
Love's Triad

Amid swirling emotions, Moxie finds himself caught between two captivating guys: Ares, who used to bully him but now stirs unexpected feelings, and Lucifer, a mysterious stranger whose arrival changes everything. As Moxie tries to figure out what he really wants and who he really is, he faces tough questions about love and connection. Will he give in to Lucifer's mysterious charm, or will he find comfort in the complicated relationship with Ares? In a journey full of intense feelings and uncertainty, Moxie's heart will be put to the test as he discovers what he truly desires. Ares's smouldering gaze promises a forbidden thrill, while Lucifer's whispered words hint at darkness tinged with irresistible allure.

Vivicxer · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


I stood before the mirror, my reflection stared back at me, a mixture of uncertainty and determination etched on my face. The question lingered in my mind, a persistent whisper that refused to fade. Do I really have to go to this party? The answer was not an easy one, a battle between duty and desire that waged war in my heart.

On one hand, I wanted to attend for Ares, to show my support and stand by his side. But on the other hand, there was Lucifer, a man who intrigued me in ways I couldn't explain. The thought of spending time with him, of delving deeper into his soul, was a temptation that was hard to resist.

I studied my reflection, taking in the curve of my waist and the length of my legs. My outfit, a combination of a crop top and flared jeans, hugged my body in all the right places, accentuating my figure in a way that was both bold and alluring. I loved the way it looked, the way it made me feel. Confident, powerful, sexy.

With a practised hand, I ran my fingers through my hair, tousling the strands until they fell in a messy cascade around my shoulders. It was a look that I had perfected over the years, a style that was both effortless and captivating. I knew that it would turn heads, that it would draw attention. But more importantly, I knew that it would make me feel like me.

I slipped on my jacket, I took one last look in the mirror, ensuring that my crop top was well hidden. I didn't want to raise any suspicions with my family, who were already wary of my late-night outings. With a deep breath, I headed downstairs, my heart pounding in my chest.

In the foyer, Neuvi was waiting for me, his leather jacket and dark jeans giving him an air of rebellion. As he turned to face me, a playful smirk spread across his face. "Ready to go?" he asked, his voice filled with excitement.

I offered him a nervous grin, trying to match his enthusiasm. "Yeah, let's do this," I replied, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through me.

He gave me a teasing look, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "You sure you're ready for this? It's Ares's party," he warned, a playful tone in his voice.

I laughed, feeling a sense of anticipation building within me. "I can handle him," I retorted, my voice filled with confidence. I've already handled him, he's pretty much my secret boyfriend. But then again, why did I say 'boyfriend', we've never officially dated. He never asked me to be his boyfriend. Are we just enemies with benefits?

As we headed outside, Neuvi's motorbike gleamed in the moonlight, a symbol of freedom and adventure. As I climbed on behind him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for.

"So, any particular reason you're hiding your outfit from your family?" Neuvi asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

I glanced down at my jacket, feeling a pang of guilt. "Yeah, I told them I was just hanging out with you," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "They're not exactly big fans of the whole party scene."

Neuvi nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert at flying under the radar," he quipped, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I chuckled, feeling a sense of gratitude for his understanding. "Thanks, Neuvi. I appreciate you helping me out with this," I said, sincerity colouring my words.

He offered me a reassuring smile, his gaze warm. "Anytime, Moxie," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty.

As we sped off into the night, the wind whipping through my hair, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

As you and Neuvi roar through the night on his motorbike, the adrenaline pumping through your veins, Neuvi's voice breaks the exhilarating silence. "So, about Ares..." he begins, his tone heavy with contempt. "What the hell's the deal with you spending time with that asshole?"

You grip onto Neuvi tighter, trying to maintain your balance as his words hit you like a punch to the gut. "Hey, watch your fucking mouth," you snap back, a surge of defensiveness rising within you. "Ares and I have our shit, but it's none of your damn business."

Neuvi scoffs, his expression twisted in disgust. "Bullshit, Moxie. You know he's bad fucking news," he retorts, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're just asking for trouble hanging around with that prick."

