
Love's Deadly Game

"Love's Deadly Game" tells the chilling story of a serial killer named Richard, who becomes infatuated with his female professor, Dr. Emily Holmes. Despite his dark past, Richard experiences a profound change of heart, deciding to leave his murderous ways behind for the woman he loves. As Richard desperately tries to outrun his own sinister reputation, he finds unexpected support in Dr. Holmes, the professor sees a glimmer of redemption in Richard believing that love can triumph over darkness. However, Richard's past and the secrets he carries threaten to destroy their fragile bond. As the two navigate their treacherous relationship, Richard's past victims haunt him. Emotions intertwine and fear escalates as both Richard and Dr. Holmes question the authenticity of their connection. The line between love and obsession becomes blurred, leading Richard down a dangerous path that only Dr. Holmes has the power to illuminate. In a shocking conclusion, the roles reverse, and Dr. Emily Holmes reveals her own sinister side. In a twisted turn of events, she becomes the hunter, sentencing Richard to his final moments. As the killer is brought to justice by the one he loved, readers are left to ponder the complexities of love and the darkness it can sometimes conceal. "Love's Deadly Game" explores the depths of human psychology, the boundaries of love and obsession, and the unforeseen consequences that arise when two damaged souls collide.

WilderKp · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 13: A Risky Game

Still stuck between his past and his new ways, Richard finally made a decision to really turn his life around. He didn't want to be that predator looking for his next victim anymore. Instead he wanted to be with Dr. Holmes and actually make a life with her. 

Did she want to be with him too? Maybe, but there were more to her than meets the eye. See Dr. Emily Holmes also had a dark past, darker than Richard's past and it was chilling to even know what she had done before becoming a professor. 

Richard had no, on earthly idea, what he was about to walk in to and even then he won't know until it's too late. 

When Holmes' was about six years old she watched her dad murder this young girl after he had raped her. He made his six year old daughter watch as if he was trying to teach her his ways. So in her entire younger years she grew up in that environment, watching her father do the things he did and then when she turned seventeen she got into it herself. She had found her first victim in high school and ever since she has been on the prowl. 

Now she's a professor and her next victim is seeming to be Richard. Although she does have feelings for him, her way of thinking is fucked up so much. 

"I am more than infatuated with you Emily, and I have decided that I don't want to keep doing those awful things!" Richard told her as they were in the classroom waiting for the rest of the class to show up. "I'm glad I can bring the good out in you Richard. I am most definitley infatuated and more with you as well, now go sit down, we don't need people to question us because I could lose my job!" Emily said as she brushed her hand over his crotch area. 

Richard most definitley had a boner at this point but he went and sat down trying his best to cover it up as the students walked into class, pulling their laptops out and talking amongst each other while Richard sat there thinking about his professor as he catches her staring at him. 

So this is really a risky fucking game for Richard because he doesn't know all of things you guys now know about Emily so he really thinks she wants to be with him, and maybe she physically wants to deep down somewhere but the only thing on her mind is all she has ever known. 

"Richard can I see you out in the hallway please?" Emily asked. Richard's heart started pounding and he thought he was doing something wrong. When Richard steps out into the hall, Emily grabs his arm and they flee to the bathroom where she pulls his dick out of his pants and tells him that she wants it right now. 

After Richard had made love to his professor, they hurry back into class and she finishes the lesson on Psychology 101. They go on about their business and the day finally comes to an end. 

Richard was so happy, laying in his dorm room bed just thinking about how much he really loved this woman. He made the decision that he was going to tell her tomorrow how he really felt and he just couldn't wait. He lay in bed that night tossing and turning, thinking nonstop about her. 

The next morning came and he rushed right to his class, hoping no one else would be in there. Today was their one year anniversary anyway so in Richard's eyes, it was time to tell her that he loved her. 

When he got to the classroom, there she was sitting in her chair with her tanned legs showing, wearing high heels, and she even had her dress on that she had on the first day of class. Richard thought "She knows and I think she is going to tell me to." 

He approached her with a sexual demeanor and began to tell her that he needed to talk to her and wanted to tell her how he felt and she said "I was going to say the same to you, why don't you come to my house tonight and we can make love and talk about it." 

Richard agreed and sat his things down in his seat. All day he kept thinking about going to love of his life's house. 

He was looking down at his phone when Dr Holmes said "Richard I need to see you in the hallway please." He thought to himself that he shouldn't have been on his phone and stepped out into the hallway. She, once again, grabbed his by arm and took him to the bathroom right down the hall and locked it. She got on all fours and told him to give it to her hard from behind and that tonight when he comes over she was gonna ride him and be the one to fuck him. So he agreed and did as she told. She was screaming "Daddy!" in the teacher bathroom. 

When they finished they went back to class and finished out the day. When class was over after everyone had walked out, Richard stayed behind to tell her he wanted her again and that was when she said "Oh, don't worry babe, I'm going to give you everything you want tonight, be at my house around 7." He replied with "Yes ma'am!" and proceeded to rush home to get ready for tonight. 

When Richard got to Emily's house, the lights were off, and Under the Influence by Chris Brown was playing upstairs. When he got into the bedroom there she was in some black and red lingerie and handcuffs in her hand and proceeded to handcuff him to the bed posts. He enjoyed things like that and she knew that. 

She proceeded to fuck him like he wanted by riding him for an hour straight. Still handcuffed to the bed she than brought out her strap on that was used on her prior victims and became fucking him in a way that he was not prepared for. Afterwards she then began to use her knife to cut holes in his pants that were only down to his knees. He starts getting a little frightened. 

"I really wanted to tell you that I love you." he said shakily. 

She replied with "No one can love me because I am not who you thought I was. You were fun to fuck and be infatuated with but your time on this earth is done." She kissed him as she drug the knife through his stomach and up his chest into his neck. Telling him that she appreciated him giving me the opportunity! 

To be continued...........