

In the Bible, they called the Raven unclean and associated it with death. It was one of the 5 animals allowed to be killed in Islam, and these negative traits overshadowed the Raven's intelligence and problem-solving abilities. There was always a distance between it and people, it was the being that carried the divine light and brought the life force as it played a key role in the creation stories of the universe. He was the keeper of secrets, and he was a cheater, but that couldn't be seen as negative, because cheaters were the characters who survived, who were witty, the most charming, and creative. Raven, who sees and knows everything. Raven the symbol of the sun. Raven the cheater is gracious but harmful. * This is not a fairy tale. This is the life inside an author's book. What if the author falls into a world she has never created before?

burmeser · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Easily Made, Easily Broken

If you tell a writer that she will die tomorrow, she says, "I haven't been able to put all my grief on paper yet."


The biggest and most famous nightclub in the city. Here the music and the dancing people never stopped. Because the system in this club would not allow them to move away from the music and leave the dance. Drugs and drinks. You can't even imagine what you can make people do with just these two.

He was sitting in the most luxurious lodge on the second floor of the nightclub. Reagan Morgan. King of the city. Ruthless businessman Reagan Morgan.

He had a disturbing smile on his face as he watched people with his whiskey glass in the glass of the lodge. "Ariadne," he called to the beautiful woman sitting in the leather armchair behind him. Ariadne was sick to her stomach when he smiled, showing his silver-plated teeth, but she smiled too, despite everything. His long black hair was neatly gathered. Reagan looked even more terrifying when his skeletal face appeared.

Ariadne was the opposite of him. When you looked at her face, you would relax as if you were looking at an angel's face. Reagan looked at the curly-haired woman with full lips, an oval chin, dark eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair with whom he had an illicit affair. All his life, neither his parents, nor his wife, nor his children had made him feel this peace. Reagan was in love with Ariadne. Ariadne hated him to death. "Before my family gets here, you better go to the house I bought for you with the guards. I don't want Regina to make a scene on this important day."

"Of course," said Ariadne with a forced smile on her lips. "I'd better go now." Picking up her small purse and getting up quickly, she headed for the door of the lodge but forgot something.

"Aren't you going to kiss your lover?" Reagan asked.

"Oh…" Ariadne said to him, smiling shyly. "Of course, I will."

She walked briskly to him and placed a small kiss on his lips and smiled again. Reagan looked happy as always. Ariadne, on the other hand, was in deep sorrow under her warm smile. "The guards are waiting for you at the door," said Reagan, suddenly serious. "Go." Ariadne nodded in agreement and walked out the door of the lodge with the guards.

The person she met as she descended the stairs with the guards did not surprise her. After all, he was the most fond of his father, accustomed to spending his time as his father wished. He would come whenever his father told him to. He was almost a copy of his father.

Alexander Morgan. Reagan Morgan's eldest and favorite son. He was wearing his glasses, and his trench coat was probably too expensive to feed the city. Ariadne looked at him intently, wishing for once that his eyes touched hers.

Alexander did not have such a terrible expression as his father. He was such a beautiful man that it was impossible to stop looking at him for a long time. He had sharp facial lines and thin lips. His ocean-blue eyes seemed to be dancing with his black eyebrows. His blonde hair was shiny, he never took off his necklace and rings from his hands. No one in the city had seen his good or bad, but Ariadne was sure of one thing: Alexander could be as terrible as his father because he was imitating his father, but how long would he continue to live like a puppet?

Alexander was at the door of the lodge when Ariadne descended the stairs. He hadn't even been aware of Ariadne's passing presence. Standing at the door of the lodge, he tapped Vermont on the shoulder and opened the door of the lodge, but this time he did not close it because the others had to come as well.

"Come in and sit down, Vermont," said Reagan wearily. "You don't have to stand at the door all day." Vermont walked in with his solemn face unchanged and sat upright in one of the single leather armchairs. Vermont was the right-hand man of the Morgan family. Reagan regarded him as one of his own children. Vermont's hair was naturally light green, and his face was beautiful enough to match Alexander's.

"Father," said Alexander calmly. "They're coming." Reagan smiled and looked out the window of the lodge, proudly watching the crowd quickly open as his family walked towards him.

The twins, Sebastian and Julian, were walking ahead. Julian's hair was naturally white. Sebastian had black hair. They were like Yin Yang, but both were worse than the other. Even Reagan was fed up with their sociopathic behavior.

Behind the twins were his daughter Melanie and his wife Regina. Melanie was one of the most beautiful girls in the city, and her heart was as beautiful as her beautiful face. Reagan loved him, but he couldn't believe how she had stayed so good amid so much evil in the family. He even suspected at one time that she might not be his own child, but Regina, blinded by her love for him, would never cheat on Reagan.

Melanie was blonde and had brown eyes. She was a fancy person, so she wore glittery makeup around her eyes even though she came to the meeting.

Regina was a brunette and beautiful woman. She had cut her hair, which used to be very long, now short. Her bangs were straight, even as if they had been ironed. She was wearing a red dress that was classy and sexy. Regina was the evil disguised as a beautiful woman. She was madly in love with her husband, her eyes never saw anyone but him.

At the back was the family's private scientist. He was looking around with his calm eyes, but you wouldn't want to see the madness under his calm eyes.

As they all took turns climbing the stairs and through the door of the lodge, Vermont stood up slowly, closed the lodge door, and locked it. When everyone was seated, Reagan leaned forward, folded his hands, and rested his chin on his bound fist.

"Since we can't all go crazy at the same time, has anyone heard where the Gazelle is?"

Although they were from the same family, they all had different stories. If the stories they realized were illusions felt so good, how would anything she write to them feel when they found Gazelle?

"We'll find that woman, Dad," said Julian with a disturbing smile.

"And if necessary, we'll make her write until all the ink is gone, even her own blood has dried," said Sebastian. Melanie grimaced, feeling nauseous. Reagan smiled.

"When I become king of the new world, I will rule both dreams and reality." Alexander's face was numb as Reagan was lost in his big dreams. Julian and Sebastian looked at each other excitedly. Melanie was looking at people absentmindedly from the lodge window, as she didn't care about any of these. Regina had a gentle smile on her face, but it was as if she was wearing a mask. It was unclear what she was feeling.

Vermont was used to what he heard, he didn't care. He had no dreams or desires. The scientist, on the other hand, couldn't wait to do experiments on this fantastic woman who got their hands on her.


Gazelle rubbed her ear as she sat by the stove in the hut with Raven. "My ears are ringing," she said with a grimace.

"So they've started," Raven whispered, pushing the empty dinner plate away from him.

"What?" said Gazelle a little loudly as her ears were ringing.

"Nevermind," said Raven, smiling at her. Raven finally realized what kind of situation he was in, but he couldn't go anywhere without keeping his promise. "Promises made will be kept," he said as he stood up. "And blood will be shed if necessary, but promises will not be broken."

Unconsciously, Gazelle reached out to the stove, enjoying the fine meal she had just eaten. And she closed her eyes and smiled.

Raven scowled as he sat on the couch in the hut and watched Gazelle. "This woman neither listens to me nor sees the world around her. Are writers always like that?"

No, Gazelle said to herself. Writers always listen and see everything. But they cannot allow the sentences they cannot write to be wasted on the tip of their tongue, in the pupils of their eyes.

"Promises are like pie crust: easily made, easily broken." But Raven didn't hear her.