
Abandoned by Boyfriend

"Brian, where are you going? You can't just leave like that," said Ariana, running after the man in the black suit.

"What right do you have to stop me? Besides, we no longer have any relationship from now on. Stop following me!" Brian pushed Ariana.

"Brian, please stay here with me. Our wedding is just a few days away, can you bear to cancel it all?" Ariana teared up and held onto Brian's leg.

"I no longer care about this marriage, and I've already got what I wanted. Now I don't need you anymore," Brian replied coldly.

"What do you mean?" Ariana asked in shock.

"You were just one of the women I've slept with. Whoever among them gets pregnant will become my wife. And you haven't produced anything for me until now. I consider you a failure," Brian sneered and kicked Ariana.

"So... you mean I'm just a baby-making machine for you?" Ariana spoke with trembling lips.

Exactly, do you think I love you? Haha, don't be ridiculous," Brian smirked. "Women are just tools, as long as you know that."

Brian left Ariana stunned and frozen. Her gaze turned empty as she watched Brian's departure with deep regret in her heart.

Her body had been used by Brian repeatedly for his sexual satisfaction, and all that time, Ariana had no idea she was just a tool to him. Nothing more.

"Brian, you're evil," Ariana sobbed, still sitting on the ground.

Ariana never expected that a few days before her wedding with the man she loved, she would discover such a bitter reality. She is not ready for all of this; she is not afraid to lose her virginity for the man she loves, but she cannot bear the betrayal of his love like this. Ariana felt shattered.

Ariana screamed loudly, but her cries couldn't calm her heart. Brian's heartless words kept echoing in her ears, piercing her heart.

"Brian, you truly betrayed me. I've lost everything. I even gave up my chance to become a model just to be with you," Ariana wiped her tears that kept falling.

Ariana kept muttering, remaining in the same position. She feels that all of this is unfair; she had sacrificed so much for a man who saw her as nothing more than a tool.

"Now, what should I do? I have nothing," Ariana looked empty, completely devoid of hope.

She reached into her pocket, finding not a single coin. She also had no job. Being the girlfriend of an arrogant man like Brian, she wasn't allowed to have a job and had to sit silently at home, serving Brian's desires every day.

Now that they had broken up, Ariana was just a homeless girl abandoned by Brian. She didn't have parents either; she was an orphan.

Now Ariana's suffering is complete, not only is she an orphan girl, but she has also been abandoned by her lover.


Nine months later, Ariana continued her life and kept her pregnancy hidden from Brian. She do that to prevent him from interfering in her life again. After she abandoned by Brian she felt disgusted and hated Brian, and all she could think about now was how to raise her child well.

Not only that, Ariana had actually been in a relationship with a wealthy man. Her life was no longer miserable; it was a miracle that she met such a kind-hearted man as her current partner. However, it was a tough decision for Ariana because she wasn't honest with her partner.

"Honey, I can't wait to meet our child," said Ariana's partner, embracing her.

"I feel the same way," Ariana said with a smile. She looked at her partner with a melancholic gaze, seeing him so happy with her pregnancy. All this time, her partner believed that the child she was carrying was his, but in reality Ariana was already pregnant before they started dating.

"Sammy, do you love this child?" Ariana suddenly asked.

"Ariana, what you're asking is absurd. Of course, I love this child, more than anything," he replied seriously.

Ariana is getting more shocked upon hearing that, she can't imagine if her lover knows the real fact.

Sammy Adenner, an oil and automotive tycoon, met Ariana when she worked at a café near Sammy's office. Ariana's life sounds unrealistic, but she has been living it, and she is grateful for it.

Suddenly, Ariana winced, clutching her belly. The baby in her womb is moving aggressively, followed by her water breaking and flowing between her legs. Sammy and Ariana are shocked, and Ariana is being taken to the hospital.

Ariana grows more anxious, worrying that on the day of labor, Sammy will discover that the child she carries isn't his biological child. She can't calm down during the journey to the hospital.

"Ariana, calm down. What's bothering you? Just tell me," Sammy held Ariana's hand and kissed her forehead.

"I can't say it," Ariana said, trying to endure the immense pain in her belly.

"Whatever it is, believe that you and our baby will be safe. I'll always be by your side," Sammy said warmly.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Ariana was immediately taken to the delivery room. Now, Sammy is waiting in the waiting area, feeling the tense atmosphere amidst his anxious feelings. He can hear his wife's groans as she is in labor.

From a distance, someone is keeps a watchful eye on Sammy. The man then makes a phone call. Sammy doesn't realize it; he is solely focused on his wife, worrying about her and their child's fate. He is unaware that the child isn't his.

Shortly after, Sammy hears the baby's cries. Loud cries that indicate the birth of the child he has longed for. Sammy expresses his gratitude and smiles. Soon after, a doctor comes out of the delivery room along with a nurse.

"How are my wife and child condition?"

"Congratulations, sir. Your wife has given birth to a baby boy. She's still inside, resting after the labor."

"Thank you, Doctor. May I go in and see my wife and child?" Sammy looked overjoyed and eager.

"Sure, but please try to keep the atmosphere calm as the mother still needs rest."

"Wait! You have no right to go in there." Another man held and pulled Sammy's shoulder. "I'm the one who has the right to go in there."

"I have the right to go in there."

Sammy turns and stares at the man angrily. "Who are you?"

Hello, I've been on hiatus for a long time, I'm still unsure about the quality of my story. Please comment, whether it's about punctuation; plot; etc

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