
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Mission... End / Failed

"Taes, I need some distraction..." So keeps walking to the exit door. He and Jimin currently were falling into the enemy's trap.

Jimin barely manages to escape himself to the ground level, after struggling for a few moments. He checks his smartwatch. So is far from him.

Taeyang keeps his eyes on the monitor and tries to think so he can act fast. Taesan studies the environment, who knows maybe he got some clues to help them.

"Biggie Bunny, switch your route. We're heading south," says Taeyang.

"Hey, what about me?" asks Jimin. He currently taking a stroll along the baby clothing aisle. The three men still follow him from behind.

Taesan peers at the monitor to help Jimin escape.

"Minnie, there's a lady on your way. 5 minutes," Jimin glances at the front. There's a lady, carrying a shopping bag.

"Now it's not a time to check on ladies, Hyung!" Jimin whines. They slowly became closer. The lady is talking on the phone.

"Knock her down," says Namjoon.


"Give her a shoulder," Jimin confused. And torn apart, whether he should knock the lady down, or think about something else. He then noticed a guy who was carrying stacked boxes. He smirks as he prepares to change the target.

He strolled upfront while pretending to look at his phone when he purposely stretched out his feet, making the man tripped and fall onto the lady. Boxes and bags are scattered around. Things got chaotic. Everybody gathers around, some help them and some, well maybe enjoy the show.

But that's enough to help Jimin escape.

So on the other hand still strolling in public after switching lanes. He acts normal and pretends to enjoy looking at displays.

"Bunnie, there's an exit on your left. But you need to wait for my count," says Taeyang. So glares, looking at the exit which is already visible in his eyesight.

He keeps his momentum stable and follows Taeyang's guidance.

"Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five..." So is getting closer and closer.

"Four... Three... Two... One..."

"Gucci Sale!!!"

A sudden announcement makes So flinches a bit. People swarming in front of the Gucci Outlet, try to squeeze in. Later, the man smirks as he knows this will give him a chance to escape. He slowly blends into the crowd, making his way to the exit. While the two men are stuck in the ocean of some crazy shopaholic.

"How did you know?" asks Taesan, looking at Taeyang. The younger sighs as he watches a group of hyenas 'killing' each other for a bag. It's the only limited edition bag, now for sale.

"Ah! I want that bag!" he whines and pouts. Taesan giggles.

"I saw Ji Seok Hyung's IG story. He's at the mall right now. That's how I know," Taeyang tells Taesan. His voice is filled with jealousy.

"Aish! I want that too!" Taeyang feels like smashing the monitor right now.

Taesan frowns, looking at the Taeyang. All of a sudden, his brain works fast. He quickly grabs his phone on the desk.

"Finger cross," he says as he tries to reach someone.

"Hello, it's me..."


"Jackpot..." Gi peeks at both men. This is a big catch for today. Who knows trolling the target will bring them to the real target.

Except for one tiny piece of bad news. They are now surrounded by enemies.

Reese peeps them from afar. She felt uneasy when she locked her gaze on that man just now. Kinda like he knew they were here to catch him.

"Gi, I think..." Even before she could finish her words, a man fell right in front of her. She glances at Yoongi. He shot a man down.

Who expects things will not get messy after that?

Of course, it will get chaos.

"Watch out!" Gi dunks her head down when somebody tries to blow her head. Reese couldn't take it anymore. She clicks her tongue and shoots the man.

Gunshot exchanges, blasting all across the basement parking. Gi drags Reese towards the other cars, taking covers from there. Reese locks her sight on their target.

"Shit! They're escaping!" says Reese. Her hunch is true. It's a trap.

"Now what?!" asks Gi.

"You got any ideas?" asks Reese. She shoots a man with tattoos on his arms. He's the sub of the man who rides the black car.

"I got an idea. How about a run?" asks Gi. Reese whacks him with a sharp look. Her brother grins and accidentally pokes his head out when a man notices him and points a gun at him.

"Hey! Watch out, will ya?!" Gi yells when he almost gets shot in the head. He ducks down, taking cover behind the car.

"I'm out of bullets!" Reese grits her teeth, taking a deep breath before firing again.

"Let's run!" Gi grabs her hand. They have no choice but to try to escape from there. Bullets are almost empty but enemies swarming them like bees. Gi shot once and twice while running away.

