushed to the door.

"Bye Alexa" I said as I turned off my light and locked my door.

~ ~ ~

I parked at my car spot and stepped down, all eyes were on me.

The rumors that I was going to be the new managing director had gone wide, and I must say I felt really proud as I walked to the coffee stand in front of my company.

"Iced Americano please" I said, while I checked my phone to reply to some messages from my friend when Jane's message popped on my screen.

After celebration party tonight right?? Jane asked.

As I was about to reply I heard my name Miss Crystal, I looked up

"Here is your coffee Ma'am."

"Thank you." I said as I paid for my coffee and starting working towards my company

As I walked in, everyone kept greeting me and complimenting my outfit and hair.

I really killed the outfit. When I heard I was going to be promoted I immediately went online to shop for new clothes and shoes,

"Finally! " I breathed out in relief when I got into the elevator, my cheeks hurt from smiling too much. I brought out my mirror from my hand bag and started touching up my face.

The elevator beeped while I hurriedly place my mirror and mascara back into my handbag

As the elevator opened up I was about to walk out when I walked in front of guy trying to enter

"Sorry." I said then I looked up at him

"No problem", He is a very good looking guy, his suit fitted him perfectly with the blazer form fitted showing off his toned body and slacks that were tight around the ankles.

I was about to walk out when he said;

"Ken Brownson" here, what about you?

I blinked softly staring at him shock, still trying to understand him while the elevator door tried to close he placed his feet quickly to stop the door from closing.

"I mean my name is Ken Browson, what's yours?" He said, smiling with his bright, perfect teeth showing.

"Oh! Crystal Hycinth," I answered, I looked at my watch and I was running late,

" I have to go," I said, turning to leave, walking quickly out of the lift.

"I'll see you around Crystal" I felt my cheek turned red, and with that the elevator door closed and I just shaked my head and walked off, I have never seen him around here.

I stepped into the meeting, like a queen that I am, some of my colleagues were already sitting and I was happy when I saw Sandra was already sitting down. I sat in the sit in front of her, I am glad she came early before me. Sandra has been my rival since she was transferred here, she competes with me so much even down to the clothes and shoes I wear.

I know tomorrow she will probably come in with the same brand I am wearing. Some times I really want to smack her across the face, well me becoming the managing director is already a big blow to her. Her looked up at her and she had the exact shade of lipgloss I wore last week on.

"Bitch" I said in my mind.

I pulled out my phone to tell her Jane how Sandra found out the exact shade I wore and the brand even though it was from a small company, she was the one who introduced me to the brand and I bought it because I thought it would be hard for Sandra to find while we both cussed her out.

Everyone came and the board meeting started. I wasn't going to let this bitch ruin my mood. The representative move to the front of the room,

"The result for the new managing director of this company has been decided."

"Cynthia Hycinth!" he called out my name, everyone started clapping and I stood up and walked to the front of the room.

"I am so grateful to everyone of you for making me the Managing Director and I promise you would not regret your decision today. Thank you so much." Everyone stood up to clap for me and I shaked hands with the people that came to congratulate me.

I looked over to Sandra and she sat down and was pressing her phone like she had something urgent to respond to.

God really prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemy,


I was in my office when my friend Jane came in, Jane is my personal secretary and my bestfriend.

She walks up to me and we both hugged each

"O.M.G. It still feels like a dream to me, you are finally the new president, she walks to my desk and touched


"This calls for a celebration we have to party"

Come on a party, I just want to go home and popped some champagne and celebrate while Alexa plays me a song.

"You are ridiculous, you just got something you have been working so hard for, you should celebrate with everyone."

She walks out and I heard her announcing to everyone "Crystal would having a party by 8PM at her place tonight y'all should be there".

This girl is crazy, I wasn't even prepared and I don't have drinks at my place.

My phones start ringing I walked to my desk and picked it up, My Mum was calling I picked up

"Hello Mum,"

"Congratulations honey, you did it!! I am so proud of you."

"Thank you Mum, I love you so much."

"Hope you won't stay home celebrating alone, you have to celebrate with your friends."

I rolled my eyes she is just like Jane, don't worry Mum Jane has already invited everyone at my work place.

"Oh that's good, congratulations once again dear I am so happy for you."

We talked about other things before we both said goodbye and i hanged up.

I will need to stop at the mall to shop for the party, Jane and I will go together she put me in this mess so she has to go with me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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