
Love and desire : conquering the divine beauties

The annual music festival organized by RR University of Excellence is one of the most famous event and it is everyone's dream to join and enjoy it but things turned Chaotic when in the middle of best performance, the war siren started warning the whole city and in no time the festival turned into Cry. ML : (frowning) Stop following me, Can't you hear, I said stop following me. Boy : (puppy eyes) Bro... please, you are the hero you saved us once so please bro... help us this once more... ML : (irritated) Am I looking like a fool? Why should I help you? I remember you are the one who... FL : (holds his hand) Please for me, help... They are my friends and classmates, I can't leave them alone here to die. to know more, read it... Wish you a happy reading.

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The bloody battle on the road

The all city is in state of panic and driving on the roads that is full of abandoned vehicles, zombies walking and attacking the people and people saving their lives. 

Augustya is not feeling good after seeing all this while on the other hand Laxman is just ignoring it all casually, he kept driving and because of some unknown reason his eyes are filled with anger and his emotionless face is too horrifying.

"Laxman... Stop the car they need our help." Augustya just can't ignore this bloody scene where people are eating other people, the screaming of dying people... He just can't ignore it. 

But Laxman ignored his words after listening and Augustya says in anger "have you lost your senses? I am saying stop the car they need our help." 

"Just ignore it, they don't deserve your kindness because these cowards can even betray and kill their own savior for food and water" 

His cold blooded eyes when he replied is enough to clear that there is no place in his heart for humanity. Even while driving the car he didn't care about who is standing on the way and just crushed every single person who came in middle of the road no matter it is zombie or human. 

At this Augustya didn't take time to sort out that his bestfriend is no more like before, but he just can't ignore it. He again angrily said "Laxman just stop the car, I can't stand still when those monsters were attacking Innocent people"

Hearing out Augustya's words, Laxman took the U-turn and stopped the vehicle near the place where those people were stuck and without wasting time Augustya came out from vehicle and started firing on that herd of zombies. 

The nonstop roaring of Augustya's rifle attracted the attention of those zombies towards him successfully and gave those people the chance to save themselves. 

"Damn it, why they keep increasing, buddy I need help, if their number keep increasing then it took no time for them to surround us" 

After emptying three magazines on zombies, Augustya call for he help from Laxman because those zombies didn't stop coming it was like that their number is endless. 

Laxman who is still standing ideal even after seeing the anxiety on his face, Augustya is brave and talented fighter but still all this sensitive and horrifying scenarios were horrifying for him.

"It's already enough for you, you wasted more than three hundred bullets, stay aside and let me clean this mess, and one more thing, You are not going to use guns anymore" With those two cool sharp swords in both hands, Laxman came forward.

"Where you found these swords?" Augustya's asked curiously with those starry eyes while looking those badass swords in his hands that somehow worked like boosters that boosts his excitment. 

Those people saved by Augustya were still standing behind a near their car because there is no way for them to escape because the gun sounds had already attracted the zombies from all directions. 

When everyone is panic, the only guy who is still normal is Laxman, he spin those swords twices and walked towards that approaching herd of lunatics. Augustya got worried but his confident steps towards that herd stopped him from interrupting him. 

"Raghu, what is happening outside?" Tara who is also worried and asked Raghu who is standing sitting near the screen and watching the situation outside. 

"Tara, your husband gone mad, he is walking towards those monster with only those two blades in his hands, and even he stopped Augustya from firing." Raghu replied.


The clash between hundreds of zombies and Laxman started, he is using his sword like a grand swordmaster who mastered the art of sword and in just ten minutes he killed all the whole zombie herd, the blood stream painted the road and the bloody scene made those people standing near Augustya vomit. 

The girl between them tried her best to restrain herself from vommiting but failed and just vommited next to Augustya and he was lucky because on time Augustya made distance from her. 

"Are you mad? can't you vomit on side instead of beside me" He irritatedly yelled on that girl and she got embarassed but before she can reply she suddenly turn and vommited again and again.

"Aashvi, daughter stop looking there" The middle aged lady standing next to her strokes her back and relax her. 

"Its all done, shall we leave now?" He was completely stainted in blood and his blood covered were giving him a psycho killer look and seeing it Augustya just nodded gulping down the terror stuck in his throat. 

"Sir, thanks for helping us, we will never forget your this favor" The man who is also the head of that family said and with him all the other people thanked him but without giving any reply he sat inside his vehicle.

Augustya then takes a look at those survivors and gently said "Everyone, take care of yourself" 

Augustya open the gate to sit inside but and those survivors who thought they were from military and here to rescue them stopped them and said "Why are you leaving us here, are you not here for the rescue?" 

Augustya didn't close the door road replied "Guys, we are not from military, and we are not rescuers as well, we just got to see you stuck in danger and stopped to hell you. And our work ends here." 

Those people were over a dozen in number and after hearing Augustya they couldn't help but yelled in panic "What the hell are you saying, you guys are in military vehicle, in combat outfit and carrying those army weapons and trying to fool us by saying you are not from military... Bullshit" 

The another man in the crowd loudly said and pissed Laxman, Augustya try to explain them but he is already too late because Laxman put his hand on Augustya's face and pressed it against seat so he can look at them.

"All of you, can't you understand that we are not soldiers, just get away from my vehicle before I start slashing your throats." That terrifying and manly voice, scared those survivors and they stood aside.