

The fight to maintain power makes the two rulers of the two countries willing to kill everyone who gets in their way. Calorin Seckam is a 21 year old girl, the only daughter of the strongest mafia in Italy. Not many people know this because she is a girl who is vulnerable to attack. However, fed up with his father's cruelty, he fled to Turkey where his grandmother was. He changed his name to Zeynep, then lived a normal life. Two years later, there was a brutal shooting in the area where he and his grandmother lived. The grandmother was shot right in front of her own eyes. The shooter was the strongest Mafia in Turkey and his group, they are no different from what his father did. Calorin is determined to only use the name Zeynep to take revenge on the mafia who killed his grandmother. Who would have thought, the Mafia with the surname DEMIR was his father's greatest enemy. But it was too late to realize, Zeynep has now joined the Demir family to take revenge by approaching his only son, Yusuf Demir. The DEMIR family's fierce battle with the SECKAM family continues, until their family in Italy finds out that Zeynep is Calorin. Yusuf, who initially had multiple partners, was finally melted down by Zeynep. But not only Yusuf, Zeynep himself fell in love with him. His growing feelings for Yusuf, made it difficult for him to take up a gun to shoot. Until finally Yusuf finds out that Zeynep is Calorin!

Nona_Nandin · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Not wanting to live with her father anymore and also being hurt by her father made Calorin decide to flee from Italy to Turkey using his Turkish name. He left early in the morning when all the employees and his father were still asleep. The passport he used had been provided by his mother so he could travel using the name Zeynep, without knowing that he was a descendant of Seckam. Arriving in Turkey, Zeynep who had not been to the country for almost a dozen years, he immediately looked for his grandmother who had the KORKMAZ surname. "Grandma," Zeynep called to the middle-aged woman who was embroidering in front of her house. Apparently the two recognized each other immediately. Zeynep told her everything that had happened to her mother, and what her father had done. ILAYDA that's what the people around called the middle-aged woman who owned the vineyard. Zeynep ended up living with her grandmother in Turkey. Seckam didn't find Calorin but he didn't think about Turkey at all. He even forgot his daughter's Turkish name. One year later, the DEMIR mafia family wants Zeynep's grandmother's wine estate. But the middle-aged woman didn't want to sell her, because she had hundreds of employees who depended on her for work. Without a second thought, Yusuf Demir, a 25-year-old man, ordered his men to pull the trigger and killed dalayda instantly. The incident was witnessed directly by Zeynep who was hiding behind the door, for the second time the girl lost her loved ones due to the greed of the Mafia. After killing Zeynep's grandmother, the Mafia just left. The girl came out from behind the door with trembling legs seeing the blood covering her grandmother's body. Zeynep's cries grew louder, making all the neighbors flock. They didn't help before for fear of getting shot too. Hundreds of plantation workers escorted layda's body to its final resting place. Yusuf Demir, reported this incident to his father. And the father laughed out loud because he could finally own the vineyard. But one week later, they learn that Grandma layda has a granddaughter named Zeynep, and that girl will be the next owner of the vineyard. Hearing that, Yusuf's father was very angry. There was no way he had to kill again, it would only incur public anger. Zeynep who had lost her loved ones, decided not to cry and was weak. He wants to avenge his grandmother's death on the Demir family. Who would have thought that Yusuf's father, Ahmet, would come to Zeynep's house. Zeynep opens the door for Ahmet, the old man comes accompanied by his men. Zeynep also saw the man who shot his grandmother go there. "Is your name Zeynep Korkmaz?" Ahmet asked the girl. Zeynep who didn't want to look weak, she raised one eyebrow. "I'm Zeynep, why are you looking for me?" "I just heard about you, are you really layda's grandson, where did you live before?" Zeynep decided to bury his origin from Italy, he replied that he lived in Bolu, which is another part of Turkey. "No wonder I just met you!" replied Ahmet. "Do you know my grandmother?" Zeynep asked. "Tabiki!" Ahmed answered in Turkish. "He died yesterday, I'm very sad because I also just lost my mother." Zeynep explained. Ahmet must carefully tread to deceive the girl, as he knows that hundreds of plantation employees might be protecting Zeynep. Zeynep's eyes turned to look at Ahmet as well as the man who had killed his grandmother. Rumbling in his heart wanted to avenge their actions. "Before that, I want to explain my arrival! Your grandmother wants a marriage for you and my son Yusuf Demir!" Ahmet explained. Zeynep widened her eyes. "Didn't you just find out about me? how can grandma talk about marriage!" Ahmet was silent for a moment because of Zeynep's trick answer, who turned out to be a smart girl. Ahmet sighed. "Zeynep, I know you are still in mourning! But business is business, moreover this is a promise that your grandmother must keep!" Zeynep finds out Ahmet's lies, but he keeps his cool. The brains of this murderous family really justify any means. "You haven't met my son have you? You'll fall in love if you see him." said Ahmet. Zeynep held back her emotions, how could she forget the man she saw from behind the door, when she ordered her men to shoot the grandmother. Zeynep thinks that lies must be paid for with more lies. He decided to get closer to his enemy so he could stab him up close without suspicion. Zeynep agreed quickly. "Okay, I want to marry your son, this is because I want to keep my grandmother's promise." Ahmet smirked, he didn't think it would be easier to deceive the girl in front of him. Zeynep replied with a fake smile, he was happier because he was given an easier way to get revenge. Ahmet is utterly mesmerized, as soon as he returns from Zeynep's house through the vineyards. He had already imagined that he would own all those hundreds of hectares of land. Zeynep called her grandmother's lawyer, to immediately agree to the transfer of the vineyard land in her name. Then the girl made a letter signed with a stamp. That said, if he died then all the land and property he got from his grandmother, he would donate to charity. The girl cleverly protects all the rights she gets so as not to fall into the hands of the evil Mafia. Ahmet explains to his son about the marriage plan with Zeynep in order to seize the vineyard. But Yusuf Demir for the first time refused his father's orders, he did not want to marry. "If you refuse, then we won't see your mother again!" his father snapped. Apparently Yusuf does not have a good relationship with his father, he obeys all of Ahmet's orders just to protect his mother. Finally Yusuf accepted the offer, and they prepared for the wedding in just 3 days. Zeynep really did not expect that the steps taken by the Demir family were so rash and too fast to have everything they wanted. Zeynep who has a half-blood face, looks very beautiful with a white dress that covers her body. There was no smile at all on Yusuf's or Zeynep's faces. Only Ahmet seemed to be smiling at the wedding. After they got married, they officially became husband and wife. Zeynep moved into Yusuf's house which was considered the most luxurious in the city. The next day, Ahmet takes care of all the paperwork and inquires over the ownership of layda's vineyard. But official lawyers say that the vineyard has been renamed by Zeynep, and will be donated to charity if Zeynep dies. Ahmet who heard that was immediately furious. He was really raging. Even though he had married Yusuf to Zeynep so that he could control the vineyards. Ahmet thought of a million ways to own the vineyard. And he found a way that could cancel Zeynep to donate his fortune to charity if he died. The only way is, Yusuf must have a son from Zeynep, so that he can pass all the treasure to his descendants. But the idea was clearly rejected by Yusuf, he really didn't want to touch Zeynep who he didn't know at all.