But they got another surprise coming.

Another group of men approaches them from the other side. Now, Reese and Gi are trapped between these two groups.

There's no way out.

Gi glares at his sister. She nods, hands quickly tie her hair in a bun, and tosss her gun away.

"Just fucking it!"

They launch themselves into a fight. Reese exchanged fists with two men. She broke one of the noses and choked one of them using her arm. She drags two heads together, knocks them towards each other, and tosses them away.

Gi is busy with three men. He knocks one of them down, almost got pinned on the wall but manages to escape, using his knee skill to bring an excruciating pain on... Well... His crouch...

"Ouch!!" he gasps. Gi smirkes at the man. More came on him after that.

"I'm sleepy!" Reese yells at Gi.

"Don't. Sleep. Yet. Grandma!" Gi throws several punches, dodging some too at the same time. He grabs one of the men's collars and swings him away, making the guy accidentally knock his friend too.

Someone came and grabbed Reese from behind. He locks her neck with his arm. Reese struggles to escape while another man approaches them.

"Noona!" Gi is busy 'dancing' with three more opponents, and more incoming. He can't focus anymore as he gets worried about her safety.

But his noona is not like any noona.

There's no use in calling her Medusa if she gave up that easy!

Reese twisted her shoulder a bit, brought her body to the side, and launched a nice high kick, right onto the other man's head. She grabs the fingers of the man who choked her, bends them outwards until they can hear a cracking sound, pulls away from the hand from her neck, and with monstrous inner energy, grabs her collar and swings him to the front.

Well, he's not a big bone man after all!

"Woah!!!" Gi exclaims, impressed with her skill. Right now, he's choking some other man and slamming him to the wall.

"Okay, that's not sexy at all..." he cringes and lets the neck go. He used to slam Jimin on the wall, but that's another case.

"Gi! Run!" Reese sees a car coming towards them. She grabs Gi's hand and drags him away from the scene. They run to the exit together.

"Why the bloody hell is that exit seems so fucking shit far!!" Gi yells, trying to dodge some flying bullets on his way.

"Taesan will fucking kill you if he heard those cussing words!" says Reese.

"Look who's cussing now!" Gi is almost out of breath. But his legs read his neuron signal well. They didn't even stop running for a second.

That's when he sees a man who locks Reese as a target.

"Noona!" Gi grabs her shoulder and takes the shot right into his left shoulder blade.


"Gi!!" Reese quickly grabbed her brother before he fell on the floor.

"Go! Save yourself, noona!"

"No! I won't leave you here!"

"Fuck off, noona! I will make us slow!" Gi tries to push Reese away, but the lady doesn't budge. She puts his other hand on her shoulder.

"We came together, we'll die together!" says Reese, dragging him along with her. They are crippled a bit and try their best to escape. Reese could only pray for someone can come to save them. Gi slowly began unconscious, too much blood came from the wound and now his face turned white. He fell to the ground.

"No! Min Gi! Wake up!" Reese grabs her brother in her embrace, shaking his body. The car moving towards them fast. She's out of breath and blanks now.

All she can do is pray.

Reese closes her eyes and cries.

Someone, save us!

Somehow, maybe her prayer reached fast.

A pink Jeep blasts out of nowhere, slamming the car to the wall. The whole basement shook badly like an earthquake. Reese opened her eyes and watched the Jeep moving in reverse and hit the rest of the men who chased them. Then the car sped towards them and stopped.

"Noona! Come in, fast!" Ji Seok yells at her. Jimin opens the door only to find Gi's unconscious body soaking in blood.

"Hyung!!" he screams as he hops out of the car and hugs him.

"Bring him inside! We need to get to the hospital right now!" yells Reese. Jimin nods and lifts Gi in bridal style and gets into the car.

"Noona!" a black superbike stops in front of them. So flicks the visor and looks at them.

"Bunny!" says Reese with tears still in her eyes.

"We'll take it from here. Go! Hurry!" says So.

Reese quickly gets into the car. Ji Seok slams the gas and speeds away from there.

So put on his visor back and rammed the throttle. Another two superbikes follow him, with guns in their hand.

"Let's do some 'spring cleaning'!" he smirks.