

WARNING!!! ADULTS ONLY AREAS (21+) Alea is a beautiful and calm writer with potential in the action and gore trailer genre. Each of his works has always been a best-selling book. Readers melted in the plot that he made. But, who would have thought, scene after scene in the novel was his actions which he immortalized in a work with a psychopath theme. So, can Alea change? And can he have a love for the opposite sex? While psychopaths are known as figures

All1110 · Urban
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10 Chs


"Ah, uncle, don't be so naughty."

There was a woman's voice accompanied by a slight sigh from inside the room of Rafi and his wife.

"How naughty, Beautiful? You drive me crazy, Intan, you are even prettier than your late mother! More sexy and hot. I like it," said the man, kissing Intan's shoulders, shoulders, and neck and leaving many kiss marks on her neck. there.

"Oh, it's okay, Intan will be embarrassed." The girl looked down and slightly glanced up while smiling mischievously.

"Don't call Om, please, Mas, or dear, like that. I think I'll take care of my nephew again," said the man, then kissed the lips of the girl who was now in his arms.

"Haha, yes, sir." Intan moves her body sensually and hugs Rafi, a man she knows was her mother's boyfriend. The father of his mother's best friend is also his friend. Although not familiar with Alea.

Hearing the sound of something wrong from inside her parents' room, Alea stopped her steps. His brows knit together, his forehead furrowed as if someone was sharpening his senses of hearing.

While inside, the sighs and laughter of male and female voices continued. Didn't realize they had been caught.

'Who is there? How could papa and mama be that warm?' Alea thought, getting curious.

To make sure who it was, Alea walked slowly towards the door and peeked into the room through the keyhole.

Alea gaped, her eyes bulging in disbelief at what she saw, "Father with Diamonds? The two of them in the room are half-naked! What are they doing?" Alea walked back slowly away from the door, she accidentally bumped into a ceramic flower vase. Feeling nervous Alea ran outside, for fear of being caught. The girl could not understand that her father was that depraved. So, all this time he had an affair with his mother's best friend, Aunt Molly. After he died, it was his son's turn.

Hearing the sound of something breaking from outside the room, Rafi and Intan were surprised, ran to the door, and saw the conditions outside.

"There is no one, Mas. But how can this flower vase be broken, huh?" said Intan, panicked.

"I don't know either, Tan." Nervously and in a hurry, Rafi started to put on his clothes.

"Maybe Intan should go home first, especially soon Alea will also come, right, Mas?" The girl hurriedly left while carrying the bag on her right shoulder after making sure her clothes were also neat.

When opening the gate, Intan passed Alea, indeed she was a little nervous, but as much as possible she tried to cover up her nervousness because Alea had just come home and had not yet entered the gate. So obviously he didn't know what he had just done.

Alea looked sharply at Intan. His gaze was inappropriate. Makes Intan feel bad.

"You just got home, Leah?" Greet Intan friendly.

Alea smiled sarcastically. He was reluctant to reply to this two-faced girl in front of him. But, to get to what he didn't know much, he also needed to act a little.

"Yes, here. You, what are you doing at home? Is my mother home yet?" he asked, with a very intimidating look.

"No, not yet. He hasn't come back. That's why I left," replied Intan, confused.

"Why, why? Come on in, don't you just wait?"

"I'm in a hurry, Leah, thanks." The girl immediately ran when she saw a taxi passing by. Once inside, he immediately sat back with his eyes closed and breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Alea, she only smiled sarcastically at the sinner who was in a hurry to avoid her. Then, casually and as usual he entered the house. Acting as if nothing inappropriate happened that he saw.

"Good afternoon, Pa," said Alea to her father who was busy picking out the shards of ceramic shards that were scattered on the floor.

"Alea, are you home, you, son?"

replied Rafi happily. Of course, if he had had the chance to see his daughter's brilliance, he would have been hot and cold.

"That's mother's new vase, how come it broke, Dad?" Alea asked, pretending not to know and looking at her father probingly.

"Yeah, I don't know. Eh, so-and-so, dad hit me earlier," said Alea's father, stammering a little. Little by little his panicked expression began to appear.

Alea rolled her eyes, snorted in annoyance, and smiled crookedly, "That, Intan, what are you doing here, Dad?"

This time Rafi looked awkward, confused about what to answer. It made him look stupid in front of his daughter.

"What? Diamond? What's the matter? Where is she?"

Alya chuckled. "Yes, I'm tired, I want to rest first." The girl walked away with the bag in her mother and Jason in her hand.

Rafi saw his only daughter walking carefree to his room, he felt Alea's behavior had changed, not as usual. Now Alea doesn't seem to care, "Ah, maybe he's in trouble, that's why he didn't offer to help me." Rafi is still trying to think positively about his daughters,! who is increasingly closing themselves?

Alea lay down, her calmness began to rumble. How could a person who he had respected so far behave so lowly, betraying his mother?

'Does mom know all this? Is this the reason they always fight every day? Then, if you do know, why are you still on good terms with Aunt Molly and keep this broken marriage?'

Alea was silent dreaming as she lay down on the bed. His mind wandered far away and tried to guess the mystery that was in his life. this is complicated.