
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 10: vengeance

Annabelle looks around.

Where was she? Everywhere is dark. The moon shun brightly but to Annabelle it seemed to be of crimson colour.

She could hear screams of women and crying of children. Everywhere is set ablaze. The thick smoke sourced from the burning  of wood made

everywhere hazy.

A large rock bears an orange stone on its pinnacle and is guarded by the king's men. It is placed in front of the village acting like a shield.

The scream and cries were getting louder. Annabelle stands in front of an already burning hut witnessing the terror before her,

Why were the king's men doing this?

Of what benefit will the death of innocent children be to them?

" Take the child Esmeralda and escape" a masculine personnel says and then coughs. The figure was inside the hut, which Annabelle stood in front of.

Annabelle pauses listening to their conversation.

" You have to keep her save till Henry gets help from the druids" the voice speaks as if on his dying breath.

Just then a baby begins to cry.

" What's her name?" The masculine voice asks

" Annabelle" a feminine voice replies speaking for the first time

Annabelle pauses she then attempts to push open the door to the hut, but she is sieved through.

Annabelle turns staring at the door behind her. Was she dead?, Perhaps a ghost.

" She is beautiful"

Annabelle turns looking at the duo.

It was a man handicapped by a fallen wood laying on his abdomen and beside him stood a woman weeping.

She is awed by the lady's appearance. She was a replica of her, exactly like her.

Annabelle moves towards the duo, it was now clear to her that they couldn't see her.

In the arms of the lady cuddled in the crying baby, the baby in her dream. The child with the blonde hair and hazel eyes.

The woman removes the locket, Annabelle's locket placing it on the child's neck.

Annabelle eyes are watery, the whole scenario was now clear. She now understood her frequent dreams. The mirror was right.

" You must flee, she is the child of the prophecy she must live" the man beckons. His grey beard hover from side to side. He gasps for air falling dead.

Esmeralda cries bitterly, staring at the now dead man. She immediately stands up sniffing as she heads out, she pauses at the entrance observing to see if any of the king's guard were close.

She puts on her hood fleeing into the dark.

" She is trying to escape" a guard screams after sighting Esmeralda.

He beats his horse and is later accompanied by two other guards.

Annabelle cries chasing after them, she wished she could fly, she wished she could stop the king's men. Her mother!

In an instant her legs feels light, she disappears.

Annabelle opens her eyes. It had been all a vision. She was back in her world of misery.

Annabelle picks the locket from the floor flinging it violently, the locket striking against the room wall.  she cries.

It was all a vision. She sobs holding her stomach. She couldn't think straight.

Her village was burnt, perhaps her mother killed. All at the words of a prophecy.

She had been made to suffer all her life due to the deeds of a single man.

She had to do something, something remarkable.


Anastasia walks gracefully, her chin high, chest out and hands at rest.

She arrives her brother's room. He was getting dressed.

" Brother!" She calls out as she rush towards him hugging him tightly.

Richard gives her an incredulous stare. Had she really missed him?

" The palace was dead without your trouble making attitude" she jokes giggling.

Richard force a smile.

" You look thin, you must have been maltreated in the dungeon, those filthy guards! How dare they?" Anastasia eyes flare up. He face reddens.

" It's nothing. At least am back" Richard replies grabbing his sister's shoulders.

" You had better not cross the palace gate or father will have thrown in the dungeon for good" She warns. Putting on a serious face.

Richard gives her a careless smile, landing on his bed.

" Have you seen Vanessa?, Your future bride" Anastasia questions.

"Who?" Richard questions.

" Vanessa, my friend, I and mother's choice as your bride"

Richard laughs, holding his stomach.

Anastasia face reddens. She gives her brother a disapproving look.

"And if I may ask, what's funny?"

"Your choice!. Vanessa?, I won't marry her in a million years to come" Richard says laughing once more.

" And who do you think would be suitable for you?'"

" Just wait and see" Richard winks at his sister.

He lay on his back supporting his head with both his palm. His mind drifts to Annabelle.

" Well she better be of high status and be courteous" Anastasia warns.

She looks at her brother. She could see he was no longer interested in their discussion.

" If I may, I excuse myself"

She says turning to leave her annoying brother


Annabelle once again cross the border between Othwaine and the forest of Lot.

She was different this time. The creature of the forest could tell. The hooting owls kept shut and the singing birds had swallowed their melodies.

Annabelle pauses at the ascending stones in front of the seer's cottage.

She was here again but for a different cause, in search of a new knowledge one she should have acquired long ago.

She climbs the stones approaching the little door to the cottage.

The door swings wide open letting out a foul smell.

Annabelle smiles, the smell was now a perfume to her, diffusing into her organs to nurture her desires.

" Come in" the seer commands.

Annabelle  bends stepping into the hut.

The same green liquid bubbled and smelled, but she cared not.

" I see you found out the truth, your aura of goodness has left you" the seer says smiling.

Annabelle stares at the woman. She looked disgusting. Her teeth had gotten more rotten than it was the last time she came.

"Here is your book of spells, I was instructed to give this to you" the seer picks up a lengthy book of leather covering stretching it over to Annabelle.

Annabelle stares at the book for some moments. A gift from someone.

Well whoever it was, she cared not.

Annabelle collects it quickly. Her hazel eyes was now vague.

" You wish to know something?" The seer asks. She could read Annabelle's thought.

" You said I had powers?" Annabelle questions.

The seer nods in affirmation to her question.

" When will they begin to manifest?"

" At the ball tommorow" she replies.

Annabelle stands up in an attempt to leave. She then pauses turning towards the seer asking her a frightening question.

" By whose hands shall the king die"

The seer Expression changes. She knew what Annabelle meant.

She stare at her palm before finally giving her a response in low tone.

" By the hands of a witch" she replies smiling sickly.

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