
Love and Magic: The Gen Zequel

will add this soon.

totallycutiee_ · Fantasy
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47 Chs

chapter 3: Lauren Johnson-Partridge

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]

Flashback from fifty-one years ago


"Good morning, Aunt Tia!" I greeted Aunt Tia through the mirror.

"Good morning Lauren, have you made up your mind about you being the next guardian?" Aunt Tia asked as she smiled.

"Yes I did, and I do want to be the next guardian of the Magicias. But if it's okay to you, can I still ask for your assistance?" I asked as I frowned.

"Of course, it's totally fine to me, Lauren." She replied as she nodded.

Aunt Tia spent the whole year assisting me about this guardian of the Magicias, its history, its uses, special magics and so many more. As I get used to learn about it, Aunt Tia started getting weak, and I had to help her out along with Juliet's mother. A month later, Aunt Tia passed a way with a rare disease that runs in their family. I felt bad for Julia, who is Juliet's mother, because she has no one left with her right now. So, I decided to leave the house and bring some of the breads from my Mother's bakery. As I arrived at their front door, I knocked and she opened the door after a few minutes.

"Good morning Julia, I just wanted to check on you-" I said as the door opened then I cutted off my own sentence.

"Edward?" I said as I did my confused face.

"Lauren Johnson, it's been a long time since we last cross paths with each other." Edward said.

"Oh don't even mention that 'last time', Edward." I said as I sighed.

"Sheesh, alright then." He said then he scoffed.

"Mind if I come in?" I asked then he nodded and I walked inside.

"So, what brings you here to the Fitzroys' place?" He asked as I placed the basket of breads on top of their counter.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?" I asked as I turned at him and he closed the door.

"Well I asked you first, so—" He said then I sighed.

"I decided to pay Julia a little visit, I know she is going through a rough time right now, especially with Juliet and Celestia gone." I said as I looked at him.

"Well that's a nice for a girl who rejected me in the past, but apparently Julia is a good friend of my father, and they asked me to stay here for a bit until she feels okay." He said as he scoffed then he walked towards me.

"Can you just quit repeating the time I rejected you? We both know that I had reasons for it and one of those is that because you are such a player." I said as I groaned and glared at him.

"That's what your brother described me to you? Well I am not surprised at all, besides I was just joking around, Johnson." He said as he chuckled.

"Travis didn't describe you like that, I did. And for the record, I am not in the mood to listen to your awful jokes." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Please, just because I am one of the popular guys in high school, you had the audacity to think that I am 'such' a player?" He asked as he glared back at me.

"You literally broke the other girls' hearts along with your other friends, Edward." I said.

"You do believe in rumors, don't you Lauren?" He asked.

"Even if I do, I wouldn't be surprised at all. Besides, didn't I tell you before that I love or loved someone?" I said as he walked closer to me.

"Oh, that lame Romeo LeyBare? Well sucks for you, he broke up with you a long time ago just for a girl who likes your brother." He said as he smirked.

"Shut your mouth because you don't know what is really behind of all of it, Edward." I said as I walked away from him then I grabbed the basket of breads.

"Sheesh, you really never go along with my jokes, Lauren. And by the way, if you are planning to bring that basket upstairs to Julia's room, I'd say that you must wait for her to wake up. She doesn't want anyone to ruin her sleep." He said as I walked to the stairs.

"Alright then, but I wouldn't stay here for a long time and I need to check something in Juliet's old room." I said as I looked at him.

"I'm pretty sure Julia wouldn't be happy for you to enter Juliet's old room without her permission, Lauren." He said as he walked towards me.

"I promise I will be quick, why don't you cover for me, Edward?" I asked.

"Whatever just be quick, and if she catches you entering Juliet's room without her permission, you're the one to be blame." He replied as he rolled his eyes then we walked upstairs.

After awhile, we arrived outside Juliet's room then I slowly opened the door and we started to look around.

