
Lost friend

Next day, Aarohi is sitting in her room lost in her own dreams. She lost her smile and feel heartbroken because eventually, she lost her childhood best friend, shivansh for making nihar happy. She stopped talking to him, ignored his calls and messages for last few months so that nihar wouldn't feel uncomfortable. But, now she is missing him and the regret of losing him destroying her from inside. She wanted to talk to him but she hasn't able to collect the guts.

Aarohi is lying on her bed and suddenly, her phone started ringing. It's an incoming call from shivansh. First, she hesitated and decided not to pick up the call but atlast she finally picked.

Shivansh: Hello

Aarohi: Hi (in a dull voice)

Shivansh: (in a friendly voice) What kind of dull hi is this!? And this is how you should talk to your best friend with such a low voice. This is not acceptable, Aarohi!

Aarohi: I am sorry, Shivansh.

Shivansh: For what!?

Aarohi: For ignoring you and embarassing you.

Shivansh: (laughed loudly) Ohhh embarrassing me😂 the biggest embarrassment for me is that you are my best friend 😂 and you should be sorry, not for ignoring me but for not telling me that you missed me and for not telling me when you're in pain. But its okay, as you know i am already talking to you, that means i accepted your apology.

Aarohi: Thank you shivansh ( in a low voice).

Shivansh: Hey Aarohi! How can you even think like that i will leave you for some of your stupid action. I am your best friend! Okay? And i will stay with you forever no matter what! Even of you try to ignore me. Best friends is not only a tag we'd given each other, it's a realtionship way more stronger than any other realtionship, which doesn't require any commitments and promises. I'll always protect you from everything. Do you understand?

And i got to know about this nihar thing from Dibisha!! I already told you that boy never deserves you. He always treat you like a puppet. But leave all this, doesn't matter who says what! Now, you are free from this relationship so you've all the time to pamper yourself and live your life happily because as much i know you are the girl you live for her dreams and passionate about her choices so do what's great for you and don't you dare to cry for him again. This time i will definitely disown you.

Aarohi: (happily replied) yeah sure! I promise i will not do anything stupid again. Byee!

Shivansh: Byeeee.