

I received a call from my trainer that he is on his way, so go to my room and clean up, when I'm done I go back down, I find some left over pancakes but they won't be enough so I make more, I'm eating in the sitting room when I feel someone watching me again. I look outside through the window but there's no one there, I want to go back to my food but the feeling is prickling so I go outside to check , I walk around the house and when I'm sure there is no one, I go back inside but not before closing the doors.

I go back to the sitting room to finish my pancakes but there's a hairy creature eating it.

It looks like a raccoon and a dwarf made a baby, it's disgusting, i run to the chicken to get the pesticides but when I get back it's gone.

"Die die die" a screeching voice yells from behind me I turn just in time to spray it with the pesticides before it could reach me. It falls down, I think it's dead. What the hell is that and it spoke I must be in another nightmare. I take my phone but before I can do anything the creature rises and attacks me, its about to bite me but I kick it and it hits the wall.

It makes sounds like a whining child, and not a cute one. I runs towards me again, this time I run into the kitchen and lock the door. I can hear it banging pushing and scratching and yelling die die die.

I text my brother "come quick there is something in the house it's attacking me"

Someone may think that message is a prank but my brother knows I would never do a thing like that.

The creature is extremely strong for its size because the glass door is starting to crack.

What the hell is that.

I close my eyes so I don't have to see it but then the noise stops and the creature falls to the ground the door opens and my trainer enters

I run and hug him, Claudius is a family friend and also my doctor he has been helping me since I lost my voice, he believes that I can't get it back I just need a push, he just never told me what the push was.

Thank you I tell with sign language

"It's fine dear" he says how is he not shaken the creature was horrific.

"What the hell is a Gambit doing in the first world" a voice says and that is when I notice them.

They both look like they fell out of a good Greek mythology movie.

They both look a few years older me. One has a hard look on his face, he is almost as scary as that creature while the other is hot.

"Thank you, and don't mind Reid is always on guard mode"

"Your highness who are you talking to" the scary asked the other , I am also wondering that because he can't be talking to me.

"Her" he says pointing at me "can't you hear her"

The others shake their head no.

I turn to Claudius and sign who are these.

"Lara this is Glenn and Reid they are friends" he said and I nod.

I turn to the died creature on the floor I it's starting to disintegrate.

*What the hell is that* I sign.

"That is a Gambit, very poisonous creatures " the one named Glenn answered.