
Chapter 177 Run Over Henry With a Car!

Mrs. Lewis came in strong, but suddenly, she didn't know what to say.

But a few seconds later, she came to her senses. How could Rosa overpower her?

"I know. You left with your lover!"

Hearing this, Rosa was not angry.

She slowly stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Mrs. Lewis. She said with a smile, "I didn't know lying comes with age. You are not young anymore, are you? Are you sure it's okay for you to twist facts?"

Mrs. Lewis's face darkened. "Rosa, don't you dare go too far!"

"Why is this going too far?" Rosa was confused. She hadn't said anything yet!

Mrs. Lewis looked at her and asked, "You've been gone for five years, so why did you come back? For what purpose?"

Rosa did not say anything. She pressed the speaker button. Soon, Harmony's voice came from the other side. "What's the matter, Director Reborn?"

"Make me a cup of coffee!"


Then, Rosa hung up the phone and sat down on the sofa. She was in a leisurely and relaxed state.