
Joel's POV

I don't have a good feeling about this but I have to visit planet Johen, King Doren is my friend I can't just leave him alone in this kind of situation.

All in all Joel had double thoughts about what Queen Sara told him.

I headed to my bedroom and found my wife and the bed applying oil on her feet.

"I'm sorry for the long day and night my husband."

It's night I need sleep, I need to rest for I know I'll be having a hectic day tomorrow. I dropped my battle clothes and remained with light clothes which exposed my chest and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, eww I haven't showered for two days now.

appearing in deep thoughts I laid on my bathtub and turned on the faucet, water started flowing and filled the tub. I even forgot I have my clothes on, I stood up and dropped off my clothes and I was completely naked.

Queen Sara entered the bathroom and closed the door. I noticed her entry and I slid in the tub, she came to where I was and applied soap on my hair.

"My husband hasn't it been long since we last had fun, I miss you already.." She said In a slow low sexy voice.

She's sexy indeed not even a strongest man in the kingdom can deny her what she desires.

I finished bathing and stood up from the tub without even a word, I took a towel and covered only my lower part.

"My husband, I understand you're upset and you had a long day but at least have sometime with your wife."

I turned back to her and pushed her towards the wall, I pinned her on the wall and brushed her skin with my tender lips, she smells so good like petrichor after the light rain.

I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I dropped her on the bed and entwined fingers, I turned her on even more, I set free from the entwined and removed her top dress and she was completely naked.

She looks more sexy without clothes, I kissed from the neck to the cleavage down to her tummy, she couldn't help it, a soft moan escaped from her mouth, I dropped of my towel and climbed on the bed. Her moans really turned me on I need her now.

Her erected breast and hard nipples were so sexy.

I laid on top of her and gave her little painful hickeys on her shoulder, she moaned even harder.

"I love you my wife." I whispered on her ears.

I slid myself in her slowly and she stick her feet in the air with her wings wide apart.

We had a sweet sex and after we were done we slid to the bathroom and took a bath together, we tucked ourselves in the sheets and had a sweet sound night.

The sun rose as usual, I took cup of fresh made juice and slid in my majestical robe, I know the way will be long and hectic because King Doren isn't someone you can just have a clean conversation with. I summoned General Ramon and he appeared immediately.

"Prepare 5 strong men we're heading to planet Johen right now."

"Yes your Majesty."

He bowed and evacuated.

I went back to the bedroom and found Queen Sara still asleep , I guess she's still tired from last night I shouldn't wake her up. But as I turned back to leave, I heard a sleepy voice

"Were you leaving without waking me up," She stretched and yawn, "Oh you're even ready."

"I thought you needed some sleep, sleepyhead."

I said teasingly and kissing her on the forehead

"How are you feeling now?"

"Refreshing, all thanks to you."

"I love you, I have to go, take good care of the children and the kingdom when I'm away."

"Isn't it too early?"

"No I'm late already, I were to go yesterday remember?"

"Ok take good care of yourself."

I left the castle with General Ramon and the 5 soldiers and headed towards the portal to teleport us to planet Johen.

From Andria to Johen is a long way we couldn't fly we would easily get tired and we could be suffocated by poisonous air