You grit your teeth, feeling the anger boiling beneath the surface. "I said it's none of your fucking business, Neuvi," you growl, the tension crackling between you like lightning on a stormy night. "I'll hang out with whoever the fuck I want."

Neuvi's eyes narrow into slits, his jaw clenched so tight you can practically hear his teeth grinding. "Fine, do whatever the fuck you want," he spits, the venom in his voice slicing through the air like a razor blade. "But mark my fucking words, Moxie. When that piece of shit Ares fucks you over, and he will, don't you dare come crawling back to me for sympathy. You've been warned, and if you're too goddamn blind to see it, then you deserve every bit of the shitstorm that's coming your way."

The weight of Neuvi's harsh words lands like a physical blow, igniting a fierce fire within me. Without a second thought, my fist clenches, and fueled by a surge of adrenaline-fueled anger, I swing it back and land a solid punch on his back.

"You know what, Neuvi?" I seethe, my voice dripping with venom. "Fuck you too. I don't need your damn warnings or your goddamn judgment. I'll make my own fucking choices, and I sure as hell won't be looking to you for approval."

Neuvi winces as my words hit him like a sledgehammer, his expression a mixture of surprise and hurt. But I'm too consumed by my own rage to care.

"I'll deal with Ares on my own terms," I continue, my voice trembling with the force of my emotions. "And if that means getting burned, then so fucking be it. But at least I won't be the one standing on the sidelines, too afraid to take a goddamn risk."

My chest heaves with the weight of my anger as I demand Neuvi to stop his motorbike. "Where the fuck are you going? Ares's party is far," he retorts, his voice tinged with frustration.

I glare at him, my eyes blazing with defiance. "I don't give a damn, Neuvi. I'm not about to spend another second with someone who thinks they can control me," I shoot back, my voice dripping with contempt.

Neuvi's jaw tightens his grip on the handlebars visibly tensing. "Fine, have it your fucking way," he spits out, his words sharp and biting. "But don't come crawling back to me when you realize what a colossal mistake you're making."

I ignore his warning, my resolve unyielding. "I won't need to," I retort, my tone cold and final. "Because, unlike some people, I'm not afraid to face the consequences of my own damn choices."

With that, I dismount from the motorbike, the ground beneath my feet feeling solid and unwavering. As I watch Neuvi disappear into the distance, a sense of liberation washes over me. I may be heading towards Ares's party, but I refuse to let anyone dictate my path or my decisions.

Maybe Ares and Lucifer.

As I made my way through the crowded party, the music pulsed in my ears, a steady beat that matched the rhythm of my heart. The scene was chaotic, a sea of bodies moving in time to the music, drinks in hand and laughter on their lips.

I navigated through the throng of people, my eyes scanning the crowd. I saw one guy in the bushes, hunched over and vomiting. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, making a mental note to avoid that area. I saw a couple on the balcony, locked in a passionate embrace. I averted my gaze, feeling a pang of awkwardness. I saw drunk people, stumbling and laughing, their inhibitions long gone. I couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at their antics.

But then, amidst the chaos, I saw him. Ares. His muscular frame was hard to miss, his chiselled features and piercing eyes drawing me in like a magnet. I felt a familiar heat rise within me, a desire that was impossible to ignore.

But just as quickly as my gaze landed on Ares, it shifted to another figure. Lucifer. He was standing across the room, his curly hair and piercing gaze sending a shiver down my spine. Wait what, LUCIFER? What was he doing here? The question lingered in my mind, a persistent whisper that refused to fade.

I don't know what to do.

I don't see Lucifer with his girlfriend, so he is alone by himself. 

But I see Lucifer talking to Ares in front of the table with alcohol. Shit, Shit, SHIT.

I want to hear what they are talking about. Are they talking about me, or are they just introducing each other? I don't know. 

