
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


"So, you told me those people... They are mafias?" the police officer inquires Ji Seok one more time.

"Yes. They were asking for protection money at the area. You can ask the snack cart ahjumma. She can testify if you want to," says Ji Seok. His voice is full of confident. Although deep inside, he isn't sure about that.

The police officer frowns. He holds a deep breath.

"I know you will react like this," Ji Seok glares at the man.

"What do you mean?" asks the police officer.

"You guys are afraid of mafias..."

"Not really... Actually, meddle with mafias' business is like standing on a thin ice,"

Ji Seok and Taesan exchange glares. Somehow, those words are true. No one dares to mess with a bunch of people who not only can kill you, but they can also wipe the whole generation. No question.

First principal of mafias while hunting their target; no witness. Which means, everyone who present during the hunting will get kill. Even children and innocent people. That's why messing with them is a wrong move.


"You'll let it slide?" Taesan daringly asks the police officer. The man looks reluctant.

"As expected..." Ji Seok softly murmurs between his breath. Taesan huffs silently.

"You're questioning our credibility? It's not like we want to, but dealing with these... We put the risk on our life. Not only us, but our family as well!"

"What about those people who tend the business at the street? Don't you think they need a protection by the authority? They have family to feed and protect, too!" Ji Seok gradually starts to raise his voice. Taesan taps his hand softly.

Ji Seok halts.

"Sir... May I ask a question?"

The officer nods.

"If we handle this by ourselves, will the police takes action in case of things turn south?" asks Ji Seok. The police officer frowns. Maybe he takes his time to think.

"If the authority allows us to take action against those mafias, whether you like it or not, we will breach the law. Someone might be dead, who knows?" says Taesan. "You won't like it, but we have no choice. We have to protect ourselves," Taesan continues.

"We won't allow that!" the police officer starts to get prick.

"Then, tell me... Which one of you guys; those detectives from your unit, willingly sacrifice their life for us?"

That question from Taesan makes the police officer shuts. He stares at Ji Seok's bummer face. Those bruises, even by looking at them, his guts churn like crazy.

"We are ready to enter the battle field. We know, there is no way police will meddle this case. But, we want a guarantee. A guarantee that no one from our side will go to jail," says Taesan. "We are not seeking for fight. This is an act of self protection," he continues.

Now, the police officer really walks on the thin ice. More like crossing the river of larva. Times is thicking.

"I wish you nothing but the best. We can't do anything as well. So, I guess we'll have to close the case and pretend that it just a small dispute between locals," he grabs a file on his table, scribble something before pack his bag and ready to leave.

"I hope no one dies in the process. Good luck for you," he says before leaving the room. Ji Seok and Taesan stares at each other.

"Husband huh?"

"I wasn't even prepare for anything. Since we have a hot night last night, I assume that we're good to go," Taesan grins.

Ji Seok's hand quickly slaps Taesan's head, making him winces in pain.

"Last night, we were both drunk and stupid!"

Taesan holds back. He stares at Ji Seok's fury eyes.

"I'm drunk. But I'm not stupid. I know what kinda of situation we had last night. And, I think you're not stupid enough to deny everything, hyung..."


Taesan clamps Ji Seok's face between his palms. All those moments from last night flash on his sights like projectory images. He had never feel so alive. It was the first time since the last time they had a fight.

Ji Seok grits his teeth silently. His anger never ends when it comes to Taesan. So did his love, too! He hates him as much as he loves him. He wants to kill him as much as he wants to kiss him.


"I won't force you, Ji Hyung. I'll wait until you're ready. I know you'll say no if I ask you now. So, I'm not ready to break my heart. Not today. Let's put this aside and focus on our priority," Taesan pours everything before Ji Seok could say anything. The man sighs and nods in tiny.

"But... There's something that I want for you..."

"What is it, San?"

"Please don't asks me to stop loving you, hyung..."

With that, Taesan softly lands his lips against Ji Seok's lips and give him a peck.