

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Bint said giving Mrs. Hale a terrible smile. She didn't notice that but Lia could see the way she's acting like a devil who hunt for prey. She doesn't know if she's just acting up or something. Klhoe stood up from her seat. She move closer to Lia and Mrs. Hale. "I will change.." she stopped talking when a message pop on her screen. Immediately Lia Heard that,she stood up and drag the phone from Klhoe and jerk upstairs.

Mrs. Hale wondered on why Lia dragged Klhoe's phone like that. At this point, she didn't say nothing. She picked her phone that is ringing to see who the caller is,"Why the stalking calls" Mrs. Hale lashes at the caller. "I'm so sorry ma. The company need your attention right way" the caller said with a shaky voice. "I will be there right way" her mood changes. She doesn't know what to do. Her head bangs as if a ball was fired at her head. "Bint,take care of the house. I will be back" Mrs. Hale rush in her room to pick her car key and her bag to begin going.

"What's wrong with you?" Klhoe lashes out at Lia . She doesn't know what's in the message and how Lia is gonna feel about it . "How is Lia gonna feel about this?" She ask herself.

"I'm literally helping you but you are not helping yourself" Lia yell out at her. "Please don't read the message, I'm begging you Lia,it's for your own good." "Why?" Lia stop and ask unexpectedly. "You don't get Lia, please I don't wish my enemy to feel the or dwell in the situation I found myself. Please do...not ..read ...the .. message"m

She clear her throat to yell. She doesn't know how to tell her not to read the message again. It seem as Klhoe is getting to understand her situation. "You will stalk in the trap!". "What trap?". "The trap I'm in". "Your trap? How did you know that? You know what, I'm gotta read this and know what's going on. I know you don't want me to read it but I'm gonna read it."

"It's fine. Anything you feel, it's your business!" Klhoe said with a shaky voice. "Yeah! Your business is..my business.". "Whatever!" Klhoe yell annoyingly. Lia drew her pattern and then open opened. ,"Awww...the guy is so sweet. Aww ..awww."

She burst into laughter as she finish reading the message. "Why on earth do you always feel bad anytime you read the message? or is it another message? I mean what message you always see that break you down always. I mean this is live to me. was there any mystery again?"

Lia sit her down and hear her response. "I don't know. .. I'm even surprised you read the message and you didn't feel bad or act somehow. ..I think I'm the one something is wrong with. I'm I mad? I'm I dreaming? Lia, I'm drowning.." Klhoe started crying. Lia felt the emotion she she's passing. "Who's Wilson Clark?". "Have you forgotten? I told you About him. I just didn't go in detail". "Oh ...yeah. so tell me about it. What's happening?".

Klhoe's mood changes. She couldn't uttered any word again. It just feel like a huge burden hanged in her throat. It seem as though she wants to spew but the word ain't coming out.

"I don't know what to say Lia. I'm just ...I don't know" she looked at her in a confused manner. "You don't know what to say? For real? Like, really?" Lia held her hands so that so that she can feel comfortable. "I know it's hurt and it's not easy to say even if I'm clueless about it but still,tell me anyhow, I'm gonna understand you bestie." Lia make sure she pamper her with words of encouragement so that she could say something about it. She really want to be sure of what's happening to her. "You sure?" she ask camly. "Sure!" Lia nodded while smiling as she said that.

Klhoe is about to start narrating her experience she had had to Lia when bint jerk in annoyingly. She couldn't knock or call names before entering. "This is rude and disrespectful.." she pause and continue "Klhoe I can't take this anymore. Are you okay at all?"

Amelia yell out at bint . She couldn't believe Klhoe is bearing all this mess in her mother's House. "WTF!" She exclaimed. Bint is just looking at her display. She is bowing her head as if she doesn't know what she's doing. She kept mute of Lia's question.

"What's the meaning of this Aunty bint?" Bint was shocked. This is her first she will be scolded by Klhoe. She couldn't say nothing. She never believe for a second that bint will act this way to her since they are very close. Amelia is just Looking at her terribly.

"I can't believe you don't even have privacy in your room again. For real? Mom wouldn't do this,I guess. I mean, that's it. She would rather knock. I can't believe you created room for close Friendship with your house keeper. They will cross their lane"

Amelia isn't taking this easy at all. She really want to say more but Klhoe is calming her down. She's not even ready to calm with bint because it her perception of her.

"Aunty bint,I know this might sound rude but, please,this should be the last time you will bang in my room without my permission. I've never enter your room without your permission. Give me my privacy. Ahhh!!!"

Bint apologize and turn back shyingly out of Klhoe's room. "So you just bang in without important thing to say?" Klhoe angrily ask

"I came to ask if you will be out for dinner or I should bring it up after it ready"

"Well,dinner is still 3hrs to come. Why are you stressing yourself"

"I just feel like...she's stalking us!"

"Don't be exaggerative. Stalking us?"

"Yeah Klhoe, don't you see the way she bang like an antagonist who is ready to defend herself at any point. Even the look of her face said it all. I'm not really in clear mind about your House keeper. I think, there is something behind"


"You bet!"