
Romantic moments II


I caressed her cheek with the back of my hand.

I calmed down and everything were clear now even the water at the dam settled.

"Do you love me?" I asked looking at her

"Yes, more than I love my wings." She blurted

I traced my cold fingers along her jawline and down the curve of her neck.

my cold touch made her shudder, it was my first time touching a girl but I felt like I've been doing this for years. I love Sara more than anything in the world.

"Sara, even if there were no gravity I'm sure I would still fall for you. you're a diamond my eyes can't assume, you're my morning ray of sunshine and my evening beam of light, there are two things that brighten my day, one is sun and two is your smile." I smiled then kissed her forehead, oh my goodness she smells so good I wish I could savor her scent every morning.

"Sometimes when I'm broken, I come to the palace and when I see you my heart heals, you're my lifetime healer. Sometimes when have a heavy heart and I see you, hear your jokes.. everything drops, you own a huge part of my heart." Wow, I never knew Sara could be this sweeter.

When we're having a wonderful moment together, one soldier Landed and said, "Prince Lafnis, your father needs you at the castle."

"Ok I'll be there shortly."

What a problematic caller, this is one of the best moments of my life.

"Sara, wait for me here, I won't take long." My assuring words were soft and clear.

I flew to the palace in a speed of lightening, I even reached the castle earlier than the sent soldier.

"Father, you called for me."

"Yes, we have a meeting in about an hour to come."

"Ok father, I'll be back before the meeting starts." I flew back to Sara continued creating beautiful moments with her.

She's the only one I think about.

Past one hour now, I even forgot I had a meeting.

"Sara I have a meeting to attend, meet me at the castle." I said and flew to the palace.

I met my father,mother Sara , General Ramon and King Doren proceeding with the meeting.

"Lord Lafnis, where have you been, we've been waiting for you for the past few minutes." My father said to me, gesturing me to sit down.

"As I was saying, we need to creat a super teleporting portal, I have some of the resources we will start immediately." king Joel involves me in most of his business in order for me to understand everything before my reign starts.

The meeting went on smoothly, I was caught in tight activities that the sun went down. I went to my bed and dropped like a log I wish I could say goodnight to my day splendor and my joy giver.