

A story of love, betrayal, friendship... Join Love as she takes you through her life's journey. Nothing Flashy and Glittery. But as the saying goes not all that glitters is Gold. Love was the second child of her parents. Growing up in the eastern part of Nigeria, She had nothing to worry about because she was surrounded by people who loved her. Everything changed when she took the scholarship, when she met him, he changed her mind and mentality towards life. David, the only child of his parents, who doesn't believe in love and feels he doesn't deserve to be loved. In his heart lies a secret that destroys him slowly. What happens when he meets Love, the spirited nigerian girl who believes so much in love? Will she be able to mend him or will he break her? Love is a fighter and this is her story.

Mabel_U · Teen
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11 Chs


Nigeria, Enugu State

Love's POV

The rain poured down heavily, as though it had a grudge on humanity, hitting everything that was in its way.

I leaned on my window pane looking out through my lightly fogged window at the heavy downpour. For some reason I just love watching the rain fall. The sound brings me instant calmness.

I turned toward my digital clock on my bed side table and the time was flashing 11:00am. I heaved a deep sigh and walked towards my reading table. It was a Saturday morning, I was through with my usual saturday chores so definitely it was time to study.

The rain had been falling since I got out of bed by 5am for morning prayers, at this rate I don't think it would stop any time soon.

I better make myself useful.

I took out my Mathematics textbook from the pile on my table, since it was on my timetable at that time, I flipped to Partial Differentiation and began to go through it.

I read in silence for about 30 minutes when someone barged into my room. I looked up with annoyance ready to shout at whoever came in when my eyes clashed with my mother's and the anger dissipated.

"Come down for breakfast and put on something warm, the weather is cold" She said and began to walk out.

I look down at the cotton top I was wearing and it was indeed light so I grabbed a sweater from my closet and walked out of the room.

My food was already dished so I just carried it and made to move to my room when my Mum's voice stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going? Will you bring that food here." My mum shouted from across the dining table.

"But mum I have so many topics to cover, and I want to cover them while eating" I replied pouting.

"Are you the only one going to school in this house? Comon bring that food here before I meet you there" My mum shouted looking at me square in the eye.

I walked slowly toward the table so grateful that my dad traveled. If he was around it would have been worst because he had warned me severally to stop eating in my room.

My Mum is your typical Igbo Nigerian Woman, always shouting in the name of correction but I don't blame her though, some things can be so annoying.

My Dad on the other hand is so strict, he is so principled to the core. I really admire him.

"Love, pass me the glass cup" My sister Vivian said stretching out her hand towards me.

I rolled my eyes. Then reached for the glass.

"You know the word 'please' is just six letters right?" I said as I placed the cup into her outstretched hand.

"Whatever" She said getting up from the table and heading to the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes again. Typical Vivian, trust her to always get on your nerves, she has an A+ in that regard.

Vivian was the first of my Mum's three children, me being the second and my little sister Chelsea the third.

My Dad was a die hard Chelsea fan, I guess that was how my little sister got her name.

"Thanks Mum" I said as I stood up from the table and headed to the kitchen to wash my plate.

"Thank God" my Mum replied as always. She was typing away on her phone.

When I got into the kitchen, the first sight that greeted me was Vivian relaxing on the kitchen counter taking some Snapchat pictures.

"Of all places to take pictures, you chose the kitchen" I shook my head.

"Okay?" She rolled her eyes ignoring my very existence

"Madam please can you shift so that I can wash my plates" I was almost at my breaking point

"I'm not even close to the sink"

"Yes you are, you are occupying breathing space"

"Go some where else and take your pictures" I added

"Why are you attacking me today? Did they send you to spoil my day? If they did, tell them you didn't see me." With that she hissed and walked out of the kitchen.

"Whatever" I muttered and proceeded to wash my plate.


It was semi dark in my room when I opened my eyes. My eye went to my digital clock and 5:43 pm was flashing continuously. I noticed that the rain had reduced to a light drizzle. I yawned and got out of bed. I really over slept.

After Brunch, I decided to rest my head a little but I ended up falling asleep.

I walked out of my room and headed towards the kitchen I was madly hungry. I needed something to eat ASAP.

I met my mum in the kitchen with Vivian. They were putting finishing touches to dinner.

"Mum, Good evening" I greeted.

"Ehen, I hope you're well rested now?" She asked because I had complained of a headache earlier on.

"Yes Ma" I replied looking around the L-shaped arrangement for something to do. The kitchen had a white decor which made it look somewhat fancy like all this kitchen you see in white movies. The kitchen was my second favorite place apart from my room.

Dinner was ready in the next five minutes with the additional hands.

"Love, go and call your sister to come and eat" Mum said already dishing out the food.

"Cheals, food is ready" I called from the staircase.

"Are you mad? Go up to her room and call her and stop shouting like a mad woman" My mum shouted from the kitchen

I stormed up the stairs to her room, I didn't even bother knocking.

"Tell me you didn't here your name" I said as soon as I got in.

Chelsea was just sixteen years practically close to adulthood and she was still acting like a child.

Right now she was sitting on the bed, her laptop opened in front of her with a movie paused on the screen and a bag of chips opened beside her.

"I won't, because that would mean lying and I don't lie" she replied with her mouth full.

I rolled my eyes at her. I think I've been rolling my eyes a little too much these days but who can blame me when everybody is set out to annoy the living day out of me.

"Dinner is ready if you like come down, I don't really care" I said and slammed the door.

"Abeg don't break my door oh" I heard her shout.

"Do you want to break all the doors in this house? Can't you close a door gently for once in your life?" Mum asked as soon as got back to the kitchen

"Then tell everyone to stop annoying me" I muttered underneath my breath

"What did you say?"


"I've asked you never to do that" Mum raised her hand to hit me

I dodged her hand like a missile, which it definitely is.

"I'm sorry Ma" I said quietly

She hissed and left the kitchen

I breathed a sigh of relieve. That was close.


We ate dinner in silence and after that everyone retired to their rooms. Tomorrow was Sunday and we leave for church as early as 7:30 am.

The Church is far from the house, so we needed to leave as early as possible or we might end up arriving at the end of service (No kidding).

I got ready for bed, said my prayers and got comfortable. I was reading a page from a novel when my eyes started dropping, I closed it and decided to sleep.

I was almost asleep when I heard a loud bang on my door. I jerked up only to be confronted with my sister's scowling face.

"Vivian, Oh God" I groaned

" What do you want?"

"Did you take my ear buds from my room?" She asked angrily.

"Is that the reason you barged into my room like a psycho? Ask Chelsea. I'm not with it" I said dismissing her.

She left banging my door.

"Onye n'eme that noise, who is making that noise?" My mum called from her room.

I closed my eyes trying to get back to my land of bliss.

After a really long while, I finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I hope you enjoy this book. It's Nigerian themed. Stick with me, I promise you will not regret it

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