"Looks like Julia planned to keep her room like this even with her gone." I said as I sighed and we went inside.

"I really like her room, Juliet must've been an organized person." Edward said as he crossed his arms.

"She really is, and to be honest with you, this is the first time I've ever entered her room." I said as I looked at him.

"Wait, really? I thought you and Juliet were very close and that you were able to be in her room?" He asked as he frowned.

"We are, but we only known each other for almost a year, and I really didn't thought of entering her room. We spent most of our days in the coffee shop near the school." I replied as I smiled.

"Wow, I wish I could experience that with someone one day, someone who I could truly be with." He said as he sighed.

"What do you mean? Aren't you friends with the other guys back in the days?" I asked as I frowned.

"I am, but only because I was forced to. You see, my sarcastic and player attitude started when I joined William's group. Because I was once a shy guy just like Travis, and I just wanted to make friends. Honestly, the only time I could show my true self is with the person I have always love." He replied then he looked at me.

"But, because of my other-influenced attitude, I got carried away from who I really am." He continued as he let out a sigh.

"I-I'm sorry about that Edward, I didn't know and I shouldn't have judge you too quickly." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright Lauren, I understand back then that you rejected me for someone who you should you truly be with." He said as he smiled then I smiled back.

"And I know it sounds like a wrong time,

but do you want to grab a coffee some time?" He asked.

"I will think about it, since I am not really in the love department at the moment." I replied as I chuckled then he chuckled back.

Timeskip to thirty-nine years ago

"Hey honey, you have been in that Magicias lair of yours for the whole two days. Shouldn't you rest a bit? Our son is worried sick about you, well mostly me." Edward said as he went inside.

"I'm sorry Edward, I just need to focus on how will I manage to keep an eye on both magics at the same time." I said as I turned at him and I stood up.

"But I don't want you to be sick because of that, you really need some sleep as Doctor Edward would say." He said as he walked towards me then we hugged.

"B-But I am almost finished with it-" I said as he cutted me off.

"Come on Laury, I don't want you to have another sleepless night. I'll try to help you with this, while you go to bed and have a goodnight sleep, okay?" He said as we looked at each other.

"Are you sure about that, honey?" I asked as I frowned.

"Of course honey, so give me your Magicia uniform and I will take care of this." I replied as we released from hugging.

"Thank you Edward, I love you." I said then I kissed his cheek.

"I love you more, my Lauren." He said as he smiled then I left and go to bed.

Timeskip next day

"Good morning sweetie! I have some exciting news for you!" Edward said as I slowly opened my eyes then I sat up.

"Good morning sweetie, wh-what is it?" I asked as I frowned.

"I figured we will build an academy for these magics, so that you can be able to passed the guardian role and the roles of the users based on their performances, especially with  the enemies still around." He said as he opened a chart.

"Th-That's a great idea, Edward! But I am not sure that we can build an academy as soon as possible. Besides, Aunt Tia once said that these Magicias and Dad's fortune telling should remain a secret. We couldn't open this kind of academy in public, it could destroy everything." I panickedly said.

"Wow, my brain really functions fast especially when I just woke up this early." I continued.

"Don't worry, I already made a plan about it. Since your crystal ball chooses random people as the users, you can use your convincing skills towards them to help you with these whole Magicia thing and for the Devilio team's magic to be over." He said as he chuckled.

"So, you want me to just convince them? What if they won't agree with this fantasy stuff?" I asked in confusion.

"Trust me, they will agree. As long as it is about helping, I'm sure that they will sign up for it." He replied.

"I guess we could make that work, but how could we build an academy when we should keep this as a secret?" I asked as I stood up.

"Well, since you are the guardian of the Magicias and fortune telling, I thought you could create some sort of-" He said then I cutted him off.

"Portal, you're a genius, sweetie! Thank you so much!" I said then I pulled him in for a hug.

"I was supposed to say another thing—but you're welcome, my love." He said then he kissed my forehead.

~ mj <3