

Klhoe is the daughter of Mrs. Hale. Her dad pass away while she was young. Every since then, her mother automatically became a parent to her. She started catering as a father, and a mother to klhoe. They are very rich and own an important spot in the world. Numerous luxurious property. Klhoe is a belle that any guy would want her forever. She's very beautiful and very intelligent. She found herself in a mysterious situationship that struggles her mental health and her way of life. She doesn't want to spew it out to her mom, she pleaded Lia to keep it to themselves alone .. The situation is damaging her life and it leading to death and yet she kept it to herself and her best friend Lia. what could lead to this fear of not wanting to open up to her? Will she later spew it out? Who would find the solution to the mysterious situation she can't explain? Stay tune and grab your popcorn to bask every episode happily. Read and leave your honest reviews.

Lateef178 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


She became fustrated. She doesn't know what to do.

"Can I see her now?"

"she's resting right now. You can't see her but after few hours,you can see. You see.."

The doctor was trying to prolong his speech but Lia cut him short.

"I will just go and come back."

She said as she slam the door behind her. As she got out,she didn't believe Richard is still on his feet waiting for her. She bury her head down implying how speechless she was. She finally raise her head up after few minutes of silent between them.

"What happen to Klhoe?" He ask sounding more of like a fatherly voice breaking the silent


Lia looked at him surprisingly. She doesn't know how he got to know that Klhoe is here. She just couldn't utter any word to him about his question. She look at him as memories of everything flashes to her head. Tears started streaming from her eyes. Richard wasn't surprised because he always know Lia to be an emotional person but the way she took this,seem very personal and critical as it could be viewed from Lia's expression.

"Let go grab a drink to talk about this."



The restaurant seem scanty but very welcoming through it beautiful decorations that seem very colorful and amazing to see. Richard and Lia walks in with their hands merged with others walking majestically to pick a table in the restaurant. They finally reach a point where tables are beautifully set. Richard point at one at the edge of the restaurant and both walk to the table to sit.

"Have a seat."

Richard said as he drew out a chair that's nearly under the table for Lia to sit down. Lia smile at him and use the seat. He drew the second chair and sit opposite her.


Richard call one of the waiter to attend to them. They ordered a bottle of wine and fried chicken to flow with their discussion. The waiter brought all and open the wine for them.

Lia is just looking like a Moron who's confused and isn't ready to get out of the confusion through the expression of her face.

"Have a sip,Lia."

"I will..I just don't know how to start telling you this. It's very complicated. I just ..."

"I know. Just sip and calm your nerves. It's just a thing that can be settled." Richard said as he interrupted her.

"Settled?" She exclaimed as she ask.

"Yes. It can be settled."

She finally have a taste of the fried garnished friend chicken and a sip of her drink. She look relief as she drop the glass of wine she's holding on the table.

"Klhoe is facing a lot now. I don't know if I should tell you because we made it a secret already."

"You made it a secret. A secret that's hurting your friend?"

"I know it's very bad. I know it's not helping. But that's what she want. I pleaded her to voice it out to her mom. She refused. I advised her to make it known to few people that they Might have solution to this. I just couldn't get over the act of pleading,eve-ry-day! It's very serious, Richard. I don't know how I'm going to start this conversation. It's just..."

Richard could feel her pain through the way she was talking. He sure knew this situation seem to be critical on how she took it beyond that. She doesn't know how to tender the situation to Richard that will sound understandable to his ear.

"Calm down. I don't know what it is but there is nothing new under the sun. Though,some might sound odd to you sometimes but it's surely isn't knew. Just tell me about it. I might not have heard it before but I know she's might not be the only one facing this situation in this world. Just tell me what it is. I know it's not easy but babe...try and buckle down to erase the confusion I'm in."

"Khoe is dealing with an unknown monster."

Richard look at her and laugh out loud. He couldn't control his laughter that someone could hear the sound of his laughter outside the restaurant through the way it echoes loudly. Thankfully,they are only the one in there. Others are outside,that makes it less embarrassing for Lia.

She look at him with a confused face. Implying how disappointed and angry she seem to be and at the same confused on why Richard seemed to laugh out so loudly like that. After few minutes of displaying his silly laughter. He stop, wearing a serious face now.

"Hey! That's like a funny statement. I'm Sorry if that's hurt. I just couldn't get over the face you wore when you said a 'Monster' at the same time I don't seemed to understand why a monster will be dealing with Klhoe. It's just weird. I'm sorry for taking it too easy. I just want you to feel relieved too."

"I mean, she's dealing with an evil person she doesn't know and it had caused a lot of mouth watering negativity in her life."


"She has done a lot of abortions. The reason why she is sleeping in there is because she lost another baby again."

Her fair Beautiful face became red that she couldn't control the the water streaming down from her oceaned eyes. Richard isn't taking this with jokes anymore. His face changed to a grave one. He could feel the emotion that set in.

"Are you serious?"


She yell at Richard as she ask that rhetorical question.

"Do you think I came here to lie to you? I'm trying to man up to explain this critical situation to you and you are asking me if I'm serious. Why will I be unserious with my friend? A friend of 15yrs isn't worth leaving. I just didn't know how to explain this to you, Richard. It's crazy!!"

Richard didn't smile, laugh nor move from where he was sitting. He doesn't know how to react to this situation. Maybe is because she hasn't gone into more details about the situation. But to Lia,she seemed to have gone beyond explanation. It just crazy how Richard isn't feeling what she was saying but at the time felt Lia's pain through her explanation.

"Calm down,Lia. I know i didn't experienced this with you guys but hey! I might just have no feeling behinds this and I'm tryna also to understand this situation."

"How did you know Klhoe is in there?"

",I went to do my voice healing so I met her in the ward.That's where my client was. She couldn't say nothing to me. Maybe she's weak or surprised. I just don't know. But I could feel loads of words of pain written on her face that she doesn't know how to voice it out."

"I wish I could come close to her to ask her what happened. But I was ask to attend to the next client in the next ward. So,I stood outside to wait for you since,you are heathy to explain what happened to me."

Richard added explaining how he got to know Klhoe's situation.