
Love And Revenge Of A Vampire

(BE AWARE THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT) "If you dare to struggle again, I will kill you," he murmured gradually as he licked her earlobe. "Pl-Please don't-" she said stammering however before she could finish her sentence she felt a furious agony and a scream escaped from her mouth. ...... The story depends on a cold, pompous, and merciless pureblood vampire and a human young lady who knows nothing about the vampire world and its principles however then what occurred in the earth which drives her to lay underneath this vampire and make her beg for her life.

Sheenzafar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


English is my second language, so please ignore it if you find any grammar or other mistakes. THANKS!


The smell that I was way too familiar with… I cried… I cried! … was it my fault? If I had not left them because of my foolishness? "Say, is it my fault, Father!!?" I shouted, hoarsely towards the body that was planted on the ground with a sword implanted in its chest, piercing the heart. 'Dammit…'

Mother, after finding out about the death of father and brother, went abroad to relieve her sorrows.

With my mother gone, I was left alone. I hadn't known what to do with my life anymore. Everything looked bland as it could get. Thinking, maybe death is better than living like a walking ghoul that was hollowed. It was then I met Adrian.

Thought I couldn't call it sharing but he did help me to relive my sorrows. Sometimes having a company other than none is better.

I understood it at that point in my life. He gave me motivation and also a piece of information that made me furious beyond belief.

Katherine, that bit*h, left me for some whore hunter! I was mad! Not on her, but on myself to fall for such a slut. Gathering myself and with the help of Adrian, I once again took the mantle of the King of Vampires!

"Daniel, what's the matter brother? You called me for?" Hearing a voice, brought me back from reminiscent. I looked back and saw a man that looked to be 23 with a kept beard that gave him a roguish and wild look. I smiled.

"How you're doing, Adrian? It's been a while since I met you?" I said while walking towards him and hugged him.

"Quite good. And the reason why we haven't met for some time now isn't because of a certain king not doing his duty properly and leaving everything to me?!" Adrian asked, resentfully. But a smile never left his face.

"Oi! Don't be like that! You know I have things to do and am not good with office stuff!" I said, denying his accusation.

"Alright, alright. Tell me why you called me?" shaking his hand, Adrian asked.

Showing him the picture of the girl, I said. "I want all the information you can get on this girl."

Adrian, when looked at the picture, raised a brow. "Why are you looking for her? Did you fall in love or something?"

"Nothing like that, just interested in her" I shook my head. 'Me? Falling in love after all that Katherine's drama? Impossible!'

"Well, I do kind of know her!" Adrian said making a thinking face.

I was surprised to hear his answer, "You do!"

"Yeah, I mean she is their only daughter!"

"WHAT! Then why did you never tell me?!" I asked.

"Because you never asked," Adrian said, shrugging his shoulders.

I became speechless. 'This guy! He is doing it on purpose!'

"Anyway, set a meeting for me with her parents!"

"Wait! I would not recommend that. They don't want to involve their daughter in this mess!"

"That's not mine but their problem" I look towards him, seeing him sigh. "Alright, I will arrange it."

"Thanks. By the way, what is the name of their daughter?" I asked, curiously.

"Jamima!" Adrian said as he was leaving the room.

I looked out the window, 'It is finally time to take my revenge! Father, Brother, and my fallen comrades. I will never forgive them for taking your lives. Just like how they took everything precious of mine, I will take theirs!'


I take my phone out and check that it was a mail from Adrian, 'Damn, He is fast!'. Looking at the mail, I smiled. 'Things are finally getting a little interesting. Hehehe~ I wonder what their faces will be when I take her as my blood pet! Must be a delight to watch!'