
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

Process 1: Collecting Information

"Rigid Ranch. A place belongs to Mr. Wang Ji Kyung. These are some facilities in the ranch..." Taesan hands around the file.

"Horse track, clubhouse..."

"Sounds like a good place for shady business," says Reese.

"It's normal for a ranch to have a clubhouse and horse track. Of course, those rich asses love wine tasting while watching a horse race..." Jimin stops when he realizes those points leading to Reese's claim just now.

"Horse race. A fashionable way of gambling," says Taeyang.

"The expert finally speaks up..." So glares at Taeyang. The man smirks at him.

Horse and Taeyang is a longtime friend. More like a romantic relationship. He associates with horses more than he associates himself with any man.

"Is there any way we can infiltrate the facility?" asks Jimin. He is wary about the security around the ranch.

"Yeah. I was about to ask the same question. Is this a ranch or a national security building? The security is not a joke! Look at the security system and the number of guards around them!" Gi points out the information given by Taesan.

"All of us know... A highly tight secure place means..." Reese glares at her brother.

"There must be something illegal that they wanna keep away from the public," Taesan replies.

"So, how to enter the facility without being killed? Or being sus?" Jimin asks them again.

"Minnie baby, chill... There is no need to be hasty over this stuff..." Gi gives him a side hug. Jimin glares at him with a sharp side-eye and smacks Gi's hand away from him. The older snickers and giggles in tiny.

"Looks like I need to attend this week's meeting..." Reese sighs.

"Good Noona! I am done with that bullshit! Why are you always avoiding the meeting anyway?" asks Gi. He slowly lingers his hand on Jimin's shoulder one more time. This time he did it so subtly, that the younger didn't even notice.

"You did attend the meeting. You know how boring it is! Plus, I have a lot on my plate," Reese replies.

"Yeah, Sun is invading her time now. She needs to go on a series of dates with him..." Taeyang tries to support Reese, but somehow it sounds like a tease to her. She swats him with a paper in her hand.

"Just admit that you wanna avoid Dad!" says Taesan.

"Well..." she rolls up her eyes.

"Just as I thought..." Taesan whispers to himself.

"So, our schedule is clear this week!" Gi cheers. He then glares at Jimin. "Should we go for a date, Minnie?" he asks the younger.

Taeyang smiles and squints his eyes, looking at his best friend suddenly got all pink on his cheek.

"Wait... Are you guys a thing now?" asks So.



The way they reply to the question makes everyone laugh. On this side, Gi is ready to dish them some good tea, while Jimin wants to decline almost everything.

"Not a chance, Gi. You have to tag along," says Reese.

"Oho, waeeeee??? Ahhh... I don't want to!" Gi throws a fit.

"I need some update so I won't embarrass myself in front of those old geezers," says Reese. She glares at Jimin and smiles. The younger thanked her discreetly.

"No... You can bring San, or maybe So. Not me, I'm not going..." he hugs himself to secure his spot so he can back off.

"Don't be a whiny ass, Gi! Taesan only attended the meeting twice. So will join me as well, but he won't be in the meeting room," Reese smacks his shoulder.

"How about this... Let me join you this time, Noona," Taeyang's sudden volunteer acts make Jimin jump a bit from his seat.

"Tae, not helping at all...!" Jimin pinches his skin. The latter whines in pain and smacks Jimin's head in tiny.

Reese watches them discreetly. It might be a good idea to bring Taeyang as well. Which means everyone will be visiting the main house. It's been a while since the whole sub-family of Kim's clan gathered together at the main house.

How she wishes she could bring Sun along!

"Okay, to be fair and square... Let us all go to the main house. Me, San, Gi, and Tae will attend the meeting. Jimin and So, you two can be the guardian," says Reese.

"Who's gonna take care of Jung In?" asks Taeyang.

"I can take care of Jung In!" Jimin volunteers himself to be the nanny. Taking care of Jung In means he will be occupied the whole day. And the best part is, he can stay indoors and avoid those wild eyes of the main family.

"I kinda dislike the idea... But it's not that bad, you know? At least we can restore our image to Dad. Let the old folk be happy sometimes," Gi says.

"You only agree because Jimin is tagging along the convoy and he stays in instead of joining the meeting, right?" Taeyang whispers to his brother.

"I hate the Yu family's second son! He always has eyes on Jimin!" he replies him back.

"Oho, you jealous ass!" Taeyang giggles.

"How did you feel if someone was staring at So?" Gi asks.

"Let them stare. I have nothing to do with him!" Taeyang gazes at So.

"I bet you don't care because no one dares staring at The Grim Reaper!" Gi whispers back at Taeyang.

Well, that's true! Who wants to look at the face that kills so many people anyway?


Sun checks the door again to ensure it's locked. After the final check, he walks straight towards his bicycle and is ready to go.

"How dare you refuse to pay, huh?!"

He stops when he sees the snack bar Ahjumma is thrown out from her tent. He leaves his bicycle and runs towards her.

"Ahjumma, are you okay?" he grabs the old woman's shoulder and gives her a brief check. She is obviously in pain and scared, too!

"Ai satt! What the fuck are you doing, huh?! She's just an old lady, ai shia!" Sun yells at the group of men who hurt the ahjumma just now.

"She refused to pay the street tax!"

"Alaiwa? Street tax?! There is no such fucking thing as street tax! You're not even the tax bureau! Motherfucking thug!" Sun pushes the man away from the tent.

"Stay the fucking out of this! She's the one who owns us, not you!" the man grabs his collar and throws him aside.

"You motherfucking leech!"

A fist launches into the thug's face. The man yelps in pain while his friends are trying to help him.

"I know you guys all too well! There is no such thing as street tax. And Ahjumma isn't borrowing anything from you! Go away before I call the police!" Sun warns them.

"We'll be back! Don't ever think of escaping from us!" the other man warns him back.

"Bring it on!" Sun is ready to kick some asses. They walk away from there in fury. He slowly helps the ahjumma.

"Are you okay, ahjumma?" he asks.

"You silly, why did you challenge them?" the old woman slowly stands up with the help of Sun.

"I can't just chicken out and run. Besides, you can't fight them all by yourself," Sun checks her well-being, in case the old woman is hurt somewhere.

"You only put yourself in danger, young man... Believe me, being kind nowadays is useless!" the old woman bats her hand up and down.

Sun watches the old lady crippling toward her tent, acting like nothing bad happened to her just now. Even though her back looks almost distorted, she keeps doing her job.

He frowns, there is a boiling heat inside his heart. He hates violence. Especially, toward some vulnerable persons like children and old folks. Unconsciously, he balls his fist tight and pledges to himself.

He will stop this no matter what!


A voice from behind makes him turn his head. Reese is standing right behind him, wearing a sweet smile. But, somehow the smile wears off her face when she sees Sun looks frustrated.

"What happened?" she asks him immediately.

"You know what? I hate mafias! So damn hate them!"

With those words, Reese feels like being hit by a bullet.

Maybe even worse than that.