

Her name is selina, Nina for short. she is the most ugliest girl in the whole school but you don't want to tell her that. she doesn't talk to people except her two best friends who can be annoying as fuck. she is sassy and rude when she wants and she hate boys. but what happen when the most handsome guy in school develop a crush on her? He is the new hottest guy in school,his name is Jason and he is a big flirt. he love women as he love his sleep. but one girl in his new school seem to catch his fancy. what happen when he discover that what he feels for her is more than want or just a simple crush? Why don't you find out what become of them in this Dearing story?.

Elena_Gold · Teen
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7 Chs


weeks after that incident, Miss brown the literature teacher, a foreigner with brown coils, hazel eyes, straight nose and pink lips. she had that perfect face and killer curves that could turn heads but bad thing I don't like her cause she's fucking sorry sleeping with the principal I know because I caught them in the act and I didn't tell but since then she's has been acting strange towards me and I don't give two fucks about it she could suck my dick for all I care, that is if I have one

the class president stand up

"class!" he called and we all stand from our seats

"morning miss brown" we all greet her and she smile, geez can this day get more disgusting.

"morning, you can all have your seats" she said and we seat back down

"today am gonna be giving you guys an assignment that I expect to be submitted two weeks from now" she started

"am gonna pair you guys in twos and you will write me a story about love, and it should be titled 'LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT'" she announce and I smile, am a story person, I love any type of stories as far as its interesting I just hope I get paired with someone with brains and who love stories like I do

"listen for yours and your partner's name

john eden & Sofie white

Abigail Adams & Stephan knight

Julie Nate & joey styles

Emily Greg & Steven page

peter Barlowe & Anita Valarie

Selina winters & Jason O'Brian...."

I stop hearing anything when I heard the name of my partner and the only word ringing in my head was WHAT THE FUCK. like what the hell, why am I paired with him from everybody in the world its him? no,no,no this can't be happening

"oh my God Nina you got paired with the hot guy" June said, oh God why me.

"who did I offend?" I ask myself

"you know nina if you don't want to panther with him I could always take your place" Anita offered, I look around the class to see all the girls glaring daggers at me and I glare back at them, I don't tank shit from no one

I wave my hand in the air till miss brown is looking at me she sign before saying

"what do you want selina"

I stand to my feet and clear my throat

"miss brown can I switch partner, Anita would u can just like to partner with my partner" I tell her and she look at me for sometime

"would you like to switch partner Jason?" she ask and I turn to look at the cocky bastard who had a smirk on his stupid face

"no miss brown, I think me and my partner would make a great team" he said while looking at me and I glare at him before turning to miss brown

"with that said I think you know what to do selina and no switching of partners, if you do you would have to repeat this session again" she said and I seat down, I hate my life. I turn to glare at the idiot and he wink at me. I swear to God I will kill him.