I watched Ares and Lucifer from a distance, my heart pounded in my chest. The sight of them together was too much to handle, a mix of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. I couldn't tell if they were hitting it off or if the conversation was awkward, but either way, I needed a distraction.

'Just stop overthinking,' I told myself, trying to shake off the nagging feeling in my gut. But it was no use. I couldn't seem to quiet my mind and let loose like everyone else around me.

Feeling overwhelmed, I made my way to the bar and ordered a drink. Maybe a little alcohol would help me relax and forget about all my problems. As I sipped on my drink, I could feel the warmth spread through my body, and for a moment, it was blissful. But as soon as I finished my first drink, I already felt the urge to order another one.

And so, I did. And then another one. And another one after that. Before I knew it, I had lost count of how many drinks I had consumed. But the numbness and the buzzing in my head felt good. It was a temporary escape from my worries.

With a sudden urge to dance, I made my way to the dance floor.

I let the music take control of my body, my hips swaying and my hands roaming my body. I didn't care how I looked or what anyone thought of me. All I wanted was to forget about everything and just dance. My eyes were closed, and I was lost in the music, my hands now up in the air.

I was dancing like a stripper, and I didn't care. I took off my jacket, revealing my skin in a crop top. My hair was messy, and I probably looked like a hot mess, but I didn't care. I was having fun, and for a moment, I felt free.

But as the alcohol continued to flow through my veins, my head started to spin. I couldn't even think straight, but I kept on dancing, hoping that it would help me forget even for a little while.

As the party continued, I found myself lost in the music, my body moving in time with the beat. But then, I felt someone behind me and start dancing on me.

At first, I thought it was one of my friends, so I didn't pay much attention. But then, I felt his hands on my waist and his body pressed against mine. I turned around, expecting to see a familiar face, but instead, I was met with a complete stranger.

He had a sly grin on his face and his eyes were roaming all over my body. I could feel his hands wandering lower and lower, and then I felt it. His dick, pressing against my ass. I was taken aback, not knowing how to react. I tried to push him away, but he only pulled me closer.

The music was still blaring, and the lights were dim, so I couldn't make out his face. I knew I should have been mad or scared, but for some reason, I wasn't. Maybe it was the alcohol or the adrenaline, but I found myself dancing along with him.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear, 'You like that, baby?' I was too dizzy to even answer, so I just nodded my head. His hands were now roaming all over my body, and I could feel my heart racing.

I tried to look around to see if Ares or Lucifer were watching, but they were still talking to each other. I was alone, with this stranger who was now grinding against me. I started to feel a little scared, not knowing who this man was or what his intentions were. But then, he started to spank my ass, and I was shocked. I realized with a sinking feeling that I was being harassed by a stranger, and I didn't know how to make it stop.

I couldn't bring myself to stop.

I was enjoying the attention, the thrill of doing something so risky. I was behind him now, my hands on his back and neck, pulling him closer. I could feel his hair in my fingers, and it was soft and silky.

But then, suddenly, the music stopped, and the lights came on. I could finally see the face of the man who had been dancing with me.

It was a complete stranger, someone I had never seen before. And in that moment, I felt a wave of fear wash over me. What if he had bad intentions? What if he wanted to hurt me? I quickly pushed him away. But he pulled me back, his grip tightening on my arms. I panicked and screamed, calling for help. 'HELP! I'M GETTING HARASSED!' I could feel everyone's eyes on us as we were causing a scene.

But the stranger didn't seem to care, he just kept trying to kiss me on my mouth. I kept moving my head, trying to push him away, but he wouldn't stop. I felt helpless and scared, not knowing what to do.

I saw Ares and Lucifer push their way through the crowd, their expressions furious. Ares reached us first, his eyes blazing with anger. "Get the fuck off him!" he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

The stranger didn't stand a chance. Ares punched him in the face, sending him sprawling to the floor. I stumbled back, my heart racing as I tried to catch my breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Lucifer standing beside me, his expression concerned. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.

I nodded, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I had never been so scared in my life. But in that moment, I knew that I was safe. Ares and Lucifer were there, and they would protect me. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I was okay. Everything was going to be okay.

