

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


"Where's this, mom?"

She opened her eyes after some couples of hours hours. She tried to raise her body up to sit on the bed but she couldn't because she's weak and tired. She tried again but couldn't get her body sitted. Bint take a few steps to her side and help her to sit properly. Mrs.hale walks in looking like an hopeless being. Immediately she set her eyes on Klhoe's face,her mood changes. She was happy her daughter is back to life. She wasn't herself during the 5hours of Klhoe's inactivity on the hospital bed. She can't open her eyes,she didn't eat,she can't open her mouth. She was just breathing with the nose heavily.

"Oh my gosh! You're awake" she's so happy. She walks towards her and hug her. She never believe she's awake after that tension she faces.

"Yeah..mom. Where... is this?" She ask looking everywhere like a confused person that she's.

"It's nothing Miss. You are just stressed out. I will bring your favorite food for you"

Bint said bringing out the the food in the bag she's holding.

"How are you feeling now?" Mrs.hale ask touching her neck to feel her body temperature. She Care about her daughter so much.

"How are you feeling now?"

Mr. K walks in on his uniform with one of his nurse. The nurse is holding her drugs and some other medical instrument. He check the last drip she's taking and set it well. He check her state of health. Klhoe is just looking at where she is. She doesn't know what brought her here. All she could remember is that she's is the "Number90" . She remember the face of the doctor.

"I know you" she said staring at the doctor

"yeah. I'm Mr. K" he said clearing her thoughts

"Klhoe,how are you feeling now?" He ask

"I'm feeling better" she said

",That's right" I will check up on you later to know when you'll get discharged

Mr. K clos the the door behind him to his office. He was just wondering on what could make her inactive for five hours. "This is quite usual" There is no how he's gonna ask Mrs. Hale because they haven't gotten deep in their friendship like. He was just thinking on what to do to help Klhoe's situation on her predicament. Mr. K might be falling.

Ring..ring...ring ..

Klhoe's phone rings out loudly. Bint gave her the phone. She check the name of the caller. it's wisdom clark according to true caller app. Immediately she saw the name, the picture of every of her experience concerning her encounter with Clark flashes to her head. She begin shivering that her phone is quivering on her hands. Mrs. Hale is indifferent about it. She thought after this medications,she will be fine but it's becoming more tense for her. Klhoe pick the call. She doesn't want to cut the call because her mom will ask why she did that

"Hello b*tch,you still want your name off my mouth. But it's fine since b*tch is all I could replace with that"

She didn't give him any response. She was just smiling to her so that she won't notice anything. She literally reduce the volume.

"I just l want you to know that. It's NUMBER90" Wilson said as he cut the phone

"What's number90?" She ask herself but echoed out that everyone in her hospital room could hear that

"What's 90 Hun" Mrs. Hale ask facing her dear daughter

"Mom,it's nothing. I was just over thinking things" she said giving her mom a bitter smile

"Who called? Was that Lia?" Mrs. Hale ask

"One of my old friend" she said to Mrs. Hale

One the nurse in the hospital walk in her room to pass an information from the doctor to them.

"Dr. K need your attention ma" she said to Mrs. Hale

"Oh! I will be there in a minute" Mrs. Hale said

",I need water bint" bint quickly pour some water In a glass of cup and give her.

"Thanks" Klhoe said

Mrs. Hale knock the door facing her.

"Come in" Mr. K said

"You call for me Mr. K" mrs. Hale said walking towards Mr. K

"I just want to tell you that, she's okay and she can discharge now"

Mrs. Hale was excited but still,she doesn't know if she will continue all those are weird attitude towards them in the house. Different thoughts was running, playing on Mrs. Hale head . "Thank you" Mrs. Hale appreciated the doctor. She stood up to go out of the doctor's office. Mr. K call her name as she look back she fell on Mr. K body helplessly. "You must be tired" I will get you water. Mr. K rush in to bring water for her.

"Have it" Mr. K said as he handed a glass of water to her. "Thanks"

They both stared at each other for a while. "uhhhh" Mrs. Hale gather herself. She is just looking at a tall, handsome and realiable young man who she can't wait to own. But then,she realize the love might not be real or maybe real. She doesn't know the kind of mix feeling she's having for Mr. K. She surely want it to happen but doubting the outcome of it.

"what are you thinking? About me?"

They both laugh off it.