

Her name is selina, Nina for short. she is the most ugliest girl in the whole school but you don't want to tell her that. she doesn't talk to people except her two best friends who can be annoying as fuck. she is sassy and rude when she wants and she hate boys. but what happen when the most handsome guy in school develop a crush on her? He is the new hottest guy in school,his name is Jason and he is a big flirt. he love women as he love his sleep. but one girl in his new school seem to catch his fancy. what happen when he discover that what he feels for her is more than want or just a simple crush? Why don't you find out what become of them in this Dearing story?.

Elena_Gold · Teen
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7 Chs


"would you stop staring, its creepy" I tell Jason and he scoff. yeah I call him Jason now because he stop acting like a prick.

"did you just notice?" he ask and I roll my eyes

"can we concentrate on the assignment please, tomorrow is the d-day" I tell him

"but we are done with it already and you keep reading it again again and again" he said and I glare at him

"because I want yo be sure that I am going to win" I tell him and he scoff

"its we babe" he tell me and I glare at him

"I swear to whatever thing you believe in if you call me babe one more time..." I tell him and he smirk

"babe" he said and I hit his head with the book in my hand

"ouch! can you stop being mean to me" he said and I smile

"nope, I prefer being mean it suits me best" i tell him and pat his cheek

"gosh why do I like you again?" he mutter to himself and I frown

"are you busy today?" he ask me and I shake my head

"then would you go out with me?" he ask and I raise my head to look at him

"are you asking me out Jason?" I ask and he nod with a smile on his face

"OK then, beside am hungry" I said and he smile

"you agree to go on a date with me?" he ask and I nod

"then do you like me?" he ask

"of course I like you" I tell him and he smile

"as a friend" I add and he frown

"thanks for spoiling my day Nina" he tell me and I roll my eyes

"when do we leave?" I ask him

"whenever your ready" he answer

".......she finally found that love she seek in his hands, the end" I finish reading the story in front of the class and everyone did a standing ovation for us. its currently Monday the day we submit our assignment and I just finish reading ours like everybody did with Jason by my side.

"you both did great selina and Jason" miss browm said and smile at Jason while I roll my eyes talk about being a bitch in class

"you can both take your seats now" she tell us and I walk to my seat

"that was one hell of a good story" June tell me and Anita roll her eyes, she has been acting strange and rude to me since I started working on the assignment with Jason

"thanks June" I tell her and she smile

"and the winners are..." miss brown said and pause, I roll my eyes at the stupid method she's us in to cause tension which is actually working for some stupid people

"our winners are... Jason O'Brian and selina winters. a round of applaud for them" she said and everyone clap, I turn to look at Jason and he's already looking at me with a smirk on his face and when our eyes meet he wink at me and I roll my eyes playfully at him then I smile. we did win at last.

"come forward for your gift" we heard miss brown say,we both walk forward. miss brown hand us a book and Jason frown on seeing the book while I smile

"I can't believe she's giving us a book after all the thinking I did for that story" he said and I glare at him

"You didn't do anything, I came up with all the ideas you were just sitting there and staring at me" I tell him and he smile

"and beside if you don't want the nook I can I have it" I add

"if I didn't know better I would think you are a nerd" he tell me and I fool my eyes who doesn't love reading, yes Jason O'Brian

"and you own me a date" he tell me and I frown

"no I don't"

"you promise to go on a date with me if we win this stupid thing" he tell me

"that was then and this is now Jason" I said and he smirk

"I'll pick you up by six on Saturday, until then babe" he tell me and walk away.

"what have I gotten myself in".