I nodded, still in shock from what had just happened. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said, my voice shaky. Lucifer wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. "It's okay," he murmured. "You're safe now."

Ares turned to the crowd, his expression dark. "The party's over," he declared. "Everyone get the fuck out." People began to file out of the room, whispering to each other and casting nervous glances in our direction.

As the room emptied, Lucifer led me to a nearby couch and sat down beside me. Ares joined us, his eyes still fixed on the stranger, who was beginning to stir. "I'm going to call the cops," Ares said, pulling out his phone. "This piece of shit needs to be held accountable."

I nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards Ares and Lucifer. They had protected me, and I knew that they would make sure that the stranger faced justice. As we waited for the police to arrive, I leaned against Lucifer, feeling his warmth and strength.

As Ares and Lucifer stood guard over the stranger, Lilith, Neuvi, and Daiyu rushed over to me. "Moxie, are you okay? What did Ares do this time." Lilith asked, her eyes wide with concern.

I nodded, still shaken up from the encounter. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little rattled. He did nothing, he protected me."

Neuvi put a comforting arm around my shoulders. "What happened? We saw the commotion and came over as fast as we could." Oh now, Neuvi cares? I knew it. I mean he cares because he doesn't like seeing me hurt.

I took a deep breath and explained the situation, my voice trembling as I recounted the details. Lilith's expression darkened as she listened, and Daiyu clenched her fists at her sides. Neuvi looked like he was ready to pounce on the stranger himself.

As Neuvi landed two punches and a kick on the stranger, Lucifer held him back, trying to calm him down. "Neuvi, stop! You're going to kill him," Lucifer shouted.

Neuvi ignored him and continued to yell at the stranger, who was now bleeding from his nose and mouth. "Don't ever fucking touch my friend," he spat out, his eyes filled with rage.

"Neuvi, stop! That's enough," Lilith shouted, trying to pull him away from the stranger. Daiyu looked horrified, her hand covering her mouth as she watched the scene unfold.

I stood frozen in shock, unable to believe what was happening. Neuvi had always been the calm and collected one in our group, never losing his temper or resorting to violence. Seeing him like this was both scary and surreal.

"Neuvi, please," I finally managed to say, my voice shaking. "He's not worth it. Let's just go."

Neuvi hesitated for a moment, his chest heaving as he glared at the stranger. But then he seemed to snap out of it, his shoulders slumping as he took a step back. "You're right," he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Moxie. He fucking deserves it" He does. But still, I don't want more drama.

"I understand," I said in a low gentle voice.

"That's it," Lilith declared. "We're leaving. This party is a disaster."

Daiyu nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go. This party is officially over for us."

As we turned to leave, Ares spoke up. "We'll handle this guy. You guys should go."

Lucifer nodded in agreement. "We'll make sure he doesn't bother you or anyone else again."

I gave them a grateful smile. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it."

With that, Lilith, Neuvi, Daiyu, and I made our way out of the party.

As we walked out of the party, the cool night air hit our faces, providing a stark contrast to the heated scene that had just unfolded. Lilith and Daiyu flanked my sides, their arms wrapped around me protectively. Neuvi walked ahead of us, his fists still clenched, his breathing heavy. I could tell he was still trying to calm down.

"Neuvi, are you okay?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face us, his eyes still filled with rage. "I'm fine," he said, his voice low. "I just can't believe that guy thought he could touch you like that."

Lilith spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "Neuvi, we've never seen you like this before. Are you sure you're okay?"

Neuvi took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I'm sorry, guys. I just lost it. I've never hit anyone before, but something inside me just snapped."

Daiyu placed a hand on his arm, her touch gentle. "It's okay, Neuvi. We understand. You were just trying to protect Moxie."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Neuvi. Thank you for standing up for me."

Neuvi gave us a small smile, his eyes softening. "Anytime, Moxie. Sorry about before, you know."

"It's okay, I forgive you."