
Mr Cribb,the Gardner

It was that time of the year when the cold of the harmattan season seems to Pierce the skin of it victims,that period when we get glued to our bed even at 9:39am,

but that was not the case for Mr Cribb,he seems to have outgrown the urge to remain in bed even when the weather permits it. Mr Cribb was a well known Gardner in his neighbourhood,his simplicity made him a celebrity in his neighbourhood, though there was something weird about him which no one dared asked him,though he was in his late seventies,Mr Cribb had never been married in his entire life,he had no child of his own,but he was an addicted lover of children,he seldom had visitors,only on few occasions,and this weird part of him made some of his neighbours doubt his sincerity and simplicity. Though he never knew these thoughts were passing through their minds because no one had ever asked him of his family life(if at all he had one)