

WARNING!!! ADULTS ONLY AREAS (21+) Alea is a beautiful and calm writer with potential in the action and gore trailer genre. Each of his works has always been a best-selling book. Readers melted in the plot that he made. But, who would have thought, scene after scene in the novel was his actions which he immortalized in a work with a psychopath theme. So, can Alea change? And can he have a love for the opposite sex? While psychopaths are known as figures

All1110 · Urban
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10 Chs


Rafi straightened his hair and shirt in front of Intan's door. He didn't want to disappoint a girl her daughter's age with her appearance if she was wrinkled. So, he had to maximize the view before he finally knocked on the door. Whether it's a coincidence or what, he just reached out for the door, all of a sudden. The owner of the house who is none other than Intan is opening the door. From the way he was dressed, it looked like he was going out.

"Mr. Rafi?" said Intan surprised.

"Loh, where are you going, Tan?" Rafi asked awkwardly. Like a teenager who just fell in love.

"Here, suddenly there is an impromptu meeting, Mas," answered Intan feeling uneasy.

"Oh, okay, if that's the case, bro, will you?"

"Yes, sir."

Finally, Rafi took the diamond to the place where he was the boss and his co-workers were going to have a meeting. Meanwhile, Rafi, feeling a little disappointed, finally had to return. Arriving at home, his wife Yulita was sitting in the living room. However, the man was indifferent to the presence of his wife.

"So fast. I thought you weren't coming home tonight. I didn't think so, man," said Yulita, laughing crookedly without looking at her husband.

"You don't like to find trouble and provoke my emotions, Yul!" Sannaped Rafi. furious.

"So, what have you been doing all this time? Our child has grown into a teenager! You shouldn't continue like this, Mas!" Yulita shouted in a voice that was no less high. In the end, fighting was inevitable.


On the way, Alea started to feel nauseous, maybe she caught a cold because she had never given a motorbike, especially at night. But he still tried to hold it even though it was already in his throat.

Arriving at a hill, Maxmiliam stopped his motorbike, "You see there Lea!" he exclaimed. The two people saw the light emanating from the city lights like stars scattered over the earth. Tiny, many irregulars but provide a truly unsightly beauty.

Lea looked, it was quite beautiful, but she couldn't enjoy it because the nausea was getting worse. But a moment later he was stunned by the figure in front of him. Maxmiliam. Usually, he sees only wearing formal office clothes. Tie and suit. Here he is wearing dark blue jeans and a tight black t-shirt showing off his figure. And the attached leather jacket added to the man's valor.

Alea didn't realize many things, suddenly Maxmiliam was very close in front of her, only an inch away. But nausea that he had been holding in for so long now spilled over into the man's clothes.

"Alea, what are you doing?" Maxmiliam panicked while massaging Alea's nape.

Alea continued to eviscerate her stomach while occasionally shaking her head in response to Max's question.

"You don't usually ride motorbikes, do you? Well, let's just go home, okay? I'm sorry, next time I'll take the car when I take you," Max said guiltily.

Alea nodded, led by Max to his motorbike.

"Sir, I'm sorry," Alea said quietly feeling uneasy.

"What, sir?" the man asked, chuckling. "Am I like your father, right, Lea? Just call me Axel when I'm outside. Let's get closer, okay?" The man looked at the girl in front of him and patted her on the shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm not used to it. That, the jacket, was dirty with my vomit. How about I just wash it?" said Alea.

Axel was silent. He looked seriously at the girl's face. Then from his lips, he said, "Then, you want me to ride a motorbike with a bare chest, like that? What if my masculine body is glimpsed by many women?"

Alea stifled a laugh while looking down. "Then just wear my father's clothes, will you?"

"Wear the clothes of the future father-in-law? Who's afraid."

Alea's face reddened with embarrassment. Axel's ragged words were either sincere or not succeeded in making his heart flutter.

This time Max was driving not as fast as before, very slowly. Aiming to reduce the wind that hit him and Alea.

As she almost arrived at her house, Alea suddenly remembered something. He touched the handbag he was slinging on his shoulder.

"Xel, let's stop here first," said Alea, stopping the motorbike when she arrived in the middle of the city.

"Why?" Immediately, Axel slowed down and stopped right in front of the distribution store.

"I just bought a change of clothes for you, sir. Eh, Xel. Sorry," said the girl, looking down.

"Why, why? You don't want to lend your father's clothes to me?" the man asked.

Alea shook her head.

"Why? Afraid your papa won't give permission?"

"I don't think it's worthy, my father is old, while you are still very young," Alea denied. He just didn't want Axel to come to his house because he was afraid that if his parents got into a fight, the man would find out.

"I'm fine wearing this, just Lea. It's cleaned and dried, it's a leather jacket. No problem!"

"I will remain in charge."

Max smiled. Then he got off the motorbike and took off his helmet. He waited a long time for Alea, it seemed that the girl was having a hard time opening her helmet. So, Axel helped him.

"Thank you." Alea smiled and his smile was returned by the man with the blue-gray bead.

After choosing clothes and a jeans jacket for Axel, who is none other than the boss at the office, they left the place and headed for Alea's house. However, just arriving at the corner of her house, Alea again stopped Axel's motorbike and insisted on getting off there without wanting to be escorted home. Axel's various ways of persuading, Alea's various ways of refusing, until the victory was on Alea's side.

Axel relented and went home. While Alea walked approximately five hundred meters.

As usual, Alea took off her shoes on the terrace, then carried her into her room, again when she stopped when she stepped in front of her parent's bedroom door.

"You are a philanderer, Mas! You never want to change! If not for me, change for Alea!" shouted Yulita, Alea's mother.

"I did not divorce you and then marry Molly, that was my sacrifice for Alea, why? The medical costs after the accident were very large, Moly sacrificed a lot for me because I love Alea, I just refused her request to marry her."

"You even brought up Molly's name in this matter? You know, she did that on purpose so Alea died and there's no reason for you to divorce me and then marry her. And now you're having an affair with Intan, her daughter. How would Alea feel if she found out? "

Yulita's sobs were deafening, and so heart-wrenching for Alea.

"Because Intan is very beautiful, I don't care, even if I know for sure from you," said Rafi, not caring.

Unable to stand her mother's cries, Alea walked to her room. He's still silent. Tired of living like this. Every day there is no end to the fight between his mother and father.