
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · Urban
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30 Chs

Perky butt and sexy

~The opposite of love does not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.~

~Elie Wiesel~

When they got to the small stall which was a few blocks away from Ma Xuiying's father's company, they ordered two take-outs.

The two young ladies ate inside the car and threw the takeouts into the public wastebasket by the roadside.

"Ah, that was delicious. I really feel like having more, but am scared of gaining weight." Ma Xuiying said as she rubbed her tummy.

"Let me take you somewhere Rouxue"

Lin Rouxue looked at her and said,

"Xuiying about the invitation to the school banquet... Do you have extra?"

Ma Xuiying looked like she had just heard a joke.

"Hehe do you want to go or you're just looking for means to destroy it so that my plan won't work?"

Lin Rouxue laughed along with her. She knew Ma Xuiying would plan to kidnap her, then Afterwards force her to attend the school banquet with her. She was so predictable.

" Do you still have it? If you do then keep one for me. I'll like to attend this year's banquet."

Ma Xuiying was happy and it could be seen on her face because she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Let's go then. I know someone who can perform magic on you"

Lin Rouxue rolled her eyes at her.

Ma Xuiying laughed at her reaction and drove off.


At Glamour and splendor,

Ma Xuiying and Lin Rouxue walked through the doors. Lin Rouxue looked around the store and saw that everything was expensive judging from the material and style.

She didn't have enough money with her as she had only just received her salary of 2500 yuan. It was too small to buy even a pair of earrings. Feeling uncomfortable, she held Ma Xuiying and shook her head,

"Xuiying I can't afford anything in this store. Let's pick your dress and shoes then we'll leave. I have a better place in mind, somewhere that suits my budget."

Ma Xuiying felt bad for her best friend. Altho Ma Xuiying was from a high-class family. So she practically grew like a spoiled princess.

She already planned on using her own money to pay for Lin Rouxue's gown and jewelry for the celebration.

She let out a soft sigh. She said,

"Don't even worry about that. I have settled that matter, All you have to do now is look pretty."

Lin Rouxue rejected her immediately.

"There's no need for that. I have something else in mind"

"No way. Okay, you know what? Let me pay for today and you can pay me back later when you have the money hmm. Let go in someone is waiting for us"

Lin Rouxue looked at her best friend and felt blessed.


Before they could walk further, someone called out

"Miss Ma?"

Ma Xuiying turned around and saw Brian walking towards them. She smiled and greeted him

"Brian. How do you do"

" I have been the way you left me"

He answered and rolled his eyes. He was immediately attracted to Lin Rouxue.

" This is the Rouxue you spoke about? Ah, she's so pretty. She looks like a doll. Her skin is so smooth and fair. Gosh am so jealous"

Ma Xuiying used a magazine from the table and smacked his head.

"No groping Brian"

"Ouch. Okay no groping"

He clapped his hand, and two ladies dressed in jeans and white polo came forward. They bowed their heads in greetings to the two women.

" Master Wu how can we help"

Brian pointed at Lin Rouxue and said,

"Take her to clean herself up. After that bring out the red dress from the couch in my office and help her put it on."

"Yes Master Wu"

They answered simultaneously.

After Lin Rouxue was taken away,

Brian and Ma Xuiying sat down to chat, they had a lot of things to catch up on.

"What happened to your long hair"

Ma Xuiying touched her hair and sighed. everyone was asked about that lately.

"Nothing. I just felt like looking different"

"That's okay. Come with me I have something for you. It'll suit your taste."

Ma Xuiying followed him to another room.

The room was filled with different dresses and different styles and designs.

Anyone could tell that they were expensive.

As she was looking around, her eyes caught something. She walked towards the black box and opened it.

What she saw made her gasp. This was the new and latest release from the jimmy choo Cinderella collection, it only came in 5 different colors ad only 5 pairs. One for each color.

She had tried to convince her father to get a pair for her. Unfortunately, by the time she had traveled to us for business exchange, he was too late because they were all sold out.

She smiled happily and tried to let Brian sell it out to her for whatever the price.

"Brian how did you get your hands on one of the jimmy choo Cinderella collections?. Wah, it's so pretty. How much would you sell it for?"

Brian's lips twitched slightly

"It's not for sale. And for how I got it... You won't understand."

Ma Xuiying's eyes dimmed when she heard him, she tried to convince him but she was Interrupted by a knock on the door.

" Come in "

Brian said.

One of the ladies who Brian sent out to attend to Lin Rouxue came in.

She informed,

" Master the lady is ready."

He came out of the closet with a brown bag and walked out.

When he got to the private dressing room, he was blown away by what he saw.

Lin Rouxue was trying to adjust to the thin trap hand of the gown, she was not feeling comfortable with the way her back was open.

She was so distracted that she didn't hear the gasp of the people from the room.

When she finally raised her head, she was surprised to find Ma Xuiying and Brian at the door.

Feeling relieved, she said

"Xuiying. Don't you think the back is too exposed? You know I don't like wearing such clothes."

Ma Xuiying felt like smacking her head.

Rolling her eyes,

" Are you nuts? You look sexy and so beautiful in this dress. Wah, it brought out your perky but and accentuated your thin waist. You could even pass off as a top model. Like I said. Don't worry about anything all you have to do is look pretty and sexyᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ"

Brian was still stunned by the woman in front of him. She had a slim waist,

sexy collar bone,

nice and well-shaped tits and to top it all, she had a well-rounded perky butt. she was his new goddess. AH so sexy.

Clearing his throat, he passed the brown bag in his hands to the apprentice while instructing them to handle Ma Xuiying's dress.

After she left, he handed his business card to Lin Rouxue.

He smiled and said,

"What do you think about working for me. I'm a fashion designer in need of a model, and it seems to me that you have the credentials and looking for. As for the pay, we'll discuss that when you are ready."

Lin Rouxue didn't know whether to cry or laugh, she smiled and replied.

" You're too polite Mr. Brian. I'll consider your offer"


Yo yo yoooo

To see the dress they both wore for the occasion

Check my Instagram page @

