
Love at my first wedding

Elinadking · Urban
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Love at my first wedding

Jisoo is a hard-working young lady who work to take car of her mother after her father amended her and her mother. 

        After finishing her part-time job she got a call from her friend, that her boyfriend is getting married. Jisoo got angry and went to the wedding ceremony then she stood on the table said' I and the groom we have been together for 10 years then I find out he is get married what a jerk. I wish the bride and groom happy marriage'. She then looked to see that she was at the wedding but it was too late the bride had already slapped the groom and left everyone was gossiping about what jisoo said and when she tried to escape taehyung grabbed her hand tell ' after all the 10 years we spent don't you to get married '. Jisoo get married to a complete stranger at the wedding jisoo escapes.  When she gets home she finds out that her landlord has kicked her out with all her things outside. Jisoo didn't know what to do then her ex-boyfriend shows up with his new bride who was her enemy in high school. She laugh at jisoo for been kicked out of her house then jisoo replied' since you like picking up things I leave on the floor why does you help me with this to '. Jisoo almost got a slap form mina jisoo's ex-boyfriend wife. Then taehyung approaches jisoo getting out of a expensive car. Jackson jisoo's ex-boyfriend after seeing taehyung know that he is the CEO of Kim tech Jackson tries to approach taehyung but taehyung pass by him and walked to jisoo asking her'do you know him ?hmm no. Then let go home'ok darling.