

Her name is selina, Nina for short. she is the most ugliest girl in the whole school but you don't want to tell her that. she doesn't talk to people except her two best friends who can be annoying as fuck. she is sassy and rude when she wants and she hate boys. but what happen when the most handsome guy in school develop a crush on her? He is the new hottest guy in school,his name is Jason and he is a big flirt. he love women as he love his sleep. but one girl in his new school seem to catch his fancy. what happen when he discover that what he feels for her is more than want or just a simple crush? Why don't you find out what become of them in this Dearing story?.

Elena_Gold · Teen
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7 Chs


I keep telling myself that today would be a good day, because its our first day in SSS2 (senior secondary school two). but what were I thinking since I have bad luck. now I am stuck in math class and am trying not to scream at the teacher to stop teaching because its so so so boring.

I sign for the tenth time and Julie who we call June turn to me

"are you alright Nina?" she ask and I frown, do I look sick

"don't ask June" I tell her making her chuckle and Anita turn to look at me and then shakes her head

"what?" I ask getting irritated and they both laugh silently so the teacher wouldn't hear

"you look like someone who wants to run away" June said and I roll my eyes. its not my fault that math class is always boring.

"you really hate the subject so much?" Anita ask and

"you have no idea" I tell her with a frown

"remind me why am still in this class?" I ask

"because today's first day in SSS2 and you want to try ne....." June was saying before I cut in

"please don't remind me because that's the most stupidest decision have ever made" I said and they both chuckle quietly

"don't worry girl, your torture would soon come to an end" June assure me and I scoff then pick my pen and start writing what comes to my head

After a while of peace and quite, which did not last long. my class mates especially the girls start to whisper among themselves, while I kept writing trying my best to concentrate until June pinch my arm

"ouch" I winch in pain and rub my sore skin as I turn my head to June, guess what. she wasn't even looking at me instead her attention is at the front of the class and she's drooling I scoff and turn my head to the front of the class only to see the principal and a guy not worth drool able. I take my eyes back to my book in annoyance and continue writing

"attention student!!" the principal said and the class went quiet

"as you all can see we have a new student in our midst and i will like you all to treat him with respect because he's a special student in this school" the principal announce and I frown my eyes still glued to my book. what the fuck does he mean special student, then what are we huh?.

"my name's Jason O'Brian, ,JB for short" I heard the new boy introduce himself and I roll my eyes. who cares about your name.

"and am glad to be in same class as you guy's" he add. his accent is strange that means he's not from Nigeria, who cares.

"welcome to Royal Academy JB" my classmates all said except me

"oh my God he's hot" June mutter to herself and I raise my head to see a smile on her face

"he's so, so, so, so dangerously.....undescribable" Anita mutter to herself and I frown, what's wrong with them both. I look at both of them and they were busy smiling like psycho's

"snap out of it" I said and they both turn to look at me like I grew two heads

"what?" I ask them and June gasp dramatically making me roll my eyes

"have you seen the new boy?" she ask me and I frown, does she think am blind.

"do I look blind to you?" I ask instead of answering her question

"so, you don't think that he's good looking?" she ask

"I didn't say that" I said

"so you think he's good looking?" she ask, what's with all the questions.

"I didn't say that either" I said focusing back on my book

"where would you go after class?" she ask me

"the library" I answer, since it would be a free period, so why not waste it in the library. and she nod her head

i felt a someone staring at me and I turn my head to my left side only to see the new boy, and when our eyes met he wink at me, I scoff and roll my eyes then focus back on my book.

after sometime the Bell rings and I heave a sign of relief and pack my books into my bag before standing up, June followed suit. I look at Anita and she was staring at the new boy, I frown

"Anita are you not coming with us?" I ask

"no, not today" she answer not taking her eyes off the new boy. I glare at the new boy before walking out of the class with June by my side.

we walk in silent for sometime before reaching the library, we walk in and head to the story book section and I grab a random book before walking to an empty seat. after sometime June sit beside me with a book in her hand

"Nina" June call me

"yes?" I answer without looking at her, my eyes on the book.

"what do you think about the new boy?" she ask and I frown

"what do you want me to think about him?" I ask her, my eyes still focus on the book in front of me

"I think he likes you" she said and I finally turn my head to her

"what's that suppose to mean?" I ask and she roll her eyes

" didn't you see the way he was looking at you?" she ask and I roll my eyes

"I swear he was eating you with his eyes, the dude want you" she add

"and let's not forget about the wink" she suddenly said, she saw that?.

"can we drop the topic June?" I ask and she frown

"please?" I ask and she nod

"but this conversation ain't over" she said and I heave a sign of relive. finally.