
Love and Three Chances

[WARNING: R18, MATURE CONTENT, NO RAPE] If you had the power to turn back time, would you use it to save the man you love? [Excerpt] "You cannot escape from me, princess. Your biggest mistake was turning me back to life. Unless you return me to my grave, you will be forever bound to me. That would be your punishment." ********************************************** A Werewolf King who died two years ago was accidentally resurrected by a grieving princess who had the power to turn back time. On the night of her honeymoon, Elisia became a widow because of an accident. Out of her loneliness, she used her power to rewind everything that had happened to her. She successfully turned her husband back to life but to her disappointment, he couldn't remember her. Instead of reuniting with her supposed-to-be-dead husband, she found herself in the hands of Thane Cromwel, the Werewolf King who planned his own death two years ago. She was given three chances to return the king to his grave and if she fails, Thane promised to kill her husband again. Two souls connected by time, divided by fate. Can Elisia control her destiny and stop the man who swore to kill her husband again? Or will she accept the punishment for altering the fate of others? Will she accept who she really was when she uncovered the truth about her identity? Book cover generated on novelai.net Follow me on IG: author_skymaiden FB: Sky Maiden

sky_maiden · Fantasy
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93 Chs


Thane ran as fast as he could to reach Elisia. He continued to follow her scent, and it got stronger as he got closer to where she was.

It was just her second day in Versipellis, so he did not expect to encounter a problem that soon. He was mad at himself because he was unprepared for what could happen to the princess. He admitted he was reckless.

Elisia was his only hope of getting rid of the curse. He was running out of time because the next blood moon would be happening in two weeks, and that's when he would become a monster.

After a few minutes, he heard voices from a distance. He stopped behind the trees to check his surroundings and saw the members of his pack hiding by the tall grass.

"Everything is set. Dahlia had already washed the blood on her hands. She would bring five of us to bring the princess to the castle." A woman with a ragged voice said.

Thane's eyes were flaring with heated anger when he heard those words. His heartbeat became faster when flashing image of Elisia bathing in her own blood occupied his mind. His sharp fangs showed up when he growled. And then, he howled.

His howl echoed throughout the city. Every member of the the werewolf king's pack heard his calling. It was a warning to the citizens of Versipellis who dared to be the werewolf king's enemy.

The witches tried to escape but they could hear the sound of the wolves running towards them in different directions. They stood in the center waiting for the wolves to show up. Knives, bows and arrows were on their hand to protect themselves.

A big gray wolf with blue eyes was the first one to appear, followed by the others. He returned to his Terran form to speak with the witches.

"Where is our princess? Our king demands you to give her to us." He said in a firm tone.

The man was named Zero. He was a rogue and a part of the Night Howlers Clan in Mirrikh. He recently became one of the king's warriors when he saved Mia's life.

"T-The princess? She's not here. She was—" One of the witches was cut off when a black wolf jumped on her.

It was the biggest wolf they had ever seen and they knew it was the werewolf king. Rumor said that Thane inherited some of Zion's powers, and his wolf grew after it was transferred to him.

The witch shivered from fear as she stared at the black wolf's scarlet eyes.

"Y-Your eyes!" She shouted.

Some of the members of the pack already saw their king's eyes. But for Zero, it was his first time.

"What's with the king's eyes?" He murmured.

Marcus was now beside him in his Terran form. They were both naked not minding the presence of the witches around them.

"The werewolf king's eyes are mirrors to Acheron and Tartarus. Once you stared into his eyes, you could see the punishment you will receive in that place. It will also start to haunt and torture you as if you are already there." Marcus whispered.

Zero was surprised. He heard that the werewolf king had a unique power that no shapeshifter could have, even Zion.

"If I were you, answer us quickly and do not lie to your king. Where is she? Is she still alive?" Marcus asked .


"What the hell are you doing?"

Everyone turned to the woman who just spoke. It was the princess. She had a minor cut on her neck, but looking at her from head to toe, she was fine.

"Lady Elisia!" Zero called.

Elisia's eyes widened when she saw Zero and Marcus without any clothes on.

"Put something on!" She yelled.

"Oh we didn't bring a change of clothes. Don't be bothered. We're always like this after returning to our Terran form." Zero explained.

"But it's e-emba—"

Elisia paused when she heard a loud growl just a few steps away from her. She turned to look at what it was and saw the black wolf.

It was huge and furry. He was different from all the wolves she had seen. His eyes were fuming with anger, but for some reason it didn't scare her.

She slowly walked towards the wolf while staring into his eyes. There was something in them that pulled her to get closer.

"Acheron! Mother!" She whispered.

She raised her hand to touch the wolf's face. The members of the pack and the witches were staring at the two creatures in the middle of the park.

For the werewolves, they knew that the king was mad and no one was allowed to touch him if he was in rage. Marcus was about to stop Elisia when he heard Alex's wolf growl.

"Wait. Let her be." Alex said in a mind link.

Elisia slowly reached the wolf's face. At first, the wolf snarled at her but she didn't stop and didn't even look away. She smiled when her hand felt the softness of the wolf's fur.

As Elisia continued to touch the warm thick hair of the black wolf, the dark clouds covering the moon slowly vanished. The wolf's majestic and proud aura glistened when the moonlight touched his body.

"Look at the king's eyes." Zero murmured.

Marcus and the others were stunned when their kings scarlet eyes turned silver. They couldn't believe that a werewolf's eye color could change, especially an alpha or a king.


Elisia knew that the black wolf was Thane, and she admit that he was so beautiful when she saw him in his wolf form.

Thane lowered his head in front of Elisia, making everyone in awe once more because the werewolf king looked like he was bowing to the princess. While Elisia didn't utter a word and obeyed the king.

"Take the witches to the castle, and don't let anyone escape." The king ordered.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The werewolves answered as they stared into the direction where their king and the